that's my name.
Name: Samudra Satyananda
Age: 23 (I was born in the gold-snake year)
Pronoun: He/They
Gender: Non-binary
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Switch, submissive top leaning.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini (sun), Scorpio (moon), Sagittarius (rising)
Languages: Indonesian, English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Javanese
Interests: Feminism, socialism, decolonization, Hinduism (specifically Tantric Shaktism and Shaivism), Buddhism, indigenous religions, cultural studies, politics, and ecologism.
Likes: Assassin's Creed (both game, movie, and novel series), She/Her/Her/Hers, Layton Wu, KIRE, Sisir Tanah, Silampukau, Raveena, Flo, Ethel Cain, Adrianne Lenker, Red Velvet, Kiss Of Life, The Boyz, Lana Lubany, Nadin Amizah
Dislike: Patriarchy, cisheteronormativiry, ignorance
Hi, there!
I'm Samudra, using my account to fanpeep, share thoughts, and make friends. I label my account as a cyber account. I'm open to be moots with any type of account (CA, BA, unlabelled, or whatever), however, I strictly don't reveal my RL identity/face on public (I only reveal my RL identity/face to people I trust and might have a possibility to meet up).
I love hisfic novels, shoegaze slowcore music, K-Pop, and books (mostly on feminism, socialism, and more). I myself am interested in history, spirituality, study on religions, cultural studies, and discussion particularly social issues. My tweets may encompass various topics from talking about decolonization, indigenous liberation, queer liberation, workers liberation, politics, tarot, astrology, religion (Shaktism, Buddhism, etc), and the list goes on. And to be honest, I might post some tweets that contain NSFW contents and harsh words, so, let me warn you here.
Do not follow my account and ask for being my mutual following if you're minor, homophobic, transphobic, nonbinaryphobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, zionist, racist, sexual abuse apologist, ableist, casteist, pedophile, pedophilia enabler, and/or ultranationalist.