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mad cat dni if : freako (ex : delulu inc-er , dazai
ethnicity copiers (directed + slit u fucking freak)

byi : rude at times / if u deserve it ... otherwise
i try to be nice i promise ... ;-; introj i dont rlly id
with most sources but they are there ig , also
i say slit / kys / ip jokes lmk if they make you
uncomfortable I will stop making them ^_^
p.s. i won't feed into delulus (including non
human ones duh) ! i shit talk delulus vv often

bear thumbs up byi pt 2 : i am white (ukrainan) and jewish
both ethnically and religiously, i am open about my
religion! im tme and speak mainly english + russian
feel free to play pronouns bingo on me 💯💯💯💯

Pub: 11 Feb 2023 22:20 UTC
Edit: 06 May 2023 15:02 UTC
Views: 303