"First, I'm gonna rip out one of your eyes, like what happened to me."

image of MagMag :3 TazukipixelpixelHe/She/They pixeldividerdividerdividerpixel pixelClosepixelBFYIpixelDNIpixelGuestbookpixel

Before You Interact I am off tab or distracted a lot of the time. I have a hard time talking to new people, so please be patient with me. boops and kisses are fine, but don't do either too much if we're not close. Please don't copy or take inspo from my skins, it makes me uncomfortable. There are multiple areas I go to only because those I'm close to. I'm mainly on the "Personal chat filter, so it's better to whisper me if you need anything.

Pub: 25 Sep 2023 23:38 UTC
Edit: 04 Nov 2023 15:42 UTC
Views: 261