Run Girl Run

Zephyr knows it's time, so she walks over to the Angel's Trumpet and stares for a minute. She knows she needs to do it. So, she simply does.

The suffering is bad. The word agony itself, even. It was worse than being locked up, alone in a room for 20 damned years. Fuck, it felt like it would never end.

Then it did. She was free, in a mockery of the library, with a radio right there, yet before she stepped.. Was that Weed?

No. No the fuck it was not. It was.. a joke. A mimickry of him. A mockery. She looked away, somewhat disgusted by the mimic as she tried to walk to the radio. But before she could do anything, she saw someone in the corner of her eye


She immediately ran. No hesitation. Phantom only did similar, chasing. Zephyr ran wildly, attempting to get away from the demonic entity, running through the false library, and the long, long rows of books. Zephyr attempted to push the shelves, yet fell back herself, so she only continued running. Yet Phantom was catching up.

Phantom got close, catching up. She was close, now. Too close. Adrenaline must have hit, as Zephyr threw her back a bit with a sucker punch. She RAN, hunting for the radio. She struggled a bit, but after a long while, she found the radio

This radio was.. confusing to say the least. Zephyr took forever, attempting to get the stupid thing to work. Thanks to her lack of ability, Phantom caught up, tackling her Zephyr attempted to punch Phantom, but Phantom caught her wrist and attempts to hit her with her own fist, succeeding but doing little damage. Zephyr kicked Phantom straight in the stomach, effectively tossing her off and leaving her on the ground. She stared at her for a moment, before going up to one of the shelves and grabbing The Prophet Mohammed with one hand and threw it at Phantom with all her strength, all her rage.

All Phantom could do was let out a pained noise, unmoving.

She went to the radio, gets ready, and set her hand on it, before looking over to Phantom. "Don't ever fuck with me or my brother ever again." She then left, leaving Phantom bloodied.

Pub: 17 Jun 2023 02:20 UTC
Edit: 17 Jun 2023 03:46 UTC
Views: 74