BSD Ships I Enjoy

Canon Characters Only

NOTE: these are just ships between only canon characters I enjoy, my ships which include OCs and/or self-inserts are in the next part. If a ship isn't on here, it means it's not my default ship, AKA I don't actively seek its content. I have no real problem with other ships, I simply have my faves. Additionally, me having an oc or self-insert/canon ship doesn't mean I am uncomfortable seeing them with other self-shippers/ocs/canons! Not at all! If you have a canon/self-insert/oc ship, TELL ME I wanna hear about it!

Also, if a ship is bold that means I think about them and like them a lot. If it's in italics it means I'm not super knowledgeable on one or both charas in it yet but I still like them/have gleaned most info about them from the wiki. If it's in bold italics that means it's a current hyperfix of mine and/or an Ultra Ship or for my fandom elders such as myself, an OTP, and any content for it is likely going to make me Awooga copypasta in my brain. Keep that in mind when sending requests and such :)

Atsushi Nakajima/Ryuunosuke Akutagawa officially #3 fave ship
Doppo Kunikida/Katai Tayama
Chuuya Nakahara/Osamu Dazai officially #2 fave ship
Kyouka Izumi/Kenji Miyazawa/Q Kyuusaku Yumeno
Ranpo Edogawa/Edgar Allan Poe
Akiko Yosano/Kouyou Ozaki/Kirako Haruno
Jun'ichirou Tanizaki/Michizou Tachihara
!!Yukichi Fukuzawa/Ougai Mori!! officially my #1 ship literally they are always on my mind always in my brain they will never leave and this will never change i love them so much every time i see good content for them my brain AWOOGAs with the force of 10 million suns condensed into me i would risk it all and live for them tbh if u talk to me about them we'll most definitely be friends and in conclusion, my soul is owned by two middle aged men and they refuse to return it so now this is my life
Sakunosuke Oda/Ango Sakaguchi
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine
Gin Akutagawa/Ichiyou Higuchi
Flags Polycule (All 5 of the Flags)
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald/Zelda Fitzgerald
John Steinbeck/Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Nathaniel Hawthorne/Margaret Mitchell
Mark Twain/Lucy Maud Montgomery
Fyodor Dostoevsky/Ivan Goncharov
Sigma/Nikolai Gogol
Ryuurou Hirotsu/Herman Melville
Mushitarou Oguri/Yokomizo
Saigiku Jouno/Tecchou Suehiro
Teruko Okura/Adalcinda Magno CamarĂ£o Luxardo
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa/Bram Stoker
Agatha Christie/Yuan

Canon/OC and/or Canon/Self-Insert Ships

Motojirou Kajii/Shoufu Muramatsu [OC] ((shoufu is a partial self-insert))
Naomi Tanizaki/Charlotte Lennox [OC]
Louisa May Alcott/Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings [OC]/William Howard Armstrong [OC]
André Gide/Jean-Jacques Rousseau [OC] ((rousseau is a partial self-insert)
Ace/Junji Ito [OC]
Karma/Ryougo Narita [OC] ((narita is a partial self-insert))
Langston Hughes [OC]/E.E. Cummings [OC]
Natsume Soseki/James Baldwin [OC]
Santoka Taneda/Seisensui (Tokichi) Ogiwara [OC]

Pub: 13 Jun 2023 02:20 UTC
Edit: 06 Oct 2023 07:27 UTC
Views: 2555