dni & byi

do not interact
stalk/spy on me for any reason, -15&20+ bodily, hate on my interests or completely make fun of them because i like them, say slurs you cant reclaim, support endo/non-traumagenic systems, basic dni criteria, people who cross mine, my partners, or my friends boundaries, anti xenogenders+neo/xenopronouns, anti polyam, mocks peoples disorders, anti aroace spec, you lie about your age, associate with abusers, are autistic but hate autistic traits.

before you interact i block freely, i go by many names but mainly go by noctis (noct-tis) + use he/they pronouns, i am a mixintroject of many sources and i do have a connection to a few of them. i have bpd and autism, and also experience psychosis, i am the host of a osdd system (however i do not like talking about it due to syscord), i make kys/kms jokes with close friends and say slurs i can reclaim. i am currently learning german. i make a lot of inside jokes and references to things many people dont know. i RANT and RAMBLE a lot about my special interest valorant/genshin.
im currently healing from past traumas! please understand that. i am very hard to reach in forms of contact, i am probably busy playing valorant or in a vc. i am not stable and will be on IWC (caution/care) at all times. i am sometimes passive aggressive even when i dont mean to be, and can be very rude. i am extremely talkative or non verbal, sometimes there is no in between. i am mean/teasing to show affection and that i care for you, if you dont like it then tell me. i lack empathy a lot and basic emotion which causes me to seem very dry so i try my hardest to show i do care. i am very over expressive so people understand me. a lot of my interests or aus are dark themed (cannibalism, gore, shooters, ect) so keep that in mind too since i talk about it a lot. do not ever make fun of or bring up my rank in video games , especially in a negative context ! i am extremely insecure about it .


Pub: 15 Dec 2022 09:35 UTC
Edit: 13 Jul 2024 20:32 UTC
Views: 1175