The author requests that you view this rentry in dark mode. A banner depicting Tenma Tsukasa from HATSUNE MIKU: COLOURFUL STAGE!

hey. this is my rentry page for translating lyrics. my profile is here, if you want to know who I am. here are some rules for using my translations, as well as some extra information.


  1. If you were to link one of my translations, please refer to me as Yubi or ameji(all lowercase)
  2. Do not modify any of my translations UNLESS:
    • I make a mistake.
    • The subject matter is too explicit to include the full translation(mostly applies to fandom pages)
    • The song is a remix, and some of the lyrics were removed in the remix.
  3. If for any reason, you need to censor any of my transcriptions(japanese), copy and paste this symbol: 〇 over the kanji that you want to censor. OR put the hirigana transcription of the censored kanji in (brackets), IF the kanji and the hirigana do not have the same meaning.
    • example: 強姦(rape), censored as: 強〇 or 強(かん)
  4. If you were to use any of my translations, please link to this page.


  1. I may not be able to translate some lyrics, due to Japanese not being my first language. Please refer to Rule #2 for more information
  2. I am the host of a OSDD-1b traumagenic system. I will only translate lyrics when I am fronting.
  3. I will not translate lyrics of songs generated by AI.
  4. I absolutely SUCK at Japanese slang. I am guaranteed to make at least one(1) mistake when translating Japanese slang.(half joke)

here is a list of all of my translations:
Iya Iya Yo.
Rondon Slag Pathy Hi.
more entries awating...

Pub: 22 Apr 2024 17:40 UTC
Edit: 24 May 2024 20:24 UTC
Views: 186