Fated Futures Hints

Arc 1 Password

Hint 1: Those numbers seem important, is there any way to transform numbers into letters?
Hint 2: There are dots and dashes next to every number, what communication method uses those?
Hint 3: Each written number corresponds to a letter. 1 is A, 2 is B, and so on.
Hint 4: The dots and dashes represent Morse Code, they seem to translate to numbers 1 through 9, maybe an order?


Arc 2 Password

Hint 1: The arrows indicate a process, don't try to skip steps.
Hint 2: The A becomes a Z and the Z becomes an A. Maybe something about reversing the alphabet?
Hint 3: By using Atbash decoding you can see what the mess of letters means.
Hint 4: So we have the names of 4 Pokémon. What now? Well, the next step is a #, is there a way to transform a Pokémon into a number?
Hint 5: By getting all Pokédex numbers in order, you get: 516, 916, 811, 425. The next is a series of 1s and 2s, maybe we can divide the numbers somehow?
Hint 6: The 1s and 2s add up to 12, which is the same number of digits the Pokédex numbers have.
Hint 7: By putting the Pokédex numbers together and dividing them in that amount of digits, we get: 5-16-9-16-8-1-14-25
Hint 8: How do we turn numbers like these into letters? We did that on the last password! Use A1Z26!


Arc 3 Password

Hint 1: A bunch of numbers... and a 'U'. Clearly the U is important, probably better to figure that part out first.
Hint 2: What can the U represent? There's a + symbol, maybe try searching online?
Hint 3: By searching 'U+2190' you get results for a Unicode character. Maybe all of these are Unicode?
Hint 4: Ok, we got symbols now. And they're a bunch of arrows. Directions, maybe?
Hint 5: The arrows are grouped in two, so two directions must correspond to a letter.
Hint 6: Is there any kind of cipher that uses directions? Maybe flags?
Hint 7: By using Semaphore cipher, you can correspond each pair of directions to a letter.


Arc 4 Password

Warning: The method of solving this password reveals some important information. It is recommended to follow along with the hints instead of revealing the answer from the start.

Hint 1: So we have keys. And each of them has a sentence attached to it. Have we seen those sentences before?
Hint 2: They're the arc names! Have you ever noticed the secret message in each arc?
Hint 3: By taking the first letter of each chapter, you get a secret message.
Hint 4: So we have YETAGAIN, ITREPEATS, WITHNOHOPE and OFTHEEND. What can we do with those? Is there any cipher that uses a key?
Hint 5: You can take the mess of letters and symbols and use Vigenere cipher with the secret messages as keys. Make sure to use one key at a time, and in the correct order.
Hint 6: After doing that you get an interesting message. That being "/playlist?list=PLfNozqS4zCr2qmCxTvMFHacD1-Y-pTrVH". What could it mean?
Hint 7: By going to youtube.com + the message above, you will get to a new layer.
Hint 8: The lore is important, but have you noticed the symbols at the description of every log? It's morse code again! You know what to do.


Pub: 04 Apr 2024 13:52 UTC
Edit: 16 May 2024 22:04 UTC
Views: 240