your daily dgm chapter count @daysincedgm | lavi account: @laviwhoisthat

what is @daysincedgm?
this account is dedicated to counting the days since the last d.gray-man chapter was released! in a way, it can also serve as your daily dose of dgm. i also occasionally tweet about updates on the series and translations of chapters too.

things to note:

  • roughly 90 days between every release, usually on the 26th or 27th of january, april, july, and october.
  • all of the images tweeted should be official art (from the manga, or hoshino's instagram). if it isn't, please let me know!
  • i run this account alone. and no, none of the tweets are automated—they're all manual! i may forget a daily count every now and then, but thankfully that hasn't happened much these days.

who wrote d.gray-man?
it's written and illustrated by hoshino katsura, a female mangaka. we usually refer to her as hoshino-sensei.

why does every chapter take so long to get released?
hoshino-sensei has a number of health issues, some of which involve pain in her wrists and hands (some people have likened it to carpal tunnel). she works very hard to give us each chapter, so please be understanding and enjoy every new release!!!

Pub: 02 Jul 2023 05:27 UTC
Edit: 02 Jul 2023 06:30 UTC
Views: 6663