before you interact . . .

we lack expression & have low empathy, tonetags are not needed we'll ask for clarity if warranted, we are impacted by hallucinations + persecutory delusions & more, our other mental illnesses will affect how we interact, one-on-one conversations isn't our preferred way of communication + you'll see us more active in group settings, we use a screenreader don't use fonts or fancy symbols ever, lastly we use a lot of kys/kms & fake homophobia jokes to our friends

do not interact . . .

under the age of 16 (to friend request), mspec gays/lesbians, proshippers, fetishizers of mlm wlw relations and transbodies, think introjects = irl doubles, demonize personality disorders, endogenic western tulpa or mixed origins, believe in alter race, participate in syscourse as a singlet, and lastly you are aware of our phobias and boundaries and still provoke us.


Pub: 07 Oct 2022 08:26 UTC
Edit: 08 Jan 2023 09:09 UTC
Views: 764