Chapter 4: True Feelings in Amber

Tetra: ...Yep, that smells good. A hallmark of a well crafted Ginjoshu.

Tetra: It's been a while since we last drank like this. "Wine maketh glad the heart of man..."

Tetra: Did you have a reason for wnting to go for a drhnink like this, Hatsumi?

Hatsumi: ...Not really.

Tetra: And there's a performance tomorrow isn't there? Make sure you stay hydrated enough if you're having that whisky.

Hatsumi: I know, I'll hold back enough for tomorrow.

Tetra: But you were already drunk before I got here. You don't really seem in control to me.

Hatsumi: No need to worry.

Tetra: ...

Tetra: Let's talk about the feedback. The reactions weren't too bad. Seems the audience has taken a liking to Daikoku being the new lead.

Hatsumi: Yeah...

Tetra: Even with the sudden changes, everyone's doing their best. All for your sake.

Tetra: Satisfied?

Hatsumi: Daikoku did really well.

Tetra: Yeah...

Hatsumi: ...

Tetra: But this performance wasn't what you had imagined, was it?

Hatsumi: Haah... Why are you bringing this up? That's not the case.

Tetra: So why did you invite me out here then?

Hatsumi: Because...

Tetra: Hearing about Iruru being benched really surprised me.

Tetra: I wanted to chase you about it, but it seemed like this was a decision that she accepted so it was something that you both agreed on.

Tetra: But listen here, Hatsumi. You haven't been yourself since that day.

Tetra: You're still stuck in the past, aren't you? Ever since you sealed Iruru's Sense.

Hatsumi: ...

Tetra: Why are you so stubborn?

Hatsumi: ...

Hatsumi: Hmph.

Hatsumi: She was the one who betrayed me. And broke our promise...

Hatsumi: Even after I believed in her.

Tetra: "Believed in her", huh..

Tetra: I had high hopes with your talent. But the issue with those people is that they never realise it.

Tetra: They think that people will just do whatever they want. And as a result hurt those around those. No different to an idiot.

Hatsumi: An idiot, you say?

Tetra: Only an idiot would seal a Sense in the middle of a performance. I'm sure Iruru was stunned too.

Hatsumi: IF it were me, I would've reacted immediately. When I sealed her Sense, that was her chance to shine.

Hatsumi: But she threw that chance away!

Tetra: Threw that chance away...? That's why you're an idiot. You just don't understand what goes on in other peoples' minds.

Tetra: That girl's vulnerability just proves my point. Just think how hard it was for her to stand up to you.

Tetra: Not being to make up her mind, and still doing something about it.

Tetra: But the thread to her dependence has been cut off.

Tetra: It must've been horrible having to drag her feet off teh stage after that. Have you at any point ever even thought about that?

Hatsumi: Thats...

Tetra: There must've been another way to handle that.

Hatsumi: ...

Tetra: Hatsumi, this isn't Gingaza. Everyone's believing in you, and following in your footsteps.

Tetra: SO you need to support all of them, and for Iruru.

Hatsumi: You say support...

Tetra: Trust goes both ways.

Hatsumi: If I follow what you say, you think that Iruruw ill forgive me?

Tetra: Who knows. Why don't you go ask her yourself and find out.

Hatsumi: ...But... I...

Tetra: God, you're a stubborn one, aren't you? It's just like looking at my past self.

Tetra: But that's why I'm giving you this advice. If you continue to be this arrogant, you'll regret it in the future.

Hatsumi: ...

Iruru: Oh? Where's my 100 yen...?

Iruru: There it is. Nice.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: Phew.

Iruru: A message from the gramps. Seems like they're playing mahjong.

Iruru: Nice. Would've been nice if I could join in.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: I can't stop thinking about the questions they might as me. even on my day off, it's awkward meeting everyone downtown.

Iruru: I truly am a coward.

Iruru: Hmm?

Iruru: Hello? What up, Nikako?

Nikako: What do I do, Irurun? I think I might have to quite Eden!

Iruru: Ehhh?

Nikako: I-I... Just went with the flow...! Ahhhh---! What do I do, Irurun~!

Iruru: Hold on a second, just calm down!

Iruru: Haaah, I got it.... Alright, lets meet up first and talk about it.

Pub: 04 Oct 2024 04:12 UTC
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