image des

image des

FILOENSTARS dedicated to posting enstars characters
as pinoy content
admin goes by any pronouns 💌 mute #modenstars for non-filo posting tweets! links curiouscat . discord . gforms

image des ABOUT SUBMISSIONS image des
rules to reconsider :p

  • to submit, include the template of the meme and state which characters i am going to add. sending the original is highly advised, and state if i should credit you or stay as anonymous
  • will not be posting: incest-related, any ship that involves adult-minor, nsfw (slight nsfw-ish is alright if it involves adult characters)
  • i reject submissions if it makes me uncomfortable T.T
  • if submitting a video, submit by sending through google drive (i cant save vids that are from twitter q__q)

dni image des basic dni criteria, proshippers, nsfw accounts, just dont be a weirdo in general. pls

notes image des this account is just for fun! please do not take anything seriously
if ive tweeted anything wrong, please address it to me on dms and i will delete it immediately!

Pub: 05 Jul 2022 05:31 UTC
Edit: 16 Apr 2023 11:27 UTC
Views: 1586