this rentry will soon be reworked.

    MOVE! i'm gay

🪶 ༄ HUNTER. 16 yrs – mixed white + mex !? he him gay transmasc the owl house fictive infj-t . did autism && bpd . eng/fr/esp 🧳 art twitter・active priv・disc ?illusionist#6837

dni – basic dni (proship transmed shota/lolicon etc) , under 13 , edward & dakota (you know who you are.) sh-edtwt , you have anything to do with the dream smp *fictives/introj/irl excluded. doubles are fine to interact but there's a low chance i'll be interacting with you first

byi – autistic (EVEN IN SOURCE if you try and disprove this i'm just gonna assume you're abelist /hj) fictive/system host, foul language and reclaimable slurs (not racial ones), i may rub off as angry rude or annoyed but i promise you i'm not. i have a hard time understanding things and i might not know what some things or references to media are as i have been very sheltered. please be patient with me. also i make jokes about my medical conditions (such as scoliosis) so if you don't like that sorry

tw/cw – depictions of abuse, harm to animals, the riddler (specifically the 2022 rendition played by paul dano). i have things like hunter don't look muted if that helps you out!

༄ sp/in-s – the owl house, coding, science and human biology
hypfixs ༄ – the milkman of st. ghaft, the magnus archives. slowly losing interest in fnaf

*i am critical of my media interests and their creators, just because i enjoy the content does not mean i support any wrongings done within the media or done by the creators.


see my hoard

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Pub: 28 Apr 2022 00:44 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2022 06:57 UTC
Views: 1059