l headcanons by github user @soIIux l

main rentry bold text means there is a link if you dont know what the words mean,if its a hs / wiki page, or a spotify / youtube link. <-


Sollux sollwah

voice claim maybe, specifically the start... (click him) most headcanons will be based on the fact that he's a gemini + his duality theme which im not pulling out of my ass literally anyone into homestuck knows this :

β €β €β €πŸ—² 〉 Gender stuff + appearance i fear γ€ˆ πŸ—²
β›― He is either bigender, genderfluid, or genderqueer. I feel as if these all fit with his theme of duality, in which him being bigender fits the most.. sol would maybe use he/she pronouns because..duality...or they/them but i think he'd prefer he/him. what im tynna say is he dgaf what pronouns you use on him
β›― I think he'd also be intersex possibly... Bisexual , maybe Demiromantic and asexual


non of this is done adding more later

soll β €β €β €β €β €πŸ—² 〉 Personality(?) & disorders γ€ˆ πŸ—²
β›― overthinker (will ad more to thid) maybe autistic bc compute THSI ISNT DONE....r


β €β €πŸ—² 〉 Interests γ€ˆ πŸ—² His taste in music chemlab - just bc ^_^   |  DJ S3RL , attack attack! , 3OH!3 , The garden , maybe abit of Set It Off, Basshunter, Crystal castles, Aphex Twin ETC. - I say this because he likes computer n coding,,,, he likes technology,,,,he'd like electronic music or anything dealing with the genre....basically anything dealing with electronics in any type of way.    Reasoning for Aphex twin is because after he loses his eyes, teeth, and gets blood on the gemini symbol on his shirt he seems to lose his duality theme and behaves calmer. most likely due to not being able to hear the voices anymore, and aphex twin (from what i listen to has a calm like. type of music.) Like the song Xtal for example. So do some of the gardens songs like Egg or This could build us a home[stuck]. Maybe even Vexation. I feel as if he'd like a few eyedress songs too like Last time im falling in love , Body dysmorphia, and Anything for You


β €β €πŸ—² 〉relationshipsγ€ˆ πŸ—²
If there WAS anyone sol would like and be in a romantic relationship with it'd be aradia or kakrkat. I'm right you're WRONG if you disagree. The reasoning for aradia is very obvious i fear, in the wiki it mentions how it wasn't confirmed but nepeta suspected them of being in a flushed relationship in the past according to her shiping wall. :
and sol & aradia held hands. and are close. and i like them. so what.
Reasoning for karkat is because they're friends and karkat refers to sol as his bestfriend, meaning they are close, not close how sol is with aradia, but close. And it's obvious they care for one another, when they have their fights they both agree its really stupid and make up to eachother after. Also karkat dragging sol to the lab away from gamzee + page 3424 (i think? i can't find what happened b4 this n b4 john and im too tired 2 anyway) but you can see gamzees honk in the corner... YES this isn't anything romantic or anything romantic being implied BUT it shows kk's care 4 for sol. But at the same time what else would he do just let sol die I DONT THINK SO 😭 so YES karkat could just pass off as a close friend but i know what they are.....
I DO NOT FUCK WITH ERISOL I WANT ERIDAN TO KILL HIMSELF AND SUCCEED plus they hate eachother i know Kismesitude is a thing but I DONT CARE I HATE ERISOL solkat BETTER arasol BETTER
I also think aradia would console sol (lol conSOLE SOL) in a way idk i havent finished homestuck ill add more to this later


Knives and Legato toxic yaoi thats it

Sally Face

ashley is mtf thats all

Top secret oc shit

r and b get.engaged when r is 21 puttign thid here so i dont forget it

Pub: 07 Apr 2024 03:28 UTC
Edit: 06 Jul 2024 21:33 UTC
Views: 380