this is being remade.

greetings to you.
my name is elio and i go by hy/thy/he/ink pronouns with masculine terms.
i am a cis male gorething and label myself as bisexual, greyromantic and demisexual.
i do not have an age, hence why it states ageless.
i am, in the present time, single and not looking for a relationship.
my role within the system is currently unknown, and i am an introject of an ability roleplay taking place in the beast universe.
my personality type is intj, i know the languages dutch and english.
and finally, do not interact with me unless you are our partner system.
thank you.

i speak formally at all times, do not make fun of it, as well would i appreciate you not correcting my grammatical errors.
i am stable however interaction with me is most likely unsafe depending on the person.
i do not understand the use of tone indicators, so i do not use them.
i rarely feel both empathy and sympathy, do not expect me to understand your feelings most of the time.
i might mistake the meaning of a sentence if it doesn't make sense to me, be sure the clarify the meaning when necessary.
my opinion on someone can change within a matter of seconds over the smallest thing.
i will not speak of my memories from my source unless it is royal i am speaking to.
i do not sugarcoat things, i am honest when it comes to doing things i do not like.
i do not allow flirting when it is directed at me, even if it might just be a joke, it grosses me out.

royal, the sweetest person i've ever met.
comet, royal's stupid little lover.
iapetus, my ability twin.
arseni, my gossip friend.
rachel, my sister.
ask to be added.

Pub: 09 Oct 2024 09:05 UTC
Edit: 30 Jan 2025 21:21 UTC
Views: 56
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