
she/her , black sudanese , cishet , muslim, minor

Dni- basic dni (duh) dont have much to say here i dont block easily but if I dont like your takes or your off putting your blocked simple as that

islamaphobes and zionist + proship / klc but i'd hope those first two are obvious

byf- I talk about any thing that intrests me intrests me in the moment

I try to follow back so if i dont i likely didnt see the notification

I mainly talk about genshin kpop and anime etc

I draw and hope to be able to post it more in the future

if you find yourself blocked and absolutly must know why for some reason send me a cc

I reall dont have much to say yall LMAO

CC (pls pls send things) ->

my private, selective -> @couldbemel

thats all may update (probably wont)

Pub: 25 May 2024 02:50 UTC
Views: 1427