How to Choose an Appropriate Immigration Lawyer

Many occasions I have an imminent customer on the telephone, or in the gathering room during a consultation, speaking transparently and candidly about their life, their experience, their ambitions, their motivations and their dreams.

Now and again these meetings can become emotional, and on many levels genuine... As an experienced immigration attorney I can never dismiss the fact that my conversation partner is a REAL, tangible individual, blemished, loaded up with feelings, striving for some goal, with varying life experiences and circumstances.

As far as I might be concerned, customers are not case numbers or record numbers, they are not receipt notification, or passport numbers, they are not abstract businesses on paper, or anonymous applicants. They are PEOPLE. While I have many customers all around the world, from virtually several different nations, societies, backgrounds, each customer's case is THEIR most important case to THEM. THEIR life and job depends (at least perceivably to them) on the effective result of their case. To each and every applicant, a great deal is at stake, and a lot of what the customer has worked and made progress toward in the past is currently hanging in the balance, hoping for a good outcome.

While even the best immigration lawyer in the world cannot guarantee achievement and good outcomes, having the right legal advisor at your side early on, can substantially increase the accomplishment of your application or petition for whatever immigration benefit you look for.

I oftentimes find myself astounded, when I see somebody for a consultation and they disclose to me their account of their plight, their bad experience, the time lost, the case denied, a great deal of cash spent, and so forth During the course of this difficult conversation again and again it becomes known, that a lot of this pain and agony might have been avoided, had this individual picked their advisor all the more carefully.

I feel a feeling of public obligation to attempt to educate (quickly) any future customer or individual needing Immigration legal advice on the best way to make an informed, safe decision when choosing their legal advisor. These tips and bits of advice I am about to give are in no way, shape or form a guarantee of future accomplishment of your case or an "insurance strategy" against failure, BUT following my advice here will certainly increase your chances of finding, selecting and working with a sound legal professional what will's identity is limited by responsibility and legal morals to make you proud and work FOR you.

The following is a list of criteria which I consider the MINIMUM which the planned legal advisor should have, if you were to endow him/her with your legal matter:

Authorized to practice law in a U.S. jurisdiction

In good standing with the State Bar Association

the lawyer's practice centers heavily or exclusively around immigration law

the lawyer can show subtantial experience in immigration law

the person should be an active part in AILA (American Immigr. Lawyers Assoc.)

the individual should be familiar with your kind of case

should always give you fair, straight-forward advice, regardless of whether unfavorable to you

should have the option to give you a clear and fair estimate of charges and expenses

should have the option to Listen and elicit relevant information as necessary

be wary of lawyers who can "guarantee" positive outcomes or results

a legitimate lawyer won't engage in unlawful, unethical or deceitful direct

should not hesitate to give you references

Please recall that the above are what I consider to be the "MINIMUM" of necessary prerequisites of an equipped immigration lawyer. Notice that I said "lawyer". While there is no legal prerequisite on part of the U.S. government that immigration applications or petitions be prepared by and submitted by individuals from the legal calling, in my humblest opinion, I would firmly advise against self improvement and self-petitioning, except if you have spent at least one consultation with a qualified and experienced immigration lawyer, to discuss your individual situation.

Try not to depend on lay-people (= non-lawyers) to advise you, prepare any documentation for you, or to handle your case with the public authority authorities on your behalf. Such individuals, almost certainly, are NOT qualified to deliver such advice and assistance. Many unlicensed, untrained people will hold themselves out to be "knowledgeable", "experts", "advisors", "visa consultants", "visa professionals", "visa preparers", and so on and so on (they can be creative with their titles).

Please note that in the United States a "NOTARY" or "NOTARY PUBLIC" is NOT a legal professional, nor a lawyer or judge, UNLESS: they have attended university until at least the B.A. or then again level, AND have effectively finished an accredited course of legal studies at law school (no under 3 years), AND are authorized by a U.S. jurisdiction without limit and unhindered practice of law.

Try not to enlist and retain the services of any individual whose credentials you cannot verify. It doesn't make a difference how all around recommended they come, what titles or degrees they have, or what they claim their experience level is. Allude back to the above-stated prerequisites, and make SURE your picked advisor has or exceeds these credentials.

Lastly, utilize your good judgment and some level of presence of mind. Meet the advisor. Have open and candid discussions with the advisor. The person should have the option to answer ALL of your inquiries, truly, completely, and give a clear and direct assessment of your situation, as best as possible, considering the time spent and the information exchanged. You MUST have the option to trust and depend on your advisor. Your advisor should have the option to confide in you, and should have the option to give you bad news, as well as the good.

Follow these handful of pointers in your choice cycle, and you should have the option to wind up with a good legal advisor, who is qualified to handle your matter, but whom you will also trust and regard for quite a long time to come.

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Pub: 28 Dec 2020 16:39 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2020 16:42 UTC
Views: 138