eiti/sapi 20 they/them only please ^_^

ini akun priv rasa akun PA. gaada tw/cw tapi klo butuh dm/@ di tl aja. do not follow without my consent. if youre softblocked/hardblocked dont take it seriously, its the internet.

my interests shift from time to time tapi gue suka enstars pjsk mp100 p5 bluelock SPIDERVERSE kpop yoasobi taylor swift BANYAK DAH tanya tanya aja. kalo kepo oshi gue siapa jg tanya tanya aja. gue ga ngomongin semua interest gue di akun ini (i keep them to myself usually) ^~^

unfortunately gue jg ngekin anjggg coping mechanism gpp lh. kalo kepo gue ngekin siapa tanya tanya ajaaa :) lu klo mau tau sesuatu ke gue udhlah tanya tanya ajaaa 70% chance bakal gue jawab. thx

obligatory pdb page: ENTP 8w7 835 sx/so [sx8/so3/sp5] ILE RCOEI LVFE Choleric-Sanguine

biar ga lupa

nitip list rentry.co/listeiti

Edit Report
Pub: 14 Oct 2022 19:15 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2023 17:25 UTC
Views: 1452