dear cam:
i love you so so so so so so so so so so so sos os o so so so much :heart: i say that everyday vut it is true! you are the light of my world you are the coolest thing since the invention of portable heaters:heart::heart::heart: you mean a lot to mw and youre so cute whe n you tell me you love me i losve you so so so much camdy cane cam cat cammie cam cam (^^)♡ i;m so lucky to hqve you in my life and to consider you my girlfrienf! and no matter what, i alwasy have your back, okay?/ i wanr to understand you and get to know you better and make sure you are doing you best and ypou are always doing okay because ......................... if youre going to be sad, we go it togetehr alright?? even if youre in the wrong or you ddi something suuuper bad, ill do my best to support upou in whatever i can and make sure you feel better ..... necause you mean a lot to me ........ and one day we'll get away from everything and everyone and we'll live in an apartment tohether and have a dog and a cat and 3 bunnies and a baby mouse and a parakeet and we'll listen to music together and we'll play pokemon together and we'll watch anime and we'll karaoke and we'll be happy and nothing will bother us and i'll marry you and youll be my bride but even if we cant get married ill marry you in spirit and i lovr you so much im litgerally obsessed with you vut its true yuoreall i think about i yap about you everywhere even on tumblr an d i rarely use tumblr .................. even when talkifn to my friends im really waiting for you to respond or something so i can talk to ou .............. and i ger sad when you call yourself names EVEN IN JEST because youre amaizng and beautiful to me how could nyone hate you,,, if they do they all suck BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! youre the best best ebst best girlin my eyed i love you so muhchchch :heart: iluilyiklyilyily ok bye darlign

Pub: 21 Apr 2024 21:29 UTC
Edit: 21 Apr 2024 21:40 UTC
Views: 118