Party Wipe

(CW for: non-con, monster-fucking, tentacles, forced impregnation.)

It was the quiet that told Claire they were getting close.

The first two nights in the forest had been filled with the usual springtime music, scattered birdcalls mingling with the chitter-chatter of insects and the rustling of leaves. But on the third night, a silence settled in. It was an unnatural stillness, as though the trees themselves were holding their breaths; as though even the wind was scared to tread here, deep in the woods where Claire's wicked quarry lay.

It was a warm night. But Claire had decided to light a fire anyway. The crackling wood helped steady the young mage's nerves, keeping that awful quiet at bay.

Unfortunately, the effect didn't seem to reach her companion, Alyx, who was beginning yet another pacing lap around the camp. "You're sure this is a good idea, right?" she asked for the umpteenth time.

Claire looked up from her spell book, annoyed. Attuning her staff to the proper enchantments was hard enough, even without the constant interruptions. "We'll be fine," she replied. "According to the reports, the Wystral is still rather young. At our current levels, we should be more than a match for it."

Alyx nodded, even as she restlessly re-tied her wild, auburn hair. "I know, I know, it's just..." her eyes scanned the surrounding forest. "We've never hunted anything like this before."

"That's exactly the point," Claire reminded her. "This is the fastest way we'll rank up and graduate out of this godforsaken region. You seemed fairly excited by the prospect yesterday."

Again Alyx nodded, but still didn't seem convinced.

Claire had to admit, it was unsettling to see the fighter of their party act this way. Even among other Apostles of her class, Alyx was an imposing figure: tall, broad-shouldered, with arms and legs sculpted from well-toned muscle. Her face was cuter and rounder than the average fighter—something Claire often teased her about—but she was still able to intimidate lesser warriors with nothing more than a glance. Adding to this awe-inspiring impression was her choice of garb, which forwent the usual layers of armor in favor of simple chest and shoulder plates strapped over her elegant Apostle robe. This was in part due her prizing speed over durability. But it was also evidence of Alyx's faith in her mage, a sign that she believed Claire's wards and blessings to be more dependable than steel.

So for Alyx to be acting this way, practically whimpering in didn't just shake Claire's faith in the fighter, but in herself as well. At least Valerie, their ranger, was still out scouting ahead—if she saw Alyx like this, the whole party would be going into battle demoralized. A bad idea, under normal circumstances.

And possibly fatal against this particular foe.

The creature they were hunting was a Wystral, a demonic parasite that humanity had nearly managed to hunt to extinction. Though the creatures weren't exceptionally hard to kill, they specialized in enchantments of the mind, and, without the proper precautions, even the strongest of warriors were liable to fall under their sway. Left unchecked, it was a said a lone Wystral could become powerful enough to enslave entire cities to its purpose, though as far as Claire could tell, there was no historical record of such an occurrence.

In any case, the newly discovered Wystral was the perfect target for her and her companions. As Apostles of Gloria, it was their duty to spread the Goddess' praises and teachings through great deeds, slaying monsters and saving citizens in Her name. But as relative newcomers to the group, Claire, Alyx, and Valerie had spent their first year relegated to low-danger areas, fulfilling mundane quests, fighting minor beasts, and receiving the miniscule rewards that followed.

By the spring of year two, Claire had been at her wits end. If she had wanted dull tasks with little gratitude, she would've remained at her family's inn, dodging the leering eyes of men and the gossip of their wives, who never missed a chance to assure Claire that her golden hair, large breasts, and "baby-making hips" were destined for a long, fruitful life of motherhood. She could think of nothing more mortifying. Claire didn't want the domestic life her parents lead: she wanted adventures and glory, just like the brave men and women she had spent her whole childhood reading about.

So far, the adventuring life had been a disappointment. But killing the Wystral could change that. It would solidify the party's bona fides as warriors of justice, and likely earn them enough experience points to shift their patrol routes to greener (and more exciting) pastures.

First, however, Claire had to do something about party morale.

"Here," she offered her hand to Alyx. "Show me your logbook."

Alyx sighed, and withdrew a small brown book from her robes before passing it to Claire. Every Apostle had one such tome, an enchanted log of their journeys, battles, and stats. It was an invaluable tool, both for keeping team members informed and organized. Every logbook contained a breakdown of its owner's capabilities, quantified by individual characteristics as well as an overall level. Using the logbook, Apostles could watch in real time as their rank and competence grew, receiving experience points every time they completed a mission or training course.

Claire never forgot the feeling of accomplishment that came when she first leveled up. It was a sort of gratification and validation she had never felt before, and one that she often drew upon in times of doubt.

"Look," Claire pointed to the first page of Alyx's logbook. "What do you see?"

"My profile," the fighter answered, her adorable lips curving into a sullen pout.

"It's not just your profile, Allie," Claire pressed. "It's the profile of a Level 28 fighter. Do you remember when we first started out together? You thought you would never reach past level 20, much less be on the cusp of 30!"

Alyx looked away. "Yeah, so?"

"So, you've already achieved what you once thought was impossible," Claire answered. "Remember how much work it took? How we felt like we were grinding ourselves into the dirt with the constant training drills and pest hunts? Compared to that, this Wystral will be nothing."

Alyx nodded, but still her eyes refused to meet Claire's.

The mage paused. "Unless there's something you haven't told me."

That was it. Alyx looked at Claire, then sighed. "Promise you won't tell Val?"

Claire hesitated. As party leader, it was her duty to treat each of the members equally. But as Alyx's friend, it was difficult not to honor her request, especially when she seemed so troubled.

"Go ahead," the mage prompted.

The fighter fidgeted. "I...I heard Val talking in her sleep last night."

Claire arched an eyebrow. "Did she...say anything in particular to worry you?"

"I...couldn't really hear her clearly," Alyx confessed. "But...I think I could make out a 'yes' here or there and, well...she sounded like she was, um, really enjoying herself, if you get what I'm saying."

"You think she was dreaming about the Wystral," Claire deduced.

The fighter nodded.

The mage sighed, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "That's not so bad," she assured her companion. "People often dream of the Wystral when it's near. But that doesn't mean they're already being controlled. It just means the demon sensed her presence, and is probing her defenses."

"Isn't that...bad?" Alyx asked. "I mean, it definitely knows we're coming now, right?"

"Yes," Claire admitted "But that's too be expected. We'd have to be scores of levels higher to sneak up on a creature with this much psychic potency. All that matters is that you trust Valerie's fortitude. And you do trust her, right?"

"Y-yeah..." Alyx answered dubiously.

Claire frowned. This was worse than she though. "Is there something else?"

"Well..." Alyx glanced around the camp and lowered her voice. "Earlier today, remember when we were resting by the river? Val went out to search for firewood, and then later I left to find her?"

"Yes..." Claire nodded slowly. "And as I recall, you both returned without incident."

Alyx bit her lip. "That wasn't...really what happened. When I found her, she wasn't looking for firewood. She was, um, kneeling in a clearing and...touching know...down there and, well...all over and...she was making the kinds of noises that..." the fighter shook her head. "Gah! You get what I'm saying, right?"

Claire did. All too well. "What did you do?" she asked.

"I-I made some noise in the bushes, and that seemed to snap her out of it. Then I showed up like I had just gotten there, and pretended I hadn't seen anything."

"I see." Claire frowned. "That is a bit concerning but there are dozens of possible explanations. Valerie has always been rather...odd, you know."

Unlike the other two party members, Valerie had grown up in the wild lands of the south, roaming the fields and forests with a nomadic tribe known as the Elkrest. Their ways were known to be rather...shocking to northerners like Alyx and Claire. But as the mage understood it, many of the tribe's customs were grounded in an absolute worship of personal freedom, something she related to in spirit, if not always in practice.

Still, Valerie's habits did sometimes rub her teammates the wrong way. To make matters worse, the lithe scout was a solitary and brooding creature, often resistant to Claire's attempts at bonding. It was possible this latest encounter was just another case of culture clash. Or...

Alyx exhaled a shaking breath. "I just can't help worrying," she said, unintentionally giving voice to Claire's rising dread. "What if the Wystral is already in her head?"

"I-impossible." Claire objected. "No offense, Alyx, but her intelligence score is almost as high as mine. She should be able to resist that kind of remote manipulation. In fact, if the Wystral were capable of seizing anyone from afar, it would be you."

Alyx flinched as though she had been struck. "M-maybe it chose Val because it thinks she's the one we'd least expect. Maybe it's planning to wear her down now, so it can take control when the fighting starts and..."

"Don't say that," Claire cut her off. "You can't give into fear, alright? You have to stay strong, or this battle is already lost."

Alyx swallowed. "I...I just think maybe it'd be best if we...if we let someone else handle this one."

"Why would we do that?" asked a cold voice at the edge of camp.

Alyx and Claire turned just as Valerie materialized from the shadows into the flickering firelight. The ranger looked like she always did: her simple tunic wrapped tight around her thin frame and tiny bust, the tights on her long legs somehow unmarked by dirt or grass, despite all the time she spent dashing through the underbrush. Her pale blue eyes were as impassive and unreadable as ever, framed by shocks of jet black hair. If not for Alyx's story, Claire never would've suspected anything was amiss.

And yet...

"Alyx was just...communicating some concerns about our battle strategy," Claire answered, shooting the fighter a warning look. If Valerie knew that Alyx had been spying on her, it would strain their already thin party cohesion. Or worse, force them to give up the mission entirely.

Valerie's eyes narrowed. "What's the problem?"

"Just a matter of formation," Claire explained. "But I think I have a solution. Instead of having you split off and advance around the flank, why don't we stay together, and you can support us with arrows and potions from the back. That should address your concerns, right Alyx?"

Alyx hesitated, then seemed to realize it was hopeless to argue. "I...I guess," she answered, her eyes downcast.

"Fine, whatever." Valerie dismissed the discussion with a flick of her wrist. "I found the Wystral's cave just up ahead. So let's gear up and finish this, yeah?"

"Indeed," Claire said, standing. "Everyone grab your weapons. I'll cast a ward to make sure the rest of our belongings remain undisturbed. Just like always, right Alyx?"

Alyx met Claire's gaze. Then took a deep breath. "Right," the fighter said, some of the old fire returning to her eyes as she grabbed her sword. "Just like always."

Claire smiled, and double-checked her own equipment. The gems in her staff glowed brightly to her touch, indicating they were loaded with spells, ready to be unleashed. The wards woven into her robe were powered up, ditto the crystal on her necklace. Everything was as it should be: there was nothing to be worried about.

Unless...did she just catch Valerie glaring at Alyx's back? was probably just her imagination.

Pushing that fear aside and refocusing on their task, Claire indicated Valerie lead the way deeper into the forest. The party didn't have to travel long before reaching a break in the trees, beyond which the entrance to a cavern lay. Even without seeing their target, Claire could sense its psychic pressure emanating from the yawning darkness. The Wystral was near. And it was coming closer.

Claire made sure to conceal herself in the foliage, and motioned for her companions to do the same. Valerie crouched low, notching an arrow onto her bow. Alyx silently drew her blade. Her eyes widened.

The hairs on Claire's neck stood on end. She followed the fighter's gaze. And then she saw it.

As the legends said, the Wystral kept its true form cloaked behind a coat of swirling darkness. But that didn't mean it was completely featureless. Its silhouette was humanoid in shape, yet somehow serpentine. Its body swayed as it glided out of the cave entrance, tendrils of shadow curling where its limbs ought to be. Claire caught glimpses of fangs glistening in the moonlight. The most striking feature, however, were its eyes.

Its eyes.

At first, they appeared to be nothing more than narrow red slits against a mass of black. But as she stared, those slashes of crimson seemed to magnify. They grew brighter and larger, pulling her gaze into them, until she swore she could see a bounty of beautiful, swirling colors just out of reach...beckoning her deeper...and deeper...and...

"What the hell are you doing?!" Valerie exclaimed, yanking Claire down by the hood of her robe.

"Huh?" the mage blinked, thoroughly disoriented. She shook her head, trying to dispel the spots of color lingering in her vision. Gradually, awareness of her surroundings returned. As did the realization of how careless she had been.

"You almost gave us away," the ranger hissed. "What were you thinking, standing up like that?"

"I-I'm sorry," Claire whispered. "I...accidentally looked into its eyes."

"After lecturing us not to? Are you serious?"

"I said I was—" Claire froze, a realization striking her. "Where's Alyx?"

Valerie paled, and looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, the fighter had disappeared, her sword discarded on the ground where she once stood.

"Shit," Valerie breathed. "It got her."

"Alyx!" Claire called, leaping up and sprinted into the open.

It was as she feared. Her friend and comrade, a towering warrior of strength and courage, was staggering towards the Wystral with long, languid steps. Her arms hung limp at her sides, her mouth agape and her gaze wide and vacant. It was as though all the fight and fear had been drained from her, replaced by simpleminded fascination.

"Fight back Alyx!" Claire shouted, dashing to intercept her friend. "You're can't give in! You have to resist!"

"Can't...resist..." the fighter intoned. "Must...follow..."

It was no use. Words wouldn't reach her. If only Claire could get close enough to tackle her, then maybe—

A tendril whipped through the air towards the mage, too fast to avoid. It wrapped around her leg, tripping her to the ground. She gasped, then shrieked as she felt herself pulled towards the demon, away from the staff she had dropped. For a moment, it seemed that her fate was sealed.

Until an arrow flew from the woods, piercing the dark tentacle and forcing it to release her.

"Keep your distance!" Valerie called above the demon's cry. "You don't have the strength to overpower it!"

"I know!" Claire growled, scrambling to her feet. She recovered her staff and pivoted, ready to face the enemy anew. But she had wasted too much time: Alyx was already drifting into the demon's grasp, its swirling limbs wrapping around her arms and neck, snaking into her robes and eliciting a shivering gasp from her lips.

The mage had to act fast. Calling upon her magic, she swept her staff across the ground. A line of fire shot from its tip, snaking through the grass like a fuse, homing in on the Wystral before striking and igniting in a narrow gout of flame. A surgical hit: the creature let out a wail of surprise and pain, releasing Alyx and retreating back into the cave.

"Alyx!" Claire rushed to her friend's side. To the mage's relief, the fighter appeared uninjured, and was already beginning to stir. When her eyes opened, they were aflame with fury.

"That bastard," Alyx snarled, her voice quivering. " How dare"

"A-Allie, it's okay," Claire rested a hand on her companion. "You're safe, it's gone now. Let's regroup and—"

"Fuck that," Alyx leapt to her feet. "I'm not sleeping another night with that thing in my head. This ends now."

"Alyx, wait!"

But it was already too late. The fighter charged into the cave with a wrathful cry, disappearing from sight as darkness enveloped her. Claire scrambled to recover her staff and give chase, hesitating only a moment when Valerie called for her to stop. But she couldn't. Not after realizing the awful truth.

It wasn't Valerie who had been having dreams of the Wystral, nor had she been caught dancing to its tune. Alyx had only used the ranger as a scapegoat for the real victim:


Claire swept her staff through the air as she entered the cave, a ball of light forming over her shoulder and illuminating the way ahead. The rock walls glittered as she passed, tiny flecks of gemstone spiraling along the winding tunnels. Under ordinary circumstances, she would think it quite pretty. But now it was only a distraction, and made navigating the web of passages even more difficult. Especially when her head was clouded with dread, and her breath echoed in her ears.

She had to find the Wystral before Alyx did. Otherwise...otherwise...

Claire skidded to a stop, the edges of the demon's power glancing across her psyche. She turned her attention towards that sensation, following the radiating pressure down a curving slope. A yawning cavern opened before her, the high ceiling covered in shining stalactites. There, beneath the dazzling display, her quarry was waiting.

Immediately, Claire felt the creature's attention turn to her. Its power pressed against her mind, trying to find a way in. Fortunately, the young mage was prepared. She raised her staff high, catching the glowing orb that had been her guide. As soon as the two objects met, a beam of white light emitted from her weapon, slamming into the demon's eyes.

It screeched, blinded. Claire darted behind one of the many pillars of rock in the makeshift arena, hoping the monster would lose her trail. Her curvaceous body wasn't built for speed like Alyx's or stealth like Valerie's, but if the mage was careful, she was sure she could dash from cover to cover and keep the creature off guard.

Or at least, that was the plan. Until Alyx appeared from behind another pillar and tackled Claire to the ground.

"Master!" the fighter called out. "I have her!"

Claire let out a cry of rage, fighting against her friend's iron grip. "Alyx, snap out of it!" she yelled, sensing the Wystral's approach. "This isn't you! You can't—"

Pub: 22 Dec 2020 11:57 UTC
Views: 101