
hi welcome to my "kinlist" (not fictkin. i fw you guys though) idgaf if you also relate! we can be bffs :3
some of them might not make sense to anyone else but idgaf. it makes sense to me, that's all that matters.
also, some of them are closer to my personality but the rest are relatable for... other reasons? who gaf.
characters with pink text = you can call me their name even if its not on my pronouns page

me as fuuckk (super important. i relate a lot)
wade wilson, lyney, aziraphale, jake english, wally darling,
john egbert, laios touden, dogs/wolves, peter parker,
boris habit, mike morton, discord (mlp), tarrant hightopp,
hajime hinata, dirk strider, c!wilbur

main (i find a lot of comfort in them, but less)
hal 9000, jake the dog, guido mista, mr. wolf, kabru, infected,
steven universe, rainbow dash, haida, jonathan sims, mettaton,
viktor (arcane), martin blackwood

secondary (i still relate a bit, but less than the main ones)
arcjec voorat, arataki itto, finn mertens, edd (ew), lil hal, joe tazuna,
ford pines, stan pines, akira fudou, eddie dear, kaveh, pim pimling, vash,
ryuji sakamoto, papyrus, akira kurusu, thoma, crowley, sonic the hedgehog,
sun wukong (lmk), yuji itadori, percy jackson, juliek octavia, giovanni potage

for fun :3 (i Barely relate but i still say they're mecore)
franken stein, victor frankenstein, raggedy andy, gorou, split,
sun (fnaf), stu macher, c!tubbo, poppy (trolls), rockruff + evos,
dr. doofenshmirtz, roger rabbit, prototype

rodrick heffley, caliborn, santa claus factkin 😏

disclaimer: i don't really care about the dsmp anymore nor do i support most of the ccs involved, but c!wilbur, c!tubbo and c!tommy are still special to me. (mostly because of my sibling)... i also do not support wilbur soot and i hope he gets what he deserves! ^_^

wilbur supporters are not welcome to interact, i will probably make fun of you and then block you.

Pub: 06 Sep 2022 00:05 UTC
Edit: 11 Jul 2024 00:08 UTC
Views: 510