Left-wing Figures' Connections to Military/Intelligence

Compiled by u/geoffreytruman @GeoffTruman911

Disclaimer: Do not harass any of these people.

If you're seeing this for the first time via the "Jimmy Falun Gong" tweet (thanks "Jimmy"!), here is my response. Just click on "Civil Rights Movement" in the Table of Contents to see the explication. Also, see here for a brief explainer on white PSYOP. It should go without saying that most of the entries on this list do not constitute white PSYOP producers. The list is a work in progress, so check back later and you'll be sure to find more than the last time. Nothing I put out will ever be behind a paywall.

  1. Abby Martin
  2. Angela Davis
  3. Alex Haley
  4. Alternet
  5. Bellingcat
  6. Black Panther Party
    1. Bobby Seale
    2. Richard Aoki
  7. Blowback
    1. Noah Kulwin
  8. Colin Kaepernick
  9. Congress For Cultural Freedom
  10. Contrapoints AKA Natalie Wynn née Nicholas William Parrott
  11. Charlotte Clymer née Charles Clymer
  12. Chelsea Manning née Bradley Manning
  13. Civil Rights Movement
  14. Martin Luther King Jr.
  15. Communism
    1. Alexander Parvus né Israel Lazarevich Gelfand/Helphand
    2. Friedrich Engels
    3. Karl Marx
    4. Leon Trotsky né Lev Davidovich Bronstein
    5. Vladimir Lenin né Valdimir Ilyich Ulyanov
  16. Rosa Luxembourg
  17. CovertAction Magazine
    1. Co-founders
    2. Editorial Staff
    3. Board of Advisors
  18. Cryptome
    1. Deborah Natsios
    2. John Young
  19. Daniel Friesen (Knowledge Fight)
  20. Daryl Davis
  21. Dave Chappelle
  22. Dave McGowan
  23. David Hogg
  24. David Pakman
  25. Destiny AKA Steven K Bonnell II
  26. Dirtbag Left
    1. Chapo Trap House
      1. Felix Biederman
      2. Will Menaker
    2. TrueAnon
      1. Brace Belden
      2. Liz Franczak
    3. Red Scare
      1. Anna Khachiyan
      2. Dasha Nekrasova
  27. Donald Glover AKA Childish Gambino
  28. Douglas Valentine
  29. Ed Opperman
  30. Francis Horton (What a Hell of a Way to Die)
  31. Frankfurt School / Critical Theory / Cultural Marxism
    1. Franz Neumann
    2. Herbert Marcuse
    3. Jurgen Habermas
    4. Max Horkheimer
    5. Otto Kirchheimer
    6. Theodor Adorno
  32. Gloria Steinem
  33. Gravel Institute
  34. The Grayzone
  35. Hannah Arendt
  36. h3h3Productions
    1. Hila Klein (née Hacmon)
    2. Ethan Klein
  37. Hasan Piker
  38. Iowa Writers' Workshop
  39. Jimmy Dore
  40. "Jimmy Falun Gong" (Programmed to Chill)
  41. Jim Stewartson
  42. John Dolan AKA Gary Brecher (Radio War Nerd, The eXile)
  43. Johnny Harris
  44. Kristofer Goldsmith
  45. Lawrence Ferlinghetti
  46. LGBTQ+
    1. Harvey Milk
    2. Gilbert Baker
    3. Monica F. Helms
    4. Alfred Kinsey
    5. John Money
    6. Henry Gerber né Heinrich Joseph Dittmar
    7. Institut für Sexualwissenschaft
    8. Magnus Hirschfeld
    9. Judith Butler
  47. Lindsay Ellis
  48. Mae Brussell (née Magnin)
  49. Michael Parenti
  50. Michael Prysner
  51. Molly Klein AKA RedKahina
  52. Nate Bethea (What a Hell of a Way to Die, Trashfuture)
  53. Nation of Islam
  54. Noam Chomsky
  55. Oliver Lennard AKA Abigail Thorn (Philosophy Tube)
  56. Peter Dale Scott
  57. Peter Kropotkin
  58. Renee DiResta
  59. Robert Evans (Behind the Bastards)
  60. Robert Skvarla
  61. Scott Ritter
  62. Sidney "Paddy" Chayefsky
  63. Slavoj Zizek
  64. Spenser Rapone (Eyes Left)
  65. Steven Snider AKA Recluse of Babylon (VISUPview, The Farm)
  66. Subliminal Jihad
    1. Kenneth Molloy AKA "Khalid bin Yaqub"
    2. David Romanski AKA "Dmitri"
  67. The Young Turks
    1. Cenk Uygur
  68. Thomas Pynchon
  69. TrineDay Press
  70. Truthdig
    1. Robert Scheer
    2. Zuade Kaufman
  71. Vaush AKA Ian Kochinski
  72. Wikispooks

Abby Martin

Joint US-Russian government gray PSYOP outlet employee (Russia Today)

From 2012 to 2015, Martin hosted her own show, Breaking the Set, on RT America. The program described itself as "a show that cuts through the false left/right paradigm set by the establishment and reports the hard facts".

US Army husband (Michael Prysner)

Angela Davis

Student of Herbert Marcuse (see: Frankfurt School)

Davis was awarded a scholarship to Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, where she was one of three black students in her class. She encountered the Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse at a rally during the Cuban Missile Crisis and became his student. In a 2007 television interview, Davis said, "Herbert Marcuse taught me that it was possible to be an academic, an activist, a scholar, and a revolutionary."

Angela Davis on Protest, 1968, and Her Old Teacher, Herbert Marcuse

In 1968, I was one of Herbert Marcuse’s graduate students at UC San Diego, and we all benefited both from his deep knowledge of European philosophical traditions and from the fearless way he manifested his solidarity with movements challenging military aggression, academic repression, and pervasive racism. Marcuse counseled us always to acknowledge the important differences between the realms of philosophy and political activism, as well as the complex relation between theory and radical social transformation.

At the same time, he never failed to remind us that the most meaningful dimension of philosophy was its utopian element. “When truth cannot be realized within the established social order, it always appears to the latter as mere utopia.” As new generations of scholars and activists ponder the role of intellectuals in shaping radical movements of this era, I believe that Marcuse’s ideas can be as valuable today as they were 50 years ago.

American Friends Service Committee-run (AFSC) integration program recruit:

By her junior year of high school, Davis had been accepted by an American Friends Service Committee (Quaker) program that placed black students from the South in integrated schools in the North. She chose Elisabeth Irwin High School in Greenwich Village. There she was recruited by a communist youth group, Advance.

Works published by City Lights (see: Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Alex Haley

20-year US Coast Guard Veteran

After World War II, Haley petitioned the U.S. Coast Guard to allow him to transfer into the field of journalism. By 1949 he had become a petty officer first-class in the rating of a journalist. He later advanced to chief petty officer and held this rank until his retirement from the Coast Guard in 1959. He was the first chief journalist in the Coast Guard, the rating having been expressly created for him in recognition of his literary ability.



De facto joint CIA-MI6 gray PSYOP front organization. Funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, itself USG-funded.

How Bellingcat Launders National Security State Talking Points into the Press

...Bellingcat is far from independent and neutral, as it is funded by Western governments, staffed with former military and state intelligence officers, repeats official narratives against enemy states, and serves as a key part in what could be called a “spook to Bellingcat to corporate media propaganda pipeline,” presenting Western government narratives as independent research.

Founder (Eliot Higgins)

From 2016 until early 2019, Higgins was a senior fellow in the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab and Future Europe Initiative projects. In 2018 Higgins was a visiting research associate at the Centre for Science and Security Studies (CSSS) at the Department of War Studies at King's College London and visiting research fellow at University of California Berkeley's Human Rights Center. In October of that year, Higgins was the subject of BBC Radio Four's programme Profile.

A School for Spooks: The London University Department Churning Out NATO Spies

Alan Macleod uncovers the deep links between the British security state and the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, responsible for training a large number of British, American, and European agents and defense analysts.

Black Panther Party

Bobby Seale

US Air Force, serial aerospace defense contractor employee

"I worked in every major aircraft plant and aircraft corporation, even those with government contracts. I was a top-flight sheet-metal mechanic"

Richard Aoki

US Army, 15-year FBI informant

Later, in a deal to expunge his criminal record, Aoki spent one year in active duty serving in the United States Army, first as a medic and later in the infantry, and 7 years in the reserves. In this time he became proficient in firearms. During his time in the reserves he was elected to The Berkeley Young Socialist Alliance's executive council and was a member of other socialist groups, reporting the information he gathered back to the FBI.

On August 20, 2012, a report by Center for Investigative Reporting journalist Seth Rosenfeld alleged Aoki was an FBI informant who had infiltrated chapters of the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers' Party and, nearly from its inception, the Black Panther Party.In response to a FOIA request by Rosenfeld, it was revealed that a November 16, 1967, FBI intelligence report listed Aoki as an informant with the code number "T-2". Former FBI agent turned banker, Burney Threadgill Jr., also said that he worked with Aoki, stating, "He was my informant. I developed him."

On September 7, 2012, the Center for Investigative Reporting published a second story about Aoki with new documents detailing his 221-page informant file. The file was released under court order after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The second story notes Aoki was designated the code name "Richard Ford." The file details 16 years of cooperation between Aoki and the FBI's San Francisco office. According to the story, the records show "that at various points, he provided information that was 'unique' and of 'extreme value.'"


Noah Kulwin

Mainstream media journalist/editor (Vice, Jewish Currents, Vox), Eagle Scout (cf. Eagle Scouts and spookery)

Mainstream media journalist, Eagle Scout father (Clifford M. Kulwin)

URJ Heller High School in Israel (Birthright-esque program) admissions mother (Robin Kulwin)

My kids attended a Hebrew-language camp, spent chunks of high school and college in Israel and visit frequently. My wife just returned from taking 60 adolescents to a high school outside Jerusalem where they’ll spend a semester, and where she is vice principal. I took some 20 congregational groups to Israel, and I’m headed back next February with a couple of dozen youngsters from northern New Jersey.

Features Hollywood actor H. John Benjamin

Colin Kaepernick

US Army Special Forces associate (Nate Boyer) instructed Kaepernick to kneel during the national anthem.

When did Kaepernick begin protesting during the national anthem?

Few noticed the first protest by Kaepernick, on. Aug. 14, 2016, because it came before a preseason game in which he was not in uniform. He remained seated on the bench, out of uniform, for the second game as well, on Aug. 20. Kaepernick’s gesture was first noticed before the third game, on Aug. 26. After the game, he addressed his protest to members of the media for the first time, saying: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

When did people start paying attention?

Kaepernick’s took a knee during the anthem before the final exhibition, on Sept. 1, 2016, in San Diego, with teammate Eric Reid joining him in protest. Kaepernick went from sitting to kneeling after a conversation with Nate Boyer, a former Green Beret and NFL player. “We sort of came to a middle ground where he would take a knee alongside his teammates,” Boyer told HBO’s “Real Sports.” “Soldiers take a knee in front of a fallen brother’s grave, you know, to show respect.”

Congress For Cultural Freedom

Contrapoints AKA Natalie Wynn née Nicholas William Parrott

"Growing Up Georgetown"

Father (William Gerrod "Jerry" Parrott)

  • Georgetown University psychology professor

Brother (Andrew Tallie Parrott)

Brother (Henry Luke Parrott)

Charlotte Clymer née Charles Clymer

US Army, 10th Mountain Division
US Military Academy (West Point) attendee, Georgetown University graduate.

Chelsea Manning née Bradley Manning

US Army Intelligence analyst

US Navy Intelligence father (Brian Manning)

Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement as an evolution in Cold War Era US policy, white PSYOP:

In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the U.S. Supreme Court held that school segregation, a particular target of foreign criticism, violated the U.S. Constitution. Brown powerfully reinforced the story of race and democracy that had already been told in U.S. propaganda: American democracy enabled social change and was based on principles of justice and equality.

Chapter 1 explores the international reaction to postwar racial violence and race discrimination. Lynching and racial segregation provoked international outrage, and by 1949 race in America was a principal Soviet propaganda theme. These developments led the Truman administration to realize that race discrimination harmed U.S. foreign relations.

When nonwhite foreign dignitaries visited the United States and encountered discrimination, it led to serious diplomatic consequences. And as tension between the United States and the Soviet Union increased in the years after the war, the Soviets made effective use of U.S. failings in this area in anti-American propaganda. Concern about the effect of U.S. race discrimination on Cold War foreign relations led the Truman administration to adopt a pro–civil rights posture as part of its international agenda to promote democracy and contain communism.

In a world divided by Cold War, it was frightening to see the Soviet Union capitalize on America’s “Achilles heel.” Soviet propaganda exploited U.S. racial problems, arguing that American professions of liberty and equality under democracy were a sham. The U.S. embassy in Moscow took notice of this issue in 1946, reporting that a number of articles that year “may portend stronger emphasis on this theme as a Soviet propaganda weapon.” In August 1946, the U.S. embassy in Moscow sent the State Department a translation of an editorial from the periodical Trud that was “representative of the frequent Soviet press comment on the question of Negro discrimination in the United States.” Soviet reporting did not require extensive research. The Trud article was based on information the Soviets had gathered from the “progressive American press.” It described lynchings and poor labor conditions for African Americansin the South.

The Trud story was one example of an increasing tendency of the Soviet Union to exploit American racial problems. By 1949, this issue had become so prominent that the U.S. embassy in Moscow reported that “the ‘Negro question,’ was one of the principal Soviet propaganda themes regarding the United States.” According to the embassy, “The Soviet press hammers away unceasingly on such things as ‘lynch law,’ segregation, racial discrimination, deprivation of political rights, etc., seeking to build up a picture of an America in which the Negroes are brutally downtrodden with no hope of improving their status under the existing form of government.”Pravda reported that there were “mass Negro pogroms” in the United States, while Soviet radio claimed that “our Constitution was written by representatives of exploiting classes and does not truly guarantee civil rights.

Senator William Benton warned his U.S. Senate colleagues that Soviet propaganda on American civil rights was most vigorously used in the “critical periphery,” the areas “where the Cold War is raging most fiercely.” According to Benton, “These sensitive areas, where the fate of mankind may be decided, are in Latin America, in Germany, and the Slavic countries of Europe, among the dark-skinned nations of Africa and southeast Asia, and among the yellow skinned peoples on the Asiatic mainland and the nearby island areas.” He thought that “by far the most active use of the civil rights issue” was in the Far East, including China and India. For Senator Benton, U.S. Ambassador to India Chester Bowles, and many U.S. diplomats, race discrimination undermined the nation’s prestige abroad, threatening its Cold War leadership. If other nations, and particularly nonwhite peoples, were to have faith in democracy, the United States would need to reassure them that American democracy was not synonymous with white supremacy.

U.S. diplomats around the globe were concerned about the effect of domestic race discrimination and of propaganda on U.S. racial problems on the anti–United States or pro-Communist leanings of other nations. In a confidential memorandum to the State Department regarding “Dutch Attitudes Toward American Racism,” Robert Coe of the American embassy, The Hague, reported on a “casual conversation” between an unnamed embassy officer and a Dutch Foreign Ministry official. According to Coe, the Dutch official had remarked that the Netherlands is very unreceptive to anti-American propaganda, whether it emanates from Communist sources or from right-wing colonial die-hards. However, he added that the opponents of American policies possess one propaganda theme which is extremely effective throughout Europe and even more effective in Asia—criticism of American racial attitudes.

In spite of the efforts to address racial issues, a 1952 report on U.S. information programs concluded that “efforts to counteract communist exploitation of the race relations problem in the United States have not been fully successful.” 31 The impact of race discrimination on U.S. prestige abroad was so entrenched that ultimately more would be required to overcome it. And propaganda on race would be more effective once greater social change gave the United States Information Agency a better story to tell.

The military origins of desegregation:

This sentiment would come, as well, from ordinary citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dagen wrote President Truman urging him to “use all the power you have to abolish . . . undemocratic segregation of ANY kind” in the armed services. “We feel that one of the most effective, firm, and noticeable ways in which we can show the rest of the world we believe in democracy is to practice such a virtue . . . at home. We believe this will still Russian propaganda against us for this gross injustice in this country.”

On February 2, 1948, in his special message to Congress on civil rights, President Truman announced that he had “instructed the Secretary of Defense to take steps to have the remaining instancesof discrimination in the armed services eliminated as rapidly as possible.” Truman called for reinstitution of the draft in March 1948,but the legislation passed by Congress did not address segregation, and the army intended to continue it. Randolph organized the Committee Against Jim Crow in Military Service to pressure President Truman to act. If Truman did not desegregate the military, the committee would “work in the big East Coast cities on behalf of a campaign of civil disobedience, nonregistration and noninduction.” On March 22, 1948, at a meeting with the president at the White House, Randolph warned Truman that “Negroes would not shoulder a gun to fight for democracy abroad while they were denied democracy here.” He reiterated his call for civil disobedience later that month in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Then, on July 26, 1948, Truman issued Executive Order 9981. The order stated that it was “essential that there be maintained in the armed services of the United States the highest standards of democracy, with equality of treatment and opportunity for all those who serve in our country’s defense.” Under the order, it was “the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.” This policy was to be implemented “as rapidly as possible, having due regard to the time required to effectuate any necessary changes without impairing efficiency or morale.”

Publicly and privately, the president persistently stressed the im-portance of civil rights reform to the nation’s Cold War foreign relations. Michael Sherry has written that “civil rights leaders, and Truman himself on occasion, did also invoke morality and justice, but national security was the dominant rationale” for civil rights reform. It was also “the most persistent.” While domestic politics and principle surely played a role in Truman’s decision to desegregate the military, safeguarding the nation’s overseas image, an important theme throughout Truman’s presidency, was also a critical factor.

Quotes excerpted from Cold War Civil Rights by Mary L. Dudziak

Further reading: Desegration as a Cold War Imperative, The Cold War's impact on the American Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King Jr.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference was headquartered at a Freemason Temple:

On February 15, a follow-up meeting was held in New Orleans. Out of these two meetings came a new organization with King as its president. Shortening the name used for their January meetings, the group briefly called their organization Negro Leaders Conference on Nonviolent Integration, then Southern Negro Leaders Conference. King served as president, Steele as first vice president, A.L. Davis as second vice president, T. J. Jemison as secretary, Medgar Evers as assistant secretary, Abernathy as treasurer, and Shuttlesworth as historian. At its third meeting, in August 1957, the group settled on Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) as its name, expanding its focus beyond buses to ending all forms of segregation. A small office was established in the Prince Hall Masonic Temple Building on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta with Ella Baker as SCLC's first—and for a long time only—staff member


Alexander Parvus né Israel Lazarevich Gelfand/Helphand

German Foreign Office, Alleged British agent

Merchant of Revolution p. 228

Friedrich Engels

Prussian Army

In 1841, Engels performed his military service in the Prussian Army as a member of the Household Artillery (German: Garde-Artillerie-Brigade). Assigned to Berlin, he attended university lectures at the University of Berlin and began to associate with groups of Young Hegelians. He anonymously published articles in the Rheinische Zeitung, exposing the poor employment- and living-conditions endured by factory workers. The editor of the Rheinische Zeitung was Karl Marx, but Engels would not meet Marx until late November 1842.

"On Engels’ attempts to gain recognisition [sic] as a 'Military Correspondent'"
Prussian Army / Union Army (field/general officer) associate (August Willich).

Revolutionary thinker Friedrich Engels served as his aide-de-camp. Among his revolutionary friends were Franz Sigel, Friedrich Hecker, Louis Blenker, and Carl Schurz. After the suppression of the uprising, he emigrated to London via Switzerland. He had learned the trade of a carpenter while in England, and so earned his livelihood. In 1850, when the League of Communists split, he (together with Schapper) was leader of the anti-Karl Marx grouping.

Karl Marx

Prussian (Scottish-descended, Clan Campbell) noble family by marriage (Jenny Von Westphalen), Prussian civil servant associate / father-in-law (Ludwig Von Westphalen)

Her father, Ludwig von Westphalen (1770–1842), was a civil servant and former widower with four previous children, who served as "Regierungsrat" in Salzwedel and in Trier. Her paternal grandfather Philipp Westphal, the son of a Blankenburg postmaster, had been ennobled in 1764 as Edler von Westphalen by Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick for his military services.He had served as the duke's de facto "chief of staff" during the Seven Years' War.

Her paternal grandmother, Jeanie Wishart (1742–1811), was a Scottish noble: her father, the Very Rev Dr George Wishart, (son of William Wishart Principal of Edinburgh University) a descendant of the 9th Earl of Angus, and the 3rd Earl of Marischal, the latter in turn a direct descendant of King James I, of the House of Stuart, while her mother Anne Campbell was the daughter of John Campbell (both a grandson of Sir James Campbell and of Sir Robert Campbell, grandson of Robert Sempill, 3rd Lord Sempill and John Stewart, 4th Earl of Atholl), heir of the Ardkinglas branch of the Clan Campbell, and part of the family of the Dukes of Argyll, who were for centuries Scotland's most powerful family. This would lead to an incident in 1854, when Karl Marx was arrested trying to pawn some of Jenny's Argyll silverware bearing the ducal insignia; the police suspected that a German refugee could not have acquired Argyll's property legally.

District Administrator (Bitburg) / Senior Government Councilor and Head of Interior Department (Trier) / District Vice President (Liegnitz) / Prussian Interior Minister half brother-in-law (Ferdinand Otto Wilhelm Henning von Westphalen)

Confederate Army associate/brother-in-law (Edgar Von Westphalen):

...In mid-May, Engels telegraphed Marx to say Edgar Von Westphalen had arrived in Manchester and would be in London the next day.

Before Appearing in London, Edgar had fought for three years on the side of the Confederates in the Civil War and suffered the fate of many soldiers when the South was no longer able to resupply its troops. He had no provisions and no clothes, and when he reached a point of exhaustion such that he could no longer wield his weapon, he was released from the army...

Marx, too was puzzled by Egar. He had been one of his earliest political disciples and one of the first members of the Communist League in Brussels, yet he had fought on the side of the Souther oligarchs. Marx told engels, "It is a most strange irony of fate that this Edgar, who never exploited anyone other than himself and was always a workman in the strictest sense of the word, went through a war of and with starvation for the slave-owners."

Love and Capital by Mary Gabriel

The Rheinische Zeitung was established with the aid of later Prime Minister of Prussia (Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen), Prussian judiciary / civil service assessor (Dagobert Oppenheim), later provincial parliament (Rheinland) / United State Parliament / Frankfurt National Assembly / Prussian House of Lords member (Gustav von Mevissen)

A series of papers had been launched in Cologne, each failing, with the powerful Kölnische Zeitung generally buying out its fledgling competitors. One of this series of hapless rivals was a newspaper launched in Cologne in December 1839 called the Rheinische Allgemeine Zeitung ("Rhenish General Newspaper"). The paper struggled for two years without successfully gaining a foothold and seemed headed for extinction. When it was evident that the newspaper was becoming bankrupt soon, George Jung and Moses Hess convinced some leading rich liberals of the Rhineland, like Camphausen, Mevissen and Oppenheim to establish a company to buy out the newspaper. The sub-heading was "For politics, Commerce and Industry'. The shareholders initially chose Friedrich List as editor but were declined due to his health problems. Then the editorship was offered to Gustav Höfken, while Hess given the post of sub-editor.

French Foreign Legion, Austrian/Prussian intelligence agent associate/employer (Adelbert von Bornstedt), Deutsche-Brussels-Zeitung:

His father was the Prussian Major Eugen von Bornstedt and died in the Battle of Lützen ( Großgörschen ) on May 2, 1813. The mother, Annette née von Düring , had Adelbert von Bornstedt educated in the cadet school. He was promoted to lieutenant on April 8, 1824. After six years he left the service and, after a short stay in Brazil, went to Paris in 1830 . In 1831 he volunteered for the Foreign Legion , which had just been formed. Bornstedt took part in the fighting in Algeria and was badly wounded. In Paris, Bornstedt worked as a journalist and editor at various exile newspapers (Gazette Allemande de Paris , Forward! ) and was a correspondent for the “ Allgemeine Zeitung ” in Augsburg. On January 25, 1845 he was expelled from France and went to Brussels. There, in 1846, he founded the German Brussels newspaper for the German emigrants , which advocated freedom of the press in Germany, separation of church and state, and the republic, and which, despite its small circulation and being banned in Germany, became one of the most important press organs of the opposition.

At the same time Marx managed to secure ready access to a newspaper as a vehicle for his views. The Deutsche Briisseler Zeitung was published twice weekly from the beginning of 1847 by Adelbert von Bornstedt, who had previously edited Vorwiirts in Paris. Bornstedt had been a spy for both the Prussians and the Austrians in the 1830s and early 1840s, and many in Brussels suspected that he was continuing those activities. However, the paper took on an increasingly radical and anti-Prussian tone. In April 1847 Wilhelm Wolff started contributing, and in September Marx began to write frequently – having come to an arrangement with Bornstedt that the paper would accept all contributions by himself and Engels. He complained bitterly to Herwegh of criticism of this step from Germans who ‘always have a thousand words of wisdom up their sleeves to prove why they should once again let an opportunity slip by. An opportunity for doing something is nothing but a source of embarrassment for them.

Karl Marx: A Biography by David Mclellan, p. 168

Scottish diplomat, Member of Parliament associate / employer (David Urquhart Jr.)

Urquhart later publicly accused Palmerston, the head of British foreign policy, of being bribed by Russia. This view was constantly promoted in the London magazines he published. Among the regular authors of his publications was Karl Marx, who fully supported Urquhart's views on Palmerston. Personally, Karl Marx himself, in correspondence with his friend Engels, considered Urquhart a "form of maniac" in his accusations of Palmerston and the worship of the Turks.

Marx's support for Urquhart's "Russian collusion theory":

Urquhart’s passionate partisanship – pro-Turkey, anti-Russia – left him at odds with British policy, and persuaded him that his own country’s government had been hijacked by sinister forces. In short, he concluded that the Foreign Secretary, Lord Palmerston, must be a secret Russian agent. On his return to Britain he founded several newspapers and a national network of ‘foreign affairs committees’ to disseminate this bold conspiracy theory. After entering Parliament in 1847, he fired off a fusillade of speeches calling for an immediate inquiry into the conduct of the Foreign Office, ‘with a view to the impeachment of the Right Honourable Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston’.

Essentially a romantic reactionary, Uruquhart nevertheless managed to convince some radicals that he was really on their side – speaking for the downtrodden workers against their devious and deceitful rulers. Though the more revolutionary Chartists dismissed him as a Tory spy whose populist crusade against Lord Palmerston was a ‘red herring’, others praised his exposure of ‘the injury done to the labour and capital of this country by the expansion of the Russian Empire, and the almost universal exercise of Russian influence, all directed to the destruction of British commerce.’

This all chimed in most harmoniously with Karl Marx’s own hatred and mistrust of Tsarist Russia. ‘Excited but not convinced’ by Urquhart’s allegations, he set to work with characteristic diligence, poring over old copies of Hansard and the diplomatic Blue Books in search of evidence. His progress can be followed through the changing tone of his letters to Engels. In the spring of 1853 he mocked Urquhart as ‘the mad MP who denounces Palmerston as being in the pay of Russia’. By that summer, he was already showing rather more respect: ‘In the Advertiser four letters by D. Urquhart on the eastern question contained much that was interesting, despite quirks and quiddities.’ Before autumn was out, the conversion to Urquhartism – if not to Urquhart himself – was complete. ‘I have come to the same conclusion as that monomaniac Urquhart – namely that for several decades Palmerston has been in the pay of Russia,’ he wrote on 2 November. ‘I am glad that chance should have led me to take a closer look at the foreign policy – diplomatic – of the past twenty years. We had very much neglected this aspect, and one ought to know with whom one is dealing.’

The first fruit of these researches was a series of articles for the New York Tribune at the end of 1853, describing Palmerston’s clandestine ‘connections’ with the Russian government. Urquhart, understandably delighted, arranged a meeting with the author early in 1854 at which he paid him the highest compliment in his lexicon by saying that ‘the articles read as though written by a Turk’. Marx, rather crossly, pointed out that he was in fact a German revolutionist.

‘He is an utter maniac,’ Marx reported soon after this strange encounter:

When some of Marx’s Palmerston articles from the Tribune were reprinted as a pamphlet, he was horrified to discover that polemics by Urquhart were appearing in the same series – and promptly forbade any further publication. ‘I do not wish to be numbered among the followers of that gentleman,’ he explained to Ferdinand Lassalle, ‘with whom I have only one thing in common, viz. my views on Palmerston, but to whom in all other matters I am diametrically opposed.’

One might infer from this that any further offers or inducements from the maniac would be rejected with a brisk ‘Get thee behind me, Satan!’ But Marx could not afford to maintain his principled posture for long. Harried by impatient creditors, he found it hard to resist a commission to write a series for one of Urquhart’s journals, the Sheffield Free Press, in the summer of 1856. ‘The Urquhartites are being damned importunate,’ he grumbled. ‘A good thing financially. But I don’t know whether, politically, I ought to get too involved with the fellows.’ The articles were suitably sensational: he claimed to have discovered, among the diplomatic manuscripts at the British Museum, ‘a series of documents going back from the end of the eighteenth century to the time of Peter the Great, which revealed the secret and permanent collaboration of the Cabinets at London and St Petersburg’. More alarmingly still, the aim of Russia throughout this period had been nothing less than the conquest of the earth. ‘It is yet the policy of Peter the Great, and of modern Russia, whatever changes of name, seat and character the hostile power used may have undergone. Peter the Great is indeed the inventor of modern Russian policy, but he became so only by divesting the old Muscovite method of its merely local character and its accidental admixtures, by distilling it into an abstract formula, by generalising its purpose, and exalting its object from the overthrow of certain given limits of power to the aspiration of unlimited power.’

Quotes above excerpted from Karl Marx: A life, Chapter 7 (The Story of the Life of Lord Palmerston)

Later Union Assistant Secretary of War (Charles Anderson Dana) recruited Marx to write for the New York Tribune:

... an American journalist, author, and senior government official. He was a top aide to Horace Greeley as the managing editor of the powerful Republican newspaper New-York Tribune until 1862. During the American Civil War, he served as Assistant Secretary of War, playing especially the role of the liaison between the War Department and General Ulysses S. Grant. In 1868 he became the editor and part-owner of The New York Sun.

Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany

Marx was asked in the summer of 1851 by Charles Anderson Dana, managing editor of the New York Tribune, to write a series of articles on the German Revolution. Founded in 1842 by Horace Greeley, the Tribune was the most influential paper in the United States at the time. These articles were written by Engels at the request of Marx, who was then busy with his economic studies and felt, besides, that he had not yet attained fluency in English. Engels wrote the articles in Manchester, where he was employed, and sent them on to Marx in London to be edited and dispatched to New York. Thus, although Engels must be rightly considered their author, Marx took a big part in the preparation, for in their almost daily correspondence the chief points were discussed thoroughly between them. The articles appeared under Marx's name, and it was not until much later, when the correspondence between the two life-long collaborators became available, that the true circumstances were revealed. The contributions to the Tribune thus begun continued until 1862, and though Marx himself wrote most of the articles after 1852, Engels continued to help his friend by writing for him important articles on political and military affairs. When Marx's daughter, Eleanor, wrote the preface to the 1896 edition she was still under the impression that Marx had written the series.

Prussian Army, Union Army (field grade officer) associate / personal friend (Joseph Weydemeyer):

I went with the three children via Bingen ... to see my old home town and my dear mother. I made a detour a little after Bingen in order to convert into ready money the silver-plate which I had just redeemed from the pawn broker's in Brussels. Weydemeyer and his wife again gave us hospitality and were very helpful to me in my dealings with the pawnbroker. Thus I managed again to get money for the journey.

Prussian Army officer associate / personal friend (Johann Philipp Becker):

Johann Philipp Becker published several of her letters. Heine, a pitiless satirist as he was, feared Marx's irony, but he was full of admiration for the penetrating sensitive mind of his wife; when the Marxes were in Paris he was one of their regular visitors.

Leon Trotsky né Lev Davidovich Bronstein

Associate / personal friend Alexander Parvus

Vladimir Lenin né Valdimir Ilyich Ulyanov

Associate/patron Alexander Parvus

Freemason (Spence, unsourced)

The Russian Revolution: Separating truth from myth (dissenting opinion)

...but if Germany did divert funds toward the Bolsheviks, it was only because the revolutionary opposition to Russian participation in the imperialist war was an opening to undermine its enemy. For this reason in April 1917, German intelligence permitted Lenin’s return to Russia from exile in Switzerland via train through Germany, Sweden and Finland in an arrangement made by the social democrat Alexander Parvus. However, this meddling was no different than similar interference by the British and French governments who also attempted to influence Russia’s affairs. In fact, it was reportedly the French who intercepted the dispatches given to the Provisional Government showing the supposed transactions between Germany and the Bolsheviks.

Culture in Exile: Russian Emigres in Germany, 1881-1941

The German government also established contact with Russian revolutionary circles abroad through Parvus, who was living in Constantinople at the outbreak of the war. Like many German socialists, Parvus greeted the war as an opportunity to destroy the ‘reactionary” Russian autocracy; unlike many other Russian socialists abroad he was willing to work closely with the German government to achieve his goals and suggested to the German ambassador in Constantinople that they were essentially the same as those of Russian revolutionaries. In March 1915 Parvus submitted a memorandum to the Wilhelmstrasse urging German financial support of the Russian revolutionary movement at home and abroad; by July he had five million marks at his disposal. From Parvus these funds were passed on to Russian revolutionaries living in Switzerland, including Lenin. In the spring of 1917 Parvus succeeded in persuading the Wilhelmstrasse and the High Command to dispatch several trains with some four hundred Russian exiles, among them Lenin, from Switzerland to Russia via Germany and Sweden. Lenin was hardly a German agent, and may have even been unaware of the source of money received, but Parvus was such an agent. Moreover he was uniquely gifted as the interme diary between two parties unable and unwilling to deal with each other directly, the German government and the Bolsheviks.

Rosa Luxembourg

Associate of Parvus

CovertAction Magazine



Philip Agee - CIA case officer

William Kunstler - US Army Signal Corps

James B. Wilcott - CIA finance officer

Editorial Staff

John Kiriakou - CIA analyst / economic officer / counter-terrorism operations officer

Board of Advisors

Colonel Ann Wright - US Army (USACAPOC/USSOCOM), US Army Reserve, US Department of State foreign service officer

Wayne Madsen - NROTC, US Navy, NSA contractor, US Department of State


Deborah Natsios

US Army Counter Intelligence Corps, Order of St. George, Knights of Malta, CIA officer father (Nicholas Natsios)

Natsios is the daughter of Nicholas Natsios, who served as CIA station chief in Greece from 1948–1956, in Vietnam from 1956–1960, in France from 1960–1962, in South Korea from 1962–1965, in Argentina from 1965–1969, in the Netherlands from 1969–1972, and in Iran from 1972–1974. While stationed in Vietnam, his deputy was William Colby, the future Director of Central Intelligence. His name was included in the 1996 membership directory of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, which Cryptome helped to publish. Cryptome acknowledged its link to Nicholas Natsios in 2000.

US Army Reserve Civil Affairs, USAID administrator, US Institute for Peace Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service professor / advisor, Bush School of Government and Public Service Executive Professor cousin (Andrew Natsios)

John Young

US Army Corps of Engineers

Daniel Friesen (Knowledge Fight)

Father (Steven John Friesen) began his career at known CIA front organization East-West Center // Archive

New York Times promotional article

The former stand-up comedians mock Mr. Jones for a living on their podcast, Knowledge Fight, but with the end of the Trump era, the duo wonder how long his conspiratorial carrying on can remain interesting, much less culturally relevant.

Mr. Friesen began Knowledge Fight in January 2017, at the start of Mr. Jones’s on-air love affair with President Donald J. Trump. The budding podcaster sold his plasma to help keep it afloat, but it grew during the Trump administration into a profitable enterprise. It now boasts more than 2,700 patrons on Patreon, a subscription-based funding site. Mr. Friesen declined to quantify his total listenership.

Daryl Davis

Father (William B. Davis) - Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Department of State Senior Foreign Service Officer

Born in Chicago, Illinois, Davis was the son of a Department of State Foreign Service officer and moved around the world with his parents during most of his early childhood.


He was groomed for a future in diplomacy; his father wanted him to bridge cultural, political and racial fissures in foreign countries. Daryl Davis decided to attend to that task in his own land.

Dave Chappelle

Father (William David Chappelle III)
US Army, employed by various USG organizations including FDA, Department of Education, and the Library of Congress

Mother (Yvonne Seon née Reed)
US Department of State Bureau of International Affairs, Democratic Republic of Congo Prime Minister cabinet member, Worked at/with known CIA front organizations: African-American Institute (AAI) and American Society of African Culture (AMSAC)

Dave McGowan

Liaison with Hollywood celebrities, William Morris Agency (WMA) :

Lots of fun with this show today. Dave’s meeting with Glenn Howerton and William Morris Agency;Was Woodstock an MK-Ultra experiment? Free drugs for all? kids basically trapped there like after Katrina; suffered deprivation of food, water, sanitation, but loads of free drugs; the anti war movement of the 60’s and Timothy Leary’s “advice”; who financed it? Ayahuasca today; Back to the Apollo Moon mission lies; NASA basically admits they don’t have the technology to do it today but managed to pull it off in the 60’s? Shrapnel on Moon;Structural vibration;heat shield;radiation beyond low Earth Orbit; McGowan’s war 1858; militarization of our schools; schools have their own police septs;Is it really “surplus” gear? Police State America since 9/11/01; start thinking folks;Back to Lincoln’s assassination and the fabled attacked on Seward and lots more.

(Need more information)

David Hogg

FBI, US Navy father (Kevin Hogg)

US military, Freemason grandfather

David Pakman

Argentine "refugee" (cf. Paperclip) parents (Marcelo G. Pakman, Silvia Berger)

ADL Senior Associate Regional Director, Google Policy Lead (Trust & Safety) brother (Natan Pakman)

Destiny AKA Steven K Bonnell II

US Air Force father (Steven K Bonnell) // Archive

US Air Force mother (Mary Bonnell née Shepard)
// Archive

Cuban "refugee" family on maternal side (cf. Paperclip)

Dirtbag Left

Chapo Trap House, Red Scare, and Cum Town share the same business manager, Charles Reinhardt, a former employee of Defense Research and Development Canada

Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC; French: Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, RDDC) is a special operating agency of the Department of National Defence (DND), whose purpose is to provide the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), other government departments, and public safety and national security communities with knowledge and technology.

Chapo Trap House

Felix Biederman

CIA-affiliated uncle (Jerry Biedermann)

As far as Chapo goes, Felix's uncle, Jerry Beiderman, was partners at the same law as Burton Kanter, the Pritzker family lawyer and one of the principals of Castle Bank and Trust, the CIA money laundering bank founded by Paul Helliwell, which, among other things, was a key conduit for funding the Bay of Pigs and also for laundering money from the Golden Triangle heroin trafficking network during Vietnam


Will Menaker

Grandfather (Robert Owen Menaker)
KGB / FBI informant , KGB associate (Floyd Miller)

Great uncle (Friedrich Engels Menaker)
FBI/US Army intelligence associate, lawyer associate (Thomas Mario McDade)

Enge’s lawyer is Tom McDade, the ex-FBI man, now comptroller of General Foods, who has gotten to know my family because he was a counselor at Pete’s camp for a few summers. Tom took a liking to my whole family, kept my father and Enge out of trouble with the House Un-American Activities Committee, built a house nearby, and was godfather to Mike and me.

Father (Robert Daniel Menaker)
Executive editor of Random House, 20+ year career at The New Yorker
FBI/US Army intelligence associate and godfather (Thomas Mario McDade).

MY GODFATHER INVESTIGATED my father for the FBI and was involved in a car chase with Baby Face Nelson.

Tom McDade, Mike’s and my godfather and the former FBI man who investigated my father...

NKVD, US Army Signal Corps father associate Michael Meeropol (Rosenburg)

I was taught to play the guitar by one of the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Quoted passages from My Mistake: A Memoir by Daniel Menaker


Brace Belden

USG-backed YPG militia mercenary

Liz Franczak

DoD contractor excutive (Motorola) father (Peter Franczak)

USAF, CIA grandfather (LTC Walter Elliot Bjorneby)

From mother's (Karen Bjorneby) Facebook (dead link) ---> Second hand source:

"Karen tells a cute story about how her military father met [sic] her mother: 'while I’m remembering the time at Berlin, at a white tie Four Corners diplomatic function, a Russian General crossed the empty ballroom floor, to ask her, seated amongst Americans, to dance. She agreed, and as they whirled around the dance floor, they were immediately accompanied by two other dancing couples. One KGB and one CIA. My father, all this time, had been over with the British, seeking out old stories from former RAF pilots...he never even noticed my mother dancing with the Russian General.'"

Note: the above passage does not describe their first meeting, but an event they later attended together.

Walter Bjorneby was a pilot for Eastern Airlines in Miami, a major cocaine trafficking / CIA hub.

Evidence that Eastern Airlines was a CIA front/contractor:

NACA Langley "Brainbusters", US Air Force, Hughes/Raytheon Space Sensors Lab Chief Engineer great uncle (Arthur S. Chapman)

"Arthur retired in 1982 as Chief Engineer for Hughes/Raytheon Space Sensors Laboratory, Santa Barbara.

He was born in Cuba, but grew up in Tampa, Florida. At age 16 he joined the "Brain Busters," a WWII group that worked on wind tunnel projects at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. After high school and service in the Air Force, he moved to California where he became an industrial designer and mechanical engineer.

He was proud to have been on teams at Hughes that worked on Landsat for NASA, the TOW missile, and the Cobra helicopter. During the Vietnam War he kept track of casualties as a reminder to allow no shortcuts in his work. He held 20 patents for optical and medical inventions."

More on NACA Langley "Brain Busters"

Additional information on TrueAnon

Red Scare

Publicity campaign initiated with staged vox populi interview of Nekrasova with then InfoWars reporter Ashton Birdie (Whitty) at SXSW Austin. This interaction took place just two weeks before the premier of Red Scare. Mainstream media puff pieces appeared shortly thereafter. Notable guests include Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Tulsi Gabbard, and Curtis Yarvin.

Anna Khachiyan

Father: Leonid Khachiyan - Renowned Soviet mathematician / computer scientist, Soviet Academy of Sciences, Moscow Insitute of Physics and Technology, Cornell and Rutgers after immigrating to US in 1989 (cf. Paperclip)

Liaison/crosspromotion with Thiel Capital Managing Director Eric Weinstein, Alleged liaison with Peter Thiel, and participated in Thiel-funded New People's Cinema Club Festival.

Dasha Nekrasova

Long-time personal associate of Brace Belden (TrueAnon), Adam Friedland (Cum Town) , Soviet "refugee" parents (cf. Paperclip), Hollywood actress

Donald Glover AKA Childish Gambino

US Air Force father (Donald Glover Sr.)

Donald McKinley Glover Jr. was born at Edwards Air Force Base in Edwards, California, on September 25, 1983, where his father was stationed, and was raised in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Douglas Valentine

US Army father

Captured by the Japanese while on patrol in the fetid jungles of New Guinea, Douglas Valentine’s father, who’d enlisted in the US Army at age sixteen, was sent to a prison camp in the Philippines, where he was interned with Australian and British soldiers.

Ed Opperman

Private investigator, military/intelligence or federal law enforcement agency associates

Ed has worked in the investigations field since the early 1980s first as an information broker and later in counter electronic surveillance. Working for the defense with some of NYCs top law firms and private investigators in many high profile organized crime cases. Later he teamed up with 2 retired NYPD Detectives to do employment and background screening Investigations. In 2003 Ed teamed up with the 'founding fathers' of Cell Phone Forensics and digital data recovery.

These men were fresh from the fields of Afghanistan hot on the heels of international terrorists. At the time this was a technology that was extremely cutting edge. Ed soon made a name for himself in this area and has become the leading provider of this type of Digital Forensic Investigation. He was chosen to examine the cell phones in the Tiger Woods infidelity scandal and his services have been used to investigate allegations of infidelity launched against Aston Kutcher and Todd and Sarah Palin as well as many other high profile celebrity clients. In 2012 he was part of the Congressional investigation and hearing into the Secret Service agents misconduct in Colombia.

Francis Horton (What a Hell of a Way to Die)

US Army Reserve Public Affairs

I joined the army at the age of 17. I needed to get my parents’ permission to join which I always found ironic because they wouldn’t let me play football because they didn’t want me to get hurt. This was before 9/11 so they saw it as a nothing thing. I am still in, just fulfilling my contract. I’m a reservist now. In the Army, I do mostly writing and photography and Public Affairs. I went to Afghanistan in 2004 and Iraq in 2009.

Frankfurt School / Critical Theory / Cultural Marxism

Secret Reports on Nazi Germany: The Frankfurt School Contribution to the War Effort

Franz Neumann

Consultant to the US Board of Economic Warfare 1942-43, OSS (Research and Analysis Branch, Central European Section deputy head) 1943-1945, US Department of State Central Europe Section 1945-1948?

GRU/KGB associates Elizabeth Zarubina and Paul Massing.

Herbert Marcuse

OSS (Research and Analysis Branch) 1943-1950, US Department of State Central Europe Section head 1952-1956

Jurgen Habermas

German Jungvolk leader, NSDAP father

Max Horkheimer


Horkheimer participated in at least one junket organized by the CCF in Hamburg...

Horkheimer’s lifelong collaborator was thus closely connected to the CCF networks in West Germany, and his name appears on a document, likely from 1958/59, that outlined plans for an all-German committee of the CCF.

Otto Kirchheimer

OSS (Research and Analysis Branch) 1943-1952.

Theodor Adorno


"Adorno published in the CIA-funded journal Der Monat, the largest review of its kind in Europe and the model for many of the Agency’s other publications. His articles appeared, as well, in two other CIA magazines: Encounter and Tempo presente. He also hosted in his home, corresponded and collaborated with the CIA operative who was arguably the leading figure in the German anticommunist Kulturkampf: Melvin Lasky. Founder and chief editor of Der Monat, as well as a member of the original steering committee for the CIA’s CCF, Lasky told Adorno that he was open to every form of collaboration with the Institute for Social Research, including publishing their articles and any other declaration as quickly as possible in his pages...

What is more, even after it was revealed in 1966 that this international propaganda organization was a CIA front, Adorno continued to be “included in the expansion plans of the Paris headquarters of the CCF,” as it was “business as usual” in the part of Germany overseen by the U.S.

Gloria Steinem

Started career at known CIA front (Independent Research Service)

Gravel Institute

Israel Defense Forces volunteer aspirant, US Army Counterintelligence Corps, Alaska House of Representatives / Speaker of the Alaska House, US Senator founder (Mike Gravel)

By Gravel's telling, in the summer of 1948 he intended to volunteer for the Israel Defense Forces during the 1947–1949 Palestine war, but Alexandra Tolstaya told him to return to school.

Around May 1951, Gravel saw that he was about to be drafted and instead enlisted in the U.S. Army for a three-year term so that he could get into the Counterintelligence Corps. After basic training and counterintelligence school at Fort Holabird in Maryland and in South Carolina, he went to Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia. While he expected to be sent off to the Korean War when he graduated as a second lieutenant in early 1952, he was instead assigned to Stuttgart, West Germany, as a Special Adjutant in the Army's Communications Intelligence Service. In Germany, Gravel conducted surveillance operations on civilians and paid off spies. After about a year, he transferred to Orléans, France, where his French language abilities (if not his French-Canadian accent) allowed him to infiltrate French communist rallies. He worked as a Special Agent in the Counterintelligence Corps until 1954, eventually becoming a first lieutenant

The Grayzone

Founder Max Blumenthal - Mainstream media journalist, overt political operator, mainstream media journalist/editor/author father (Sidney Blumenthal)

Hannah Arendt

CIA / UK Foreign Office asset

But it produced false realities, and The Cultural Cold War asks to what degree intellectuals became embroiled in these counterfeits and, more controversially, enlarged them. It is not so much an intellectual history as a history of intellectuals, and of new York intellectuals in particular, that powerfully strange mix of men and women who supplied the front ranks of the cultural Cold War. They in- habited a hothouse of ideological and literary debate out of which grew a number of important works (daniel Bell’s The End of Ideology, Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism, david riesman’s The Lonely Crowd, to name a few). At first their arguments were restricted to the cramped pages of the Partisan Review, Commentary, and the other “little magazines.” Then, as part of the cultural consortium put together by the CIA (with or without their knowledge), they suddenly acquired an international audience.

Goodwin’s resignation was a blow to Josselson, who lost in him a direct contact with the Information Research Department. But Ird soon made good the deficit, inserting their man John Clews into the British Society as its general secretary. Soon, Clews was using his position as a distribution point for Ird material, writing nabokov to tell him in June 1952 that he had had “a long talk with Hannah Arendt and have introduced her to one or two of our Foreign office experts, as a result of which I am supplying her with a lot of source material that she needs for her new book. . . . If you know of any other people that are coming over here and who wish to make similar contacts to those made by dr. Arendt, just let me know and I will arrange them.” 17 Clews also sent material to Josselson, reminding him (as if he needed to) that the documents could be used freely, “but their source must not be stated

Passages quoted from The Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders

See: Congress for Cultural Freedom


Hila Klein (née Hacmon)

Israel Defense Forces aide-de-camp to Duchifat Battalion commander, IDF family (roles unk.)

Ethan: You've served in the military. Your whole family served in the military, right?

Hila: Mhmm.


Ethan: What did you do? What was your role in the military?

Hila: Um, at first I was given a role that was like in an office somewhere close to my house in Tel Aviv...And it was super boring, and I really hated it...So I tried to change my role...I somehow ended up in a better place that I liked a lot more...So, I was the secretary of the head [of] Duchifat, which is like a brigade...that's in charge of the area of Ramallah. That brigade has a main officer, so I was his secretary.

Ethan Klein

Hollywood producer/writer/director grandfather (Leonard Katzman) and great-great uncle (Sam Katzman), Birthright participant (met Hila during this period)

(see: Hasan Piker)

Hasan Piker


Top-earning Twitch partner.

Twitch is a wholly owned subsidiary of major DoD/IC contractor Amazon:

DoD picks Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Oracle for multibillion dollar project to replace JEDI Cloud
NSA Re-awards Secret $10 Billion Contract to Amazon

Managed by William Morris Endeavor agent (Bennett Sherman)

Bennett Sherman is an agent at WME and works with a roster of digital talent across different social-media platforms. Sherman helps his clients diversify their brands and businesses across verticals like television, commercials, licensing, music, and podcasts. Sherman's roster also includes creators Supercar Blondie, Hasan Piker, and Jamie O'Brien, who have grown social media followings on various platforms. He also works with WME's more traditional talent clients who are looking to grow their social-media presence.

Nephew of Cenk Uygur (See: The Young Turks)

Iowa Writers' Workshop

How Iowa Flattened Literature:

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop emerged in the 1930s and powerfully influenced the creative-writing programs that followed. More than half of the second-wave programs, about 50 of which appeared by 1970, were founded by Iowa graduates. Third- and fourth- and fifth-wave programs, also Iowa scions, have kept coming ever since. So the conventional wisdom that Iowa kicked off the boom in M.F.A. programs is true enough.

Yet what drew writers to Iowa was not the innate splendor of a spontaneously good idea. What drew writers to Iowa is what draws writers anywhere: money and hype, which tend to be less spontaneous than ideas.

So where did the money and the hype come from?

Much of the answer lies in the remarkable career of Paul Engle, the workshop’s second director, a do-it-yourself Cold Warrior whose accomplishments remain mostly covered in archival dust. For two decades after World War II, Iowa prospered on donations from conservative businessmen persuaded by Engle that the program fortified democratic values at home and abroad: It fought Communism. The workshop thrived on checks from places like the Rockefeller Foundation, which gave Iowa $40,000 between 1953 and 1956—good money at the time. As the years went by, it also attracted support from the Asia Foundation (another channel for CIA money) and the State Department.

See: Congress for Cultural Freedom

Jimmy Dore

"Jimmy Falun Gong" (Programmed to Chill)

Mormon missionary (cf. Mormons and the CIA/FBI)

Jim Stewartson

Executive Producer, Niantic Labs (Google)

Niantic's connections to military/intelligence

John Dolan AKA Gary Brecher (Radio War Nerd, The eXile)

Associate Professor, American University of Iraq - Sulaimani

US Army TRADOC support program Human Terrain System (HTS), Rand Corporation consultant, Office of Naval Research consultant, US Institute of Peace defense consultant, Naval War College Minerva Chair associate (ex-girlfriend) "Montgomery Mcfate" AKA Mitzy Carlough.

Background information on McFate

Johnny Harris

Mormon missionary (cf. Mormons and the CIA/FBI), Sponsored by World Economic Forum (WEF), Multimedia producer for Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), employed by various mainstream media outlets

Harris was raised in a Mormon family, living in a small town in Oregon. He graduated from Ashland High School, in Ashland, Oregon. He served a two-year mission for the LDS Church in Tijuana, Mexico.

Harris holds a B.A. in International Relations and Affairs from Brigham Young University (2013) and an M.A. in international peace and conflict resolution from American University (2016). He is a fluent Spanish speaker, has a good command of French, speaks a little bit of Persian and is currently learning Italian.

Kristofer Goldsmith

US Army

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Eagle Scout (cf. Eagle Scouts and spookery), US Navy, participated in OSS operation to train Norwegian naval paramilitaries during WW2

Ensign Ferlinghetti went with a new one, SC-683. It was hoisted on a merchant ship and wound up at Dumbarton in Scotland. He met fishermen from Norway who had made a perilous voyage in open boats across the North Sea, then threaded their way down through the Hebrides, then trained them in use of weapons, explosives -- and operating a subchaser. The U.S. Office of Strategic Services, a precursor of the CIA, had arranged for them to receive the SC-683 and two more subchasers. These men became keepers of a promise Norwegian Foreign Minister Halvdan Koht had made when Nazis invaded his country: "We will not submit voluntarily. The struggle is already under way."


(see: Civil Rights Movement)

Harvey Milk

US Navy, Barry Goldwater presidential campaign (see: USSOCOM history, Goldwater-Nichols Act, Jim Watkins's The Goldwater, William Regnery III.)

Gilbert Baker

Creator of the rainbow pride flag

US Army, worked for multiple heads of state (graphic design)

Personal associate of Harvey Milk:

In 1974, Baker’s life changed forever when he met Harvey Milk, who showed him “how action could create change.” Three years after they met, Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors – making him the first openly gay person to hold a high public office in a major American city... After winning the election, Milk challenged Gilbert Baker to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community...

Inspired, Baker began working on a flag. He dyed the fabrics himself and, with the help of volunteers, stitched together eight strips of brilliant color into a huge banner that spoke volumes: hot pink stood for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for the sun, green for nature, turquoise blue for art, indigo for harmony and violet for spirit.

Monica F. Helms

Creator of the transgender pride flag

US Navy

Alfred Kinsey

Research funded by the Rockefeller Foundation

Funding a Sexual Revolution: The Kinsey Reports (Per the Rockefeller Archive Center):

It has been over seventy years since Alfred Kinsey published research findings asserting that people do not fit exclusively into binary sexual categories. What exists today as the well-known Kinsey scale was at mid-century a revolution in scientific understanding of human sexuality. Moreover, it has been a source of heated controversy ever since. The most well-known of the study’s conclusions asserts that only ten percent of the human population is fully heterosexual, and likewise only ten percent is exclusively homosexual. The rest of the population is spread across a “continuum” at points somewhere in between. This assertion transformed American society by challenging American attitudes toward sexual normalcy.

But there is a much less well-known story about Kinsey and his research enterprise: that the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) funded much of his work. Why and how did a large foundation get involved in human sexuality research — and what was this funding relationship like, especially as the controversy heated up?

John Money

Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic founder, Kinsey Institute researcher (Rockefeller-funded)

Coined the term "gender":

In 1966, Dr. Money founded the Gender Identity Clinic at Johns Hopkins University and started an extensive research program on the psychohormonal treatment of paraphilias and on sex reassignment. Money formulated, defined, and coined the term "gender role" and later expanded it to gender-identity/role (G-I/R). In 1961, he proposed the hypothesis that androgen is the libido hormone for both sexes.

Tavistock Gender Identity clinic

Henry Gerber né Heinrich Joseph Dittmar

was an early homosexual rights activist in the United States. Inspired by the work of Germany's Magnus Hirschfeld and his Scientific-Humanitarian Committee and by the organisation Bund für Menschenrecht by Friedrich Radszuweit and Karl Schulz, Gerber founded the Society for Human Rights (SHR) in 1924, the nation's first known homosexual organization, and Friendship and Freedom, the first known American homosexual publication.

US Army

In 1917, Gerber was briefly committed to a mental institution because of his homosexuality. When the United States declared war on Germany, Gerber was given a choice: be interned as an enemy alien or enlist in the Army. Gerber chose the Army and he was assigned to work as a printer and proofreader with the Allied Army of Occupation in Coblenz. He served for around three years. During his time in Germany, Gerber learned about Magnus Hirschfeld and the work he and his Scientific-Humanitarian Committee were doing to reform anti-homosexual German law (especially Paragraph 175, which criminalized sex between men). Gerber traveled to Berlin, which supported a thriving gay subculture.

In 1927, Gerber travelled to New York City, where a friend from his Army days introduced him to a colonel. The officer encouraged Gerber to re-enlist and he did. Gerber was posted to Fort Jay on Governors Island and his post-war talents as a proofreader and editor likely put to use by the Army Recruiting Bureau in the production of their magazines and recruiting publications. It was likely that such low profile office work allowed him to continue in the Army, with occasional harassment until 1945, when he received an honorable discharge.

During his second enlistment, Gerber ran a pen pal service called "Connections" beginning in 1930. The service typically had between 150 and 200 members, the majority of whom were heterosexual. He continued writing articles for a variety of magazines, including one called Chanticleer, in which he sometimes made the case for homosexual rights.

See: Magnus Hirschfeld

Institut für Sexualwissenschaft
Magnus Hirschfeld

Social science enjoyed a new vogue and legitimacy as defeated Germany maintained its position as the international leader in the field. In 1919, Prussia's new Social Democratic state government offered homosexual rights campaigner Magnus Hirschfeld--whose Scientific-Humanitarian Committee had been battling since 1897 for reform of paragraph 175, which outlawed sodomy and other sex crime laws--a mansion in Berlin's fashionable Tiergarten district to house his library of over 20,000 volumes and 30,000 photographs. He immediately setup the Institute for Sexual Science and inaugurated a pioneer sex counseling clinic. Weekly public question-and-answer sessions in the institute's Ernst Haeckel Hall field queries such as, "What is the best way to have sex without making a baby?" "What is the most absolutely reliable contraceptive?" or "How long do condoms last?" and became popular evening outings for Berliners.

Reforming Sex by Atina Grossmann p. 16

Judith Butler

Rockefeller, Guggenheim fellowship

Coined the term "gender performativity":

The term gender performativity was first coined by American philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler in their 1990 book Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. In the book, Butler sets out to criticize what they consider to be an outdated perception of gender. This outdated perception, according to Butler, is limiting in that it adheres to the dominant societal constraints that label gender as binary. In scrutinizing gender, Butler introduces a nuanced perception in which they unite the concepts of performativity and gender. In chapter one, Butler introduces the unification of the terms gender and performativity in stating that "gender proves to be performance—that is, constituting the identity it is purported to be. In this sense, gender is always a doing, though not a doing by a subject who might be said to pre-exist the deed"

Lindsay Ellis

US Navy father (James Carroll Ellis)

Mae Brussell (née Magnin)

Father (Edgar Magnin) - Presidential associate (multiple)

Edgar Magnin (July 1, 1890 – July 17, 1984) was rabbi and spiritual leader of Wilshire Boulevard Temple (previously Congregation B'nai B'rith), the oldest Jewish congregation in Los Angeles, California. Magnin served at the temple for 69 years and was considered one of the most prominent Jewish leaders in the United States, sometimes called the "Rabbi to the Stars" because of his close connections to the Hollywood film industry.

He developed a close friendship with Richard Nixon who chose him to deliver the prayer at his presidential inaugural in 1969 and in 1973 he spoke at a White House ecumenical worship service.

33rd degree Freemason:

In the December 1984 issue of the Scottish Rite Journal, the following appeared: "In a letter of condolence to the widow of Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin, President and Mrs. Reagan expressed the feeling of all who knew this great man, rabbi, Mason and American. For nearly 69 years, Rabbi Magnin served his 2,500 family congregation at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Los Angeles. In addition, he ministered to a city, earning a reputation as 'the father figure of Los Angeles,' to his Craft, and to his beloved country.

"A member of West Gate Lodge No. 335, F.&A.M., Brother Magnin belonged to the Scottish Rite Bodies of Los Angeles where he was Coroneted an Inspector General Honorary of the Thirty-third Degree in 1971. A former Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of California and a 50-Year Mason, Rabbi Magnin received the 'Outstanding Mason of the Year Award' from the Grand Lodge of California in 1978. Intended to honor a Mason whose outstanding character and extraordinary achievements best reflect the influence of Masonic ideals,' this award appropriately recognized Rabbi Magnin's many decades of dedicated work for interfaith cooperation, philanthropic benefit and social advance. Clearly, Freemasonry was Rabbi Magnin's lifelong inspiration. It extended the humane influence of his personal faith in Reform Judaism to a universal belief in worldwide brotherhood."

Confederate/Union Army*, Freemason Great-grandfather (Isaac Magnin)

As a teenager Isaac was an itinerant merchant in Texas and New Mexico until he enlisted in the army during the Civil War.

The Magnin family were among the most prominent in San Francisco. Progenitor Isaac had joined the Masonic Order in London and rose to the highest rank in the United States. The family affiliated with the prestigious Temple Emanu-El. During the Second World War, Grover Magnin was treasurer of the American Council for Judaism, an anti-Zionist organization. The Magnin family, like the Voorsangers, indeed, the majority of Emanu-El Temple’s members, strongly opposed Jewish nationalism. The Magnin men were all upwardly mobile American businessmen who were active in the Masons and belonged to the prestigious country clubs.

Quoted passages from The Forerunners: Dutch Jewry in the North American Diaspora "The Magnin Clan, Clothiers and a Rabbi"

*Sources vary as to the loyalties of Isaac Magnin during the Civil War. Wikipedia claims he fought for the Union, but the source listed does not confirm this. A memorial page for Magnin, however, claims he fought for the Confederacy.

Cousin once removed (Cyril Magnin) - Freemason, Presidential associate (multiple)

Magnin was a veteran political fund-raiser and power broker in the Democratic Party. He was treasurer of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's northern California re-election campaign in 1944, a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1948 (which nominated President Harry S. Truman) and again in 1964, when he co-chaired the Finance Committee of President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign in California.

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Magnin was one of a quartet of wealthy San Francisco Jewish contributors to Democratic candidates, appreciatively called "The Green Machine" by career politicians, the others being the Fairmont Hotel magnate Benjamin Swig, Lilli Ann clothing company founder Adolph Schuman, and real estate mogul Walter Shorenstein. The four did not always agree in their choice of candidates. Magnin himself was a major donor to the presidential candidacies of John F. Kennedy in 1960 and Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, and, in the interim, developed a close friendship with Lyndon Johnson.

(See: KPFA)

Michael Parenti

Yale University PhD, works published by City Lights (see: Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Michael Prysner

US Army

He is a US Army veteran who served in Iraq as a Specialist. According to Prysner, his duties in Iraq included ground surveillance, home raids and the interrogation of prisoners, and these experiences led him to take an anti-war stance.

See: Abby Martin, Spenser Rapone

Molly Klein AKA RedKahina

CIA Father (Paul Klein)

Nate Bethea (What a Hell of a Way to Die, Trashfuture)

US Army ROTC, US Army, US Army Special Forces ("washout")

"In 2003...Nate accepted an offer of a full scholarship to Indiana University via the U.S. Army's Reserve Officer Training Corps program. He commissioned as a second lieutenant of infantry in May 2007 and served on active duty from 2007 to 2014...

In March 2011 Nate completed the Special Forces Assessment and Selection course at Camp Mackall, North Carolina and entered training to become a Green Beret. However, in December 2012, like a fucking light switch getting flipped, Nate had an epiphany that a) he hated the military b) the Green Berets' entire existence was formed out of paranoid anticommunism and c) he also hated carrying a rucksack. He voluntarily withdrew from the Special Forces Qualification Course and spent thirteen months assigned to the U.S. Army 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Casey, South Korea before being allowed to leave the Army. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Airborne school, Ranger school, and Pathfinder course..."

US Army officer parents

Nate was born in Fort Lewis, Washington in 1984, the year they made free speech illegal. At the time of his birth, both his mother and father were officers in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Lewis.

Nation of Islam

Elijah Muhammad - Imperial Japanese Army officer, Black Dragon Society associate (Satokata Takahashi)

Japan’s Peculiar History with the African-American Civil Rights Movement

Elijah Muhammad, who first stepped into the premier post of NOI at 1934 and would lead it to his death in 1975, was, much like DuBois, committed to the cause of the full legal and economic improvement in the lives of Black Americans. But while DuBois sought ways for the Blacks to become more equal Americans, Muhammad’s ideology was heavily tinged with Islamism and an overall desire to uproot the American system, beginning with its racial hierarchy — in a 1933 speech, Muhammad remarked that, “the Japanese will slaughter the white man”. Unbeknownst to him, by this time the FBI were monitoring Muhammad with several spies for fear that the Japanese were attempting to establish a ‘fifth column’ organization through Black Nationalists. Was this an outlandish speculation?

Enter Satokata Takahashi...he was an ardent Pan-Asianist agent working as a bridge between the African American revolutionaries and the Japanese nationalist group Black Dragon Society (Kokuryūkai). This latter organization, founded in 1901, stationed agents across the world, sending funds and arms to anti-colonial uprisings throughout the Middle East and Africa. In the United States, the two notable organizations which received its patronage were NOI and the PMEW. Working through local religious and political notables, Takahashi gained connections with seditious Black nationalists- even establishing a personal friendship with Elijah Muhammad. In 1939, he collaborated with another Black Dragon Society agent by the pseudonym of Ashima Takis* to begin equipping the nascent PMEW to join in a predicted invasion of the mainland United States by the Japanese. The plan didn’t last long, as Ashima had a falling out with other PMEW members and fled under suspicion of embezzlement. After the Pearl Harbor attack, such organizations were categorized under treasonous activity and thoroughly scrutinized by the FBI — which discovered such wide links as a Japanese consulate member in New York who had amassed “several hundred pounds of literature pertaining to the American negro” and was promptly deported. Such was the deep web uncovered, connecting African American notables, Japanese diplomats, and Black Dragon agents, pointing to the decade-long grassroots work that the Japanese were undertaking in the United States.

Perhaps more illustrious than Takahashi is his wife, Pearl Sherrod, leader of Detroit-based The Development of Our Own (TDOO). Of the organizations to which the Black Dragon society lent its patronage, TDOO was the most internationally-minded in scope. Inspired by the internationalist message spread by the Bolshevist movement of the 1910s and 1920s, Sherrod actively sought to create far-reaching political alliances across the globe, particularly in Asia, echoing Elijah Muhammad’s belief that the Blacks were ‘lost found members of the Asian nation’. TDOO was established by Takahashi and endorsed by NOI founder Wallace D. Fard. Originally a member of NOI, Sherrod broke off and joined TDOO after finding the patriarchy and religious synchretism among NOI leadership too much to bear. Due to Takahashi’s unusually progressive personal views, TDOO provided a rare space for women activists to gain valuable experience in leadership and organizational roles, despite reservations from male leadership within TDOO. Sherrod and Takahashi later got married, and while there was much debate on whether this was a union of love, that Sherrod’s critical position was secured through the marriage was undeniable. Certainly it was an intentional challenge to the existing ‘Jim Crow’ laws on interracial marriage. Upon her husbands deportation, she took over administration as the de-facto head and steered the organization’s direction to fit a more black feminist-oriented agenda, using the TDOO’s news outlet, Detroit Tribune Independent to publish harsh criticisms of the United States government on their policies towards the African Americans.

Noam Chomsky

DoD-funded MIT Research Lab for Electronics researcher

After all, it is no secret that Chomsky’s linguistic work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was initially funded by the Pentagon. As he himself explains: ‘I was in a military lab. If you take a look at my early publications, they all say something about Air Force, Navy, and so on, because I was in a military lab, the Research Lab for Electronics.’

Chomsky has always been adamant that military funding had no effect on his work. Asked in 2016 if the military hoped to make use of his research, he replied: ‘That’s actually a widespread illusion. … It’s very widely believed but basically the military didn’t care what you were doing.’ The government, according to Chomsky, used the military ‘as a kind of a funnel by which tax-payer money was being used to create the hi-tech economy of the future.’ Chomsky cited the early development of the Internet, saying of the scientists who worked for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) during the 1960s: ‘the military funded them but nobody had any military purpose.’

Oliver Lennard AKA Abigail Thorn (Philosophy Tube)

UK Combined Cadet Force

The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a youth organisation in the United Kingdom, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), which operates in schools, and normally includes Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force sections.

Peter Dale Scott

Canadian Diplomatic Corps

Canadian Diplomatic Corps father

Peter Dale Scott (1929– ) is the son of a Canadian diplomat and civil rights champion. From 1957–1961 he joined the Canadian diplomatic corps, serving in Poland and as a professor at the University of California, and has published books about the Vietnam War and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His important nonfiction books include The Iran-Contra Connection and Cocaine Politics.

Peter Kropotkin

Imperial Russian Army officer

In 1862, Kropotkin graduated first in his class from the Corps of Pages and entered the Tsarist army. The members of the corps had the prescriptive right to choose the regiment to which they would be attached. Following a desire to "be someone useful", Kropotkin chose the difficult route of serving in a Cossack regiment in eastern Siberia. For some time, he was aide de camp to the governor of Transbaikalia at Chita. Later he was appointed attaché for Cossack affairs to the governor-general of East Siberia at Irkutsk.

Father (Alexey Petrovich Kropotkin) - Imperial Russian Army Major General

Maternal grandfather - Cossack General Officer

Kropotkin family's membership in the Russian military nobility.

Renee DiResta

New Knowledge Director of Research, which organization was contracted by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to launder USG white messaging on Russian PSYOP capability and the extent of its influence on the 2016 presidential election.

Upon request by the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), New Knowledge reviewed an expansive data set of social media posts and metadata provided to SSCI by Facebook, Twitter, and Alphabet, plus a set of related data from additional platforms. The data sets were provided by the three primary platforms to serve as evidence for an investigation into the Internet Research Agency (IRA) influence operations. The organic post content in this data set has never previously been seen by the public. Our report quantifies and contextualizes Internet Research Agency (IRA) influence operations targeting American citizens from 2014 through 2017, and articulates the significance of this long-running and broad influence operation.

New Knowledge's connections to the DoD/IC

Thiel Foundation mentor

Stanford Internet Observatory Research Manager, which organization is considered an authority on contemporary PSYOP. Its findings are coincident with USG white messaging (cf. Bellingcat, broader anti-disinfo sphere).

Council on Foreign Relations Term Member
CFR Term Member Program:

The Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program provides young professionals in government, media, nongovernmental organizations, law, business, finance, and academia the opportunity to participate in a sustained conversation on international affairs and U.S. foreign policy. The program allows these younger members to interact with seasoned foreign policy experts and participate in a wide variety of events designed especially for them. Each year, a new class of term members between the ages of thirty and thirty-six is elected to serve a fixed five-year membership term.

Robert Evans (Behind the Bastards)

Writes for Bellingcat

(See: Bellingcat)

Robert Skvarla

US Air Force (archive)

"Holloman prepares for upcoming ORI" archive

HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- Airman 1st Class Robert Skvarla, 49th Force Support Squadron, inspects a mobility bag during a base exercise Jan. 25, 2011. The bag team inspects each Airman's bag for completeness and readiness for deployment. This specific exercise is designed to test an Airman's ability and readiness to deploy, and helps to prepare the base for its upcoming Operational Readiness Inspection.

Scott Ritter

US Army, US Marine Corps intelligence officer

In 1980, Ritter served in the U.S. Army as a private. Then, in May 1984, he was commissioned as an intelligence officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served in this capacity for about 12 years. He served as the lead analyst for the Marine Corps Rapid Deployment Force concerning the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Iran–Iraq War.

During Desert Storm, he served as a ballistic missile advisor to General Norman Schwarzkopf. Ritter later worked as a security and military consultant for the Fox News network. Ritter also had "a long relationship [...] of an official nature" with the UK's foreign intelligence spy agency MI6 according to an interview he gave to Democracy Now! in 2003.

Sidney "Paddy" Chayefsky

US Army, playwright for Special Services Unit

Recruited by OSS officer (Garson Kanin) to produce joint Office of War Information - Ministry of Information white PSYOP product The True Glory

US Army Public Affairs, Intelligence associate (Joshua Logan)

Slavoj Zizek

Yugoslav Army, Civil Servant father (Jože Žižek)

His father Jože Žižek was an economist and civil servant from the region of Prekmurje in eastern Slovenia.

He spent the next few years in what was described as "professional wilderness", also fulfilling his legal duty of undertaking a year-long national service in the Yugoslav army in Karlovac.

Spenser Rapone (Eyes Left)

US Army / USSOCOM / USASOC / 75th Ranger Regiment, US Military Academy (West Point) Graduate

(see: Michael Prysner)

Steven Snider AKA Recluse of Babylon (VISUPview, The Farm)

US Army intelligence or US Army Special Forces father (account varies):

From interview with The Opperman Report 09/20/2020 (4:52) // Alternate link

"I kind of got into, you know, arcane research--I suppose in part from my family connections. My father was definitely a big conspiracy buff. He had been involved in the Army for several years, which had left a bad taste in his mouth--I've gone over his records, and I think he was in some kind of intelligence detachment, or something to that effect."

From interview with TheHighersideChats 05/19/2017 (2:19)

"Well, like a lot of people I probably started to get into this stuff, at least heavily kind of during the Bush II years. I was kind of brought up, though, in a conspiratorial-oriented family. My father, who was a green beret was quite interested in this kind of stuff. I can actually remember listening to William Cooper with him, probably at some point in the early to mid-nineties when I was only, you know, maybe ten, twelve years old, or something like that."

Subliminal Jihad

Kenneth Molloy AKA "Khalid bin Yaqub"

NY State Supreme Court judge, OSS Grandfather (Kenneth Dennis Molloy), Deutsche Bank father (James M. Molloy)

David Romanski AKA "Dmitri"

(credit to deutsche_bank_exposer @WokeHegel)

Hollywood screenwriter/ editor / script clearance researcher (Fox, MTV, PBS, Netflix)

Assistant Chief Counsel SEC Division of Market Regulation, Assistant General Counsel SEC Office of General Counsel father (David J. Romanski)

See: "Jimmy Falun Gong"

The Young Turks

Cenk Uygur

Thomas Pynchon

US Navy, DoD contractor employee (Boeing)

TrineDay Press

Founder (Kris Millegan) - OSS, US Army Intelligence, CIA father

Kris Millegan is a writer, researcher and publisher whose father was in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Military Intelligence (G2), and later was in the CIA, rising to Branch Chief, Head of Intelligence Analysis for East Asia. His father told Kris some things that he didn’t understand in the late 60’s. These revelations led to over thirty years of research into the subjects of CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, conspiracy theory and secret societies.


Robert Scheer

Mainstream media journalist

Zuade Kaufman

US Air Force, billionaire businessman father (Donald Bruce Kauffman), billionaire philanthropist mother (Glorya Kaufman)

"Press Room: An Inside Look at Truthdig.com":

I first met Truthdig’s publisher, Zuade Kaufman, several years ago, when I was researching a profile of billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad for Los Angeles. Her late father Donald Kaufman was Broad’s business partner.

Vaush AKA Ian Kochinski

US Navy Grandfather (Donald Edwin Boose)

US Navy uncle (Donald Richard Boose)


UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK Atomic Energy Authority official editor (Patrick Haseldine)

Pub: 15 Aug 2022 02:44 UTC
Edit: 07 Feb 2023 23:09 UTC
Views: 8854