sexy 🔥🔥🔥
han he/him enfp sea
pls refrain from using feminine terms for me, 'sis, girl, maam, etc'

enha-- sunjayke's husband
-- casuals
piwon-- jiung's kitten
8turn-- yungyu bff
fromis-- jiheons first love
nwjns-- minjis eye candy

other interests
current hyperfix; hermitcraft, life series (grian scar zedaph ❤)
splatoon (naut/hydra main) zelda (albw 🤲) lu sonic pjd pjsk
vocaloid (vflowers bf 🤲)
community b99
monkie kid mlb ososan (karamatsus actual bf)

dni shippers weirdos uh do i have to say like racists and shit idk if ur uncomfy w gay/sexual/su1cidal jokes n stuff or if youre jen or liv

Edit Report
Pub: 10 Sep 2023 14:33 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 18:39 UTC
Views: 926