A Masked Man

A masked man works at his desk, quietly ow "He seems insane" animating, before he paused, ow "Just ignore him, he's fine." expressionless under his it all hurts "He's not even moving." mask ow "He's.. creepy." he stared at the everything hurts "He's fucked up." screen, unable to please help me "He's definitely insane." work. Unable to do my arms "That weirdo." anything. my legs "He scares me." He could only I'm in so much pain "I wonder why Samuel even hired him." stare, motionless. I can't move "He takes forever to finish animations.." He said nothing, nothing please. "He's weak." He didn't even look around, mumble Please. "His voice is so.. weird." or even whimper. I don't want this anymore "He only talks to the writer." He simply I just want "I bet he's dangerous. stared. peace.

I want to stop trying

Pub: 09 Feb 2023 01:46 UTC
Edit: 10 Feb 2023 19:18 UTC
Views: 140