Join Him

It's all my fault... It's all my fault he died. If I just kept him out of that, if I just kept him away from that damn building, maybe he'd be ok right now. Maybe he'd still be alive, and maybe, just maybe we'd still be friends. God, I miss him.

Should I join him? Sure, they'll miss me, but I need a way to apologize to him. I need to. They probably won't remember me, anyways. They'd forget me over time until I'm just a husk of a memory. I don't mean that much anyways.

If it does happen, me joining him, I'll make sure to make my goodbye worth it. I'll try to make sure they don't get hurt by my disappearance. I want to make sure they don't grieve, they don't mourn. I don't want that.

What if.. what if I use those creatures? Frame it as an accident, or frame it as me protecting them. Then it wouldn't be as painful for them, right? They won't blame themselves for my torment. They won't think it was their fault, right?

..I hope not, because I'm doing this. I'm not scared anymore.

Pub: 28 Dec 2022 21:53 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2022 21:53 UTC
Views: 110