Not Done With You

You have caused my love great pain. Great suffering. And you thought you could get away with it, didn't you? HAH. You idiot. No. I am not letting you. I am not letting you get away with this torment, Firewall. Not anymore.

Now watch. Watch as your store burns. Burns in front of you. You're trapped here, there's no escape. None. This is what you deserve. You know this. You did this to yourself.

Watch as everything breaks, shatters, as the wires char. Watch as the smoke rises, choking you. You've earned this. You've caused this.

Watch as you try to scream, to call for help. Watch as you try to get up, to escape. And watch as you fall, weak. Watch as you crumble as you catch on fire. The pain takes over.

Watch as you look to me, one last time. Watch as the fear in your eyes fade as you draw your last breaths.

Watch as your mind slows as you finally die. Die knowing that you completely deserved this.

Pub: 16 Nov 2022 16:07 UTC
Edit: 16 Nov 2022 16:07 UTC
Views: 90