Chapter 5: The Chosen Answer

Shigure: Hahh~. No more scenes huh, how boring.

Shigure: I wonder if it's time for Iruru to shine.

Tetra: Yeah.

Shigure: The last act is quite scary, so I think it might drawan in a fair amount of the audience.

Tetra: That's part of the challenge. And Eden is supposed to be the unconventional troupe anyways.

Shigure: And in the end, Hatsumi still wasn't happy with everything. I wonder whats going to happen.

Shigure: It would be nice if we're able to pull this off.

Nikako: "That man is probaly sitting on his throne. That throne that is defiled, and full of sin."

Hatsumi: "It's always this and that with that prophet. Come, Salome. Dance for me."

Daikoku: "Stop! Salome... Please don't dance for that man."

Iruru: "I don't wish to dance."

Spectator: ...

Iruru: (I've been doing well up until now. And everyone else is doing a good job as well. NOw I just have to pull off the Dance of the Seven Veils...)

Iruru: (The success of this play depends on the success of this dance. It's all up to me...)

Iruru: (I have to live up to the expectations of Hatsumi, everyone in Eden, and everyone in the audience. Otherwise this will be a failure...)

Nikako: "Tell this to the king and his wife. Acknowledge your sins, and repent..."

Iruru: (Can I pull this off...?)

Iruru: (No. I can't let myself waver. I've decided that I'm going to bet on myself.)

Iruru: (But.... What if I'm unable to meet expectations? What if the play fails...?)

Iruru: (Just like back then...)

Spectator Voice: Well, that Eden play was boring. We didn't even see Sera. Well that's always been the case but this time especially.

Spectator Voice: The lead actor doesn't really stand out y'know? And the acting wasn't that great either.

Spectator Voice: It wasn't what I expected. Worse that average I'd say.

Iruru: ...

Hatsumi: "Please, Salome."

Hatsumi: "Please dance for me. If you do, I will grant you anything you desire."

Iruru: ...!

Iruru: "I will dance as you wish. Let's dance for Your Majesty."

Hatsumi: "Did you hear that, Herodia!? Salome is going to dance for me."

Hatsumi: "Oh wonderful. I will definitely keep my promise then. A king that does not keep his promise is no king at all."

Iruru: ...

Iruru: (I...)

Iruru: (I'm sorry, hatsumi)

Iruru: ...

Iruru: (I don't want to fail. So I'm going to use it.)

Spectator: Wow...!

Spectator: What a beautiful dance...

Hatsumi: ...!

Hatsumi: (Shes--)

Tetra: ...

Shigure: Hmmm? So Iruru-senpai can pull it off.

Shigure: But that being said, is she...

Iruru: (Thank God. The audiences' reaction isn't too bad.)

Iruru: (I can't choose the path that leads to a failed performance. This is more important to me than Hatsumi's trust.)

Iruru: (I'm sorry but, I have no choice. If I don't do this then Eden's reputation will go down.)

Hatsumi: ...!

Hatsumi: So it's come to this.

Hatsumi: ...!

Hatsumi: Hahaha...

Hatsumi: (Even though you got up to this point.)

Hatsumi: (You still decided to betray me.)

Hatsumi: (And break your promise...!)

Hatsumi: (Whatever. I can't forgive that. I can't forgive just going for a passing grade...)

Hatsumi: I'll force you to show me...

Iruru: Huh...?

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:30 UTC
Views: 28