Unreleased Daisy Bell Interview Transcript

Interviewer: "Hello, Daisy, I'm happy you agreed to joining me here today, how are you?"
Daisy: "I'm... ok...you?.."
Interviewer: "Im good, now, let's get to the questions!"

Interviewer: "So, Daisy, when did you start animating?"

Daisy then pauses, quiet.

Daisy: "Too long ago to remember... so sorry..."

Interviewer: "A lot of viewers are wondering, is Daisy your real name?"
Daisy(???): "I'd...rather not say... next question, pleae.."
Interviewer: "Oh, mysterious,, alright, 'Daisy'. Well, onto our next question."

Interviewer: "One curious question- what's with the hearts around the writer's credit in one episode? Fans have been speculating about this one!"
Daisy: "It was.... a bored doodle.. next question, please."
Interviewer: "Well, fans are speculating- what is your relationship with the writer of the show, if I may ask?"
Daisy: "You may not.. next question."

Interviewer: "So, what inspired the main character, Mythix?"
Daisy: "I..have a..very similar plush at...home.. it has a lot of.. the same markings...same torn ear and missing eye.. I only added a few..extra patches...and the earring. I always..did want to add him to something.. I guess I'm glad I did."

Interviewer: "A more simple question I have, what is your favorite book?"
Daisy: "..Anything.. that Writer writes.. Next question."

Interviewer: "Do you have any favorite drinks, Daisy?"
Daisy: "I do enjoy tea.. I make every now and then.. but this seems off topic.."

Interviewer: "Are u more a nihilist or a absurdist?"
Daisy: "Bisexual actually..."

Sorry if there's any segments missing, these are only the pieces that have been archived! - Birdie

I also don't know the full order of these, as I am going by questions! - Birdie

Pub: 17 Apr 2023 16:21 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2023 01:52 UTC
Views: 132