ali • @alehnshier

she/her | 18↑ | idn/eng

account contents: haikyuu, aot, jjk, mcu, x-men, sxf, mtp, the x-files, criminal minds, and basically anything that piques my interest.

before you follow

• i mostly tweet in indonesian + some english and often use curse words
• lgbtqia+ friendly, so feel free to scoot away if it's a problem for you
• contains spoilers, mature/explicit content, fictional ships, rts/tweets of my favorites, and some rl stuff
• i also write fanfictions, which you can find here!

do not interact if

• you fit the basic dni criteria
• fandom police/elitists that harass real people over fiction
• disrespectful in any way
• spread unnecessary hate

p.s. i do have preferences for fictional characters and/or ships, but i won't force it on you or others so feel free to talk about your likings on your account.

Pub: 13 Nov 2023 16:15 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2024 12:25 UTC
Views: 513