edtwt iwec im watching you

my favorite mutuals r my wife & brother get fucked

i am a taken man!!! pls dont flirt w me

i am the #1 elliotly & the brobecks fan. do not Fuck With me i am serious about this

i hate involving myself in discourse like this but am strictly anti-lesboy/mspecles 👎👎👎 i have my reasons

i am pro-para anti-c & neuship/anti-harassment btw ( i am also comship!!! NOT darkship. i am not fond of incest )

i rarely, but ssometimes say the r slur; its a trait thars stuck with me from a past frienship [i try to limit myself]

average trans-inclusionist radfem


Pub: 16 Feb 2024 21:21 UTC
Edit: 21 Jul 2024 08:57 UTC
Views: 152