my gf sikxs carrd

11/14/23 - i love my gf so much theyre my favorite thing in the world im so lucky to have them in my life and i could never ask for anyone better ever. the moment we got together i just knew they were gonna be mine forever, it was a gut feeling & it felt amazing being with someone who genuinely letz u speak ur mind & explain & actually understands how u feel & helpz u get through anything no matter what it is. i love their voice so much i could listen to it everyday, i love their face theyre so pretty i wanna kiss them all over. i love their personality theyre so fun to talk to & they match my energy so nicely, theyre so silly. je vais lepouser. je les aime tellement quils representent lunivers entier et bien plus encore pour moi. iel me font me sentir aime, iel mont vraiment montre a quoi devrait ressembler et a quoi devrait ressembler une veritable relation amoureuse. literally the most lovely person on this planet & the most understanding as well. they are okay with my motivation issuez & help me get through them, they dont care about how i look they just love me for me, i am so in love & so happy i have never been so in love with someone before i could cry & scream in happiness. iel me font me sentir si special, jai hate de les serrer dans mes bras et de les embrasser, je les aime tellement. theyre so special to me i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with them aaaeshehehdhdjf

11/15/23 - HAPPY ANNIVERSERY MY DEAR !!! my beautiful silly girl i love u so much u mean everything to me :3 i loveyou i loveyouuuyyyy <3

11/18/23 - i love sikx so much im gonna scream i love them :3 we r literally touch tank, glue song, kingston, light shower & so many more songz !!! i want to spend the rest of my life with them i love them so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ♾ timez much !!

12/21/23 - ITZ ALMOST CHRISTMAS :3 soon to be our 1 year since meeting each other (ToT) we met on 12/19/22 ! thatz insane to me , im so glad we met it changed so many thingz for me /pos i love sikx so so much i could never ask for anyone better ever

03/29/24 -
how long we have been together :3 we have been together for so long i love u so much my dear hehehehe :3 ur my favorite human being in the entire world i love u so so so so much i wanna kiss u everywhere i cant wait to meet u in the fall (hopefully) hehehened

05/22/24 - HAI LOVE ! i love you so much we have been together for 463 dayz now :3 im genuinely so happy ur in my life, i couldve never asked for anyone better. when we first met i got so scared u thought i was only using u to vent, when the only reason i chose to vent to u all the time was because u were the only one who actually listened & helped me through everything. it made me feel so loved & cared for esp since i was rly going through it :sob: when i say u helped me get through my worst i mean literally my worst, i was in such a horrible mindset when we met & i rly didnt think i would ever get out of it. i have never felt more loved by anyone other than u, i want to be with u forever i love u so much. i want to hold ur face & kiss it all over i love u i love u

Pub: 03 Sep 2023 01:17 UTC
Edit: 22 May 2024 20:39 UTC
Views: 1277