This is an Adjuration

This is dedicated to Freyja, the author who made so much happen for a wonderful group of people. A second dedication to Gia for bringing a small group of fans together, and for taking the first step. And two more, thank you to Bittir for helping make this happen, and to Skip for putting the post all together.

Thank you all.

Drawing of all main characters from This is an Adjuration, all around a banner which reads "Thank you for this Adjuration!

adjuration (noun)
ad·ju·ra·tion ˌa-jə-ˈrā-shən
1: a solemn oath
2: an earnest urging or advising
“I can’t do this without you. Don’t die. This is an order. This is a command. This is an adjuration. Do whatever you have to do, break whatever you have to break, but don’t you die.” -Middlegame, Seanan McGuire

Once, Hyrule was the only person he knew named Link. He was the only person who had held the triforce, the only person who had to run from the forces of evil, to defeat an enemy too great when he was too young, too small, too alone. Once, he cast a desperate bit of arcane magic and thrust himself and eight strangers on a quest.
Now, Legend smiles more, and Twilight's shadows are a little lighter. Now Wind laughs as loud as a storm with Sky's smile as soft as the following calm.
Someday soon, Wild will stand in a land of darkness, fighting an enemy all too easy to laugh off, though the darkness doesn't laugh. The shadows themselves will plot and scheme. Soon Wars' own darkness with reach out for him. It isn't long until Four is haunted by his own shadow. Maybe, if they had enough warning there would be something that could be done.
The problem with Time is that he knows the cost of meddling. Then, now, and then again, he was, is, and will be unable to warn them all properly. That's the issue with time travel. For those outside of the stream, the course of it can't be seen, can't be planned for. By the time you realize it's happened, it's already too late.

Quotes: (authors favorites, readers favorites)

"And to think," his own voice coos, "there was ever a version of the story where you got to live." (Chapter 39, Their Bleeding Heart.) A loop closes. (Chapter 53, References.) They go through the portal. (Chapter 33, Intermission, 29 times. Chapter 73, Ten Thousand Years (Give or Take), 2 times.)

Reviews: (should all be [mostly] spoiler free)

Contrabutions, Links, and other References:

(include fanart, inspired works, art credits, fic link, )

Pub: 20 Mar 2024 15:10 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2024 19:33 UTC
Views: 110