main img

home pixels - gifs - dividers - dolls - stamps - blinkies - buttons templates - ascii - copypastas - backgrounds - symb - links change log - cbox (coming soon) - contact

─ contact me on:
discord: @ryuplushie twitter: @shidouplushie
retrospring: here pinterest: here
cbox will also be an option but it will take some time until i finish it on the first place

─ about removals or credits:
If you're the author of any type of content that i post here and you don't want your creations to be posted around, with or without credits, PLEASE dm me about so i can credit you or remove it!!!! I save a bunch of pixels and at the end of the day i am not able to remember where i got each one of them from! This also counts if you know whoever created any resource here, pls dm me with any of their their social media profile link so i can credit them!!!

Tho if you see something here that you also have posted on your own website, please don't come up to me starting a huge problem out of it with the "you stole my pixel" talk... We can always talk about it of course, but if you're just picking around fights because of it when you don't even create anything yourself, honestly i have better stuff to worry about on my daily routine, so i'll most probably ignore you.

─ Why do some if not all of the pictures look so smal or stretched?
This probably happens because rentry has an option to resize pictures so they'll look better on the website! When you save the picture on your gallery, it'll look normal. If they're super ugly on mobile tho i'm very sorry because i post stuff using my laptop and i'm ultra lazy to make it good-looking for mobile too. ;(

Pub: 15 Jun 2024 03:00 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2024 23:21 UTC
Views: 64