lace divider Darling, you're already in my veins !! A painting of an anime girl that looks as if she's submerged in water, the painting has a combination of blue and white colors. divider "If I betray you, I betray myself.."
! OSDD system ♡♡♡ Muerte/Sangre + Bodily 16 jelly They/Xem/Splatter/He collectively bubbles
|| Very heavy on introjects ! Any gendered terms
rei ayanami Autistic ... Mexican Indigenous rei ayanami divider ambiamory & transmasc Frequent Fronters brain Juliet, Idia, Jay, Lily, Mira, and Metis ...

BYI ?? Please ask us before calling, we don't mind pings + DMS + FRQS !! Please be mindful of everyone's boundaries ...
We also don't mind flirting as long as you're in our age range
+ please add tone tags and be aware some of us speak very professionaly so understand we're not mad or mean to be dry !! flower

DNI koi Basic DNI criteria, younger than 13 or older than 20, proshippers..
any form of non-traumagenic systems, fakeclaimers !! angel spin spin

divider Alter Rentries ! ! stampblinkies blinkies blinkies blinkies stamp

Pub: 04 Apr 2023 12:24 UTC
Edit: 30 Apr 2024 18:32 UTC
Views: 1572