gg welcome to daily redditors!dsd lol

# about the account 1
account dedicated to posting characters that would use reddit, pretty self explanatory.
there's not a criteria that needs to be met for a character to be posted.
keep in mind that this account is not meant to be taken seriously, everything i post is lighthearted n satirical.
mute /not redditor for non redditor posts

# about the admins 2
currently 3 admins.
admin 🖕 (it/they/doll)
admin 🥶 (she/her)
admin 🤓 (it/they)

# submission rules 3
i won't post real people, or media that makes me uncomfortable but don't let it discourage you from making submissions :)
your submission must have the characters full name and the media they're from, if you would like to be credited or remain anonymous.
feel free to add what subreddits that character browses if you'd like.

# do not interact 4
fit usual dni criteria, toothpaste flag supporter, believes mspec "lesbians" are valid, ed/shtwt.

Pub: 02 Feb 2022 00:53 UTC
Edit: 02 Feb 2022 01:59 UTC
Views: 65