the text on this url is intentionally very very little. it's definitely not because i think the rant's embarassing or anything.... (i do.)

hi everyone i've been yearning for a paste to dump all my hyunmi thoughts onto. if it hasn't been obvious already, they've quickly become my current biggest fixation. i'm pretending idgaf about them so i don't admit to liking them more than clorivia, but it isn't working very well because i still talk about them daily.

"they had an episode of interaction" "it's literally just a ship" "they think of each other as sisters" lalala i can't hear you over the sound of them kissing.

i read somewhere that, hyunju held onto youngmi's hand every mingle round before her death and it made me really upset i'm never getting over them. the way youngmi was able to save hyunju emotionally, but she wasn't able to prevent the thing youngmi feared the most.

there are hyunju 'fans' on tiktok calling her.. friendship? with gyeongseok "gay". respectfully i haven't seen a single hyunmi fan do the same. not all hyunseok fans, but it's always a hyunseok fan... i saw a 366 post with the caption, "unnie.. you're gay?" and, not to be woke or anything, but the implication that youngmi would actually say something like that just pissed me off BAD. ts pmo ts ts ts ts pmo.

Pub: 17 Feb 2022 19:30 UTC
Edit: 05 Feb 2025 15:58 UTC
Views: 474