Hi~ Nama saya Mifucchi desu! seorang android yang kerja di cafe, menjadi vtuber untuk mencoba belajar bersosialisasi dengan hooman plok
Kuy ngobrol ama aku, aku suka banget ngomong tentang animanga, film, games,dsb
karena make laptop jadi maaf ya kalau ga bisa main gim2 yang speknya kuat hehe.

Hi~ My name is Mifucchi desu! I' am an android who work in a cafe, i become vtuber to try socializing with hooman plok.
Come! let's talk with me!, i love to talk about animanga, movies, games, etc
i'm still using laptop so sorry if i cant play games with high spec hehe.

【Stream Content】
-RTS game
-Strategy Games
-Retro game

Karena jadwal stream kebanyakan guerilla jadi stay tune di akun twitter mifu yah! jangan lupa teken tombol notificationnya hehehe
Because mostly my schedule stream are guerilla so stay tune on my account! dont forget to click notification on button hehehe.
Mostly stream on Twitch (Stream Lebih sering di twitch)

Oshi mark :🍱
General Tag : #mifucchi_channel
Live : #nobarmifu
Clip : #mifucclip
Art : #Mifucchilust
Meme : #memefucchi
Fan name : Customer-san

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemCYJjJIexnlP8bwqj725g
Marshmallow : https://marshmallow-qa.com/mifucchi_ch
Trakteer : https://trakteer.id/mifucchi
twitch: https://twitch.tv/mifucchivt

Pub: 27 Nov 2022 13:36 UTC
Edit: 27 Nov 2022 13:38 UTC
Views: 48