hi leon (if ur reading this that is) everyone else go away

i love you actually so much? you mean the actual world to me and i really dont know how to properly express how you make me feel without just dumping it all out on a markdown site so here we go!
everything about you is perfect to me and even if we did meet just this april i can already say you're the actual love of my life and seriously mean it because i do. you mean so much to me and it's not even just the bigger parts of you that i care about but it's everything in between, like the music you listen to or how the things you say can get me to genuinely laugh. i always care about how you're feeling and what's going on with your life even if it maybe doesn't come off that way, but you should know i always care about how you're doing.
life is a pain in the fucking ass and if i could talk to you everyday and every hour of the day i would do it every single day over and over (which is why syshopping should be real fml), but i can't always do that which is so frustrating. despite that i am always here for you and if you ever need me i will always be there too. you are genuinely, seriously the love of my entire life and my whole world and i can't ever see that changing ever. i love you


Pub: 27 Jul 2023 01:59 UTC
Edit: 27 Jul 2023 02:02 UTC
Views: 60