Rei/ Reyi reyi

they/ any 20 ENFJ 3w2 so/ sx 359 sanguine choleric RLOAI EIE Eng ID

BYF i tweet & rt a lot of different kinds of content, depends on what i like at the moment. i use profanities and explicit cursing on daily basis and i also dont use tw and cw, but do tell me if u need it. i engage in discourse if i feel like it, so if that does make you uncomfortable, gladly sb/ hb me. if ur oomfs, feel free to ss my tweets (yes even the bad ones) without censoring my name and use it to ur hearts content, i dont mind /gen. <3 byf

DFI basic dfi criteria, heavy yume acc, idk im not easily triggered im ok with a lot of things.

blue heart 1 INTERESTS blue heart 2
currently hyperfixating on blue lock, but i also enjoy mhyk, genshin, and western music/ film/ shows. trs apa lg ye gatau dah banyak sama animanga juga.

p.s ♡ i talk about h1 nagireo h2 a LOT. like a fucking lot. i am not joking like this is a warning sign. i also yap a lot about my other media interests which i wont name one by one but just to be clear, i ramble about a lot of shit thats going on in my brain. and i dont need to be perceived at all times so mind ur own bussiness and scroll away. this is a free world baby!

for a list of my current read/ watch and other interest check out my listography ^__^

blue stars

flower bed

Pub: 30 Nov 2021 15:43 UTC
Edit: 01 Dec 2023 17:56 UTC
Views: 11145