bout me pl/eng ∞ she bee star pix (no they i Will find you) enby aroace lesbian UID: 736872867 eu please add me im lonelt priv is tubbo3091 rnetry wont fuckfifn let me link it interests TUBBO!!! tawog, genshin impact, south park..... animals, pokemon i will Especially tweet about the first three a lot, if U dont like any feel free to not follow before you follow i sometimes tweet in polish. most of my tweets are Not srs unless stated otherwise, im not a fan of dsmp i literally just only watch tubbo, i do not consider myself a part of dsmptwt/genshintwt but i do interact with them, i dont like dream. like at all and i Will make fun of him sometimes, any age is fine just . dont be weird, if i dont like you i will simply Block. do not follow if you knowingly break boundaries, in dttwt(solo subtwts included Sorry i dont like u guys) tweet untagged nsfw, in any freak subtwts consider help gen srs, tweet neg of my interests If you tweet crit its fine. literally just dont be a freak and youre good sillies!!! virgil , mid , lyion, muffy, shiri, countess, cleo, cloud, nim, eden, yasha, dae, pearl, nanna, milena, xochi, faye, hakon, theo, velo, leean

oaky thats it this is msy first time makign a rentrry Ever plea;e dont yell a tme .

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Pub: 16 Dec 2022 21:55 UTC
Edit: 09 Mar 2023 16:54 UTC
Views: 1639