Image description くコ:彡Kat - 22 -🌮🦅くコ:彡

hi im kat

-> i retweet and post about things i enjoy. i like many things and im critical about them too. except squids. all they do is float.
here is my favorite character carrd i think it is very important to check out

know that i cuss, use caps and use a lot of emojis. if something i say sounds weird im usually joking. i am usually never serious. requesting while im locked is fine. ALSO PLEASE, do not act playfully rude to me if we dont know each other well, i dont like that, or being called stupid/dumbass either
i dont tag things bc im lazy as balls also i like oc x canon and yume stuff but im too shy to post it on main. idc about sharing i think its fun if we share characters which is why im not gonna bother on making a list on who i yume.

i am the number 1 hater about uc gundam. i talk shit about it a LOT, as i dislike both zeta and cca and there are aspects of 0079 i heavily dislike. like for example any pairing that comes out of the char/lalah/amuro love triangle thing. #1 prime example right there. i also make fun of characters a LOT because i think its funny as shit. it doesnt mean i hate the character so do not take it personally.


  • if ur either proship or u send death threats/harass over proship discourse. ( i dont rlly care about the discourse im tired of seeing it actually. but i think ur weird as shit if u send death threats, or argue about it all the time online. i am also not a fan of seeing incest + whatever other problematic shit unless its written in a way that isnt obviously the creator's fetish because then it actually matters in the story ( i read visual novels unfortunately). only specifying this cuz some people are annoying as shit and assume ur on one side or the other when u DONT CARE!)
  • like lolisho
  • ship haman with either judau or char or ship char and kamille. fuck off.
  • like dreamsmp
  • are a bi/pan lesbian or anything related to that
  • also if ur below the age of 18 LOL i just want people more my age.
    SIDENOTE: I chainblock/ use megablock nuke consistently to curate my timeline if ur blocked and want to follow me, its bc of that, find a way to contact me if u feel like it. my reasons why is either ur an anime degen or proship, or i just manually blocked u bc ur not my kind of person. if i softblocked u, just know that its bc i didnt want to be mutuals anymore, thats it. AND DONT REFOLLOW ME AFTER I'VE SOFTBLOCKED YOU NUMEROUS TIMES. please.
Pub: 10 Apr 2022 21:22 UTC
Edit: 24 May 2024 01:02 UTC
Views: 9547