POSTING FROM USCSS NOSTROMO ᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗᴗ hi I'm freak or spinal INFP-T simplified queer flag alt aroace flag. i dont like the sunset aroace flag alt androgyne flag i dontlike the other one no dni list, i block freely + not actively looking for new friends but interaction is ok i am a very closed off person but sometimes i will talk, i am very monotone in nature so i mask a lot which can be quite tiring. 𝜗𝜚

Pub: 02 Mar 2024 04:25 UTC
Edit: 18 Sep 2024 00:23 UTC
Views: 286