welcome! tak kenal maka tak sayang, karena itu semoga rentry seadanya ini bisa bikin makin sayang /j

☆ abt me

  • bisa dipanggil ri, ari, arin, atau rian, but any nickname selama gak aneh-aneh is perfectly fine!
  • use he/they pronouns
  • minor under 17
  • eng/id atau campur
  • 80% nulis air mata 20% nulis kebahagiaan

♢ byf

  • sering capslock dan kadang harshwords
  • often manggil orang pakai 'bang' atau nama
  • multishipper + enjoy genderbend
  • sometimes do flirt as a joke
  • punya acc khusus yume tapi suka lupa jd kadang up yumean disini (i'll make sure to put cw)
  • up soal oc juga (again, i'll make sure to put cw)

x dfi

  • fit basic dni criteria
  • took character slander both seriously or too far
  • hate my favs
  • "oshi is mine" person
  • harass others over fiction and opinion
  • we don't share any same interest
  • don't want to interact with me

♡ interest

  • favs
    • (enstars) shiina niki, amagi brothers, tojo brothers, aoi twins, nagumo tetora, sazanami jun, oogami koga
    • (proseka) shinonome siblings, 25ji, ootori emu, shiraishi an, hinomori shiho
  • otps
    • (enstars) rinnikihime, all/anyniki, junkana, kogaan, hiikohaai, izuyuta
    • (proseka) poly 25ji with ena centric, anhane, akian, akikasa

■ note

  • always feel free to bub me, i might do the same
  • DO NOT follow tanpa dm terlebih dahulu kecuali disamper duluan
  • kind of selective sorry, kalau bukan moots kamu bisa ku block kapan aja
  • isi rentry terkadang berubah but i'll remember to announce it, just in case

+ more

that's all, folks! trims banyak banyak bagi yang udah baca sejauh ini have a nice day☀

Pub: 07 Jul 2022 04:50 UTC
Edit: 26 Jul 2022 10:19 UTC
Views: 604