The Riptide Retreat: Khima, The Oni

There's a brief silence, before the door to the lobby swings open quite violently. Through the doorway emerges a woman of astonishing height, easily eight feet tall once she stands up from having to duck through the door.
She's clearly some sort of Oni monstergirl, with impressive upper and lower fangs complimenting slightly curved horns on her forehead. She's also incredibly strong, with an even tone of muscle rippling across her entire body. Her hair is almost waist-length, stark white and silky smooth in contrast to the rest of her appearance, which gives off the impression of a grizzled warrior.
It takes her less than four strides to make it to the front desk, leaning against it as the feeble wood groans in protest to her resting an elbow down for support. Her amber eyes dart to meet yours, staring at you with surprising intensity as she gives you a sort of playful smile.
"Hey cutie." She says. Her voice is a low growl, but there's a surprising warmth to it.
Vaughn stares at the woman, a similarly amused smile on his face. "Hey, Khima. Here for your appointment?"

The woman, Khima, nods her head in response. "Yeah. This the guy you've been talking about?" She asks, pointing at you.
"Sure is..." You say nervously, intimidated by her size and ferocious aura.
She turns to look at you, her smile turning into a more predatory grin. "Oh, it's alright. I won't eat you... But we'll still have plenty of fun."
You swallow nervously at that remark.
Vaughn begins to speak again. "His name's Ryan, and he's a really great guy. You two have fun now." He says, winking at you.
Khima pulls herself up off the desk, standing directly in front of you. She's so close you, you can smell the faint scent of her perfume. It smells heavily of jasmine.

"So... What would you like to do first?" You ask, trying to contain your nervousness.
"What would I like to do? Drink, of course! I have to see just how well you can handle the punishment of liquor before you handle the punishment of my flesh!" She shouts with glee.
"I think we should get started..." You say, trailing off, not wanting to finish that sentence.
"Oh, no you don't! I'm paying good money for you, and I'm not wasting any of it. We're going to have fun tonight, I guarantee it." She says with a wink.
She grabs your hand, pulling you towards the bar. You're so surprised by the sudden contact you don't even think to resist. You just let her do it, and she smiles at you as she effortlessly drags you along.

"So, what's your name?" she asks.
"I'm Ryan." You say.
"Well then, Ryan, what'll it be?" she asks.
You look at the drink selection, thinking it over. "Surprise me."
"Hmm... Challenge accepted." She says with a smile.
She orders a few drinks, and before you know it she's handing you a cup filled to the brim with a clear liquid. You take a sniff of it, then a sip. It's... Strong. Really strong.
"Go ahead." She says excitedly.
You down the drink in one gulp, wincing as the strong alcohol burns down your throat. You set the cup down on the bar, waiting for something to happen.
"Well? How is it?"
"It burns..." You wheeze as the aftertaste of the alcohol bites at your mouth.

"That the idea!" She says with a hearty laugh. "That's as close to pure as it gets. No frills, no flavor, no bullshit. Raw strength!"
Khima knocks back a shot of her own, slamming the glass down with enough force to leave a light crack in the glass.
"Ah! That's how I like it." She says with a smile and a noisy exhale.
The bartender walks over, and she orders another round of drinks.
"So, what's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" She asks.
"Well, I'm here on an exchange, to help relieve extra demand caused by breeding season in return for higher pay." You explain.
"Breeding season, huh? That's the time of year where we take a lot of guys like you hostage to fuck us, right?"
"Uh... Sure?" You say, slightly terrified.
"I thought so. We used to run it like that back in the old days, but it was never my scene. I've always enjoyed places like this to get my rocks off. Makes the tests of strength more personal, the conquest more rewarding." She nods her head, raising her glass to you before she gulps down another shot.

You return the gesture, almost choking on how caustic the liquor tastes.
"Besides, having to share is no fun! Where's the honor in getting with some slave that's already too spent to make it worth my while?" Khima says with a chuckle as she sets her glass down.
She turns to look at you again, but this time her gaze is careful, as though she's assessing you. She looks you up and down with a serious expression, before her lips curl into a smile again.
"I can tell you're in very good condition. I bet you'd last a long time, if I took you for a ride." She says, her voice lowering seductively.
"Is that so?" You ask, not quite knowing how to respond.
"Oh definitely," she growls, "you've got some nice tone on you for a human. Most of the ones in this city are flimsy runts, like bundles of twigs held together with cloth and flesh!" She takes another shot, twisting her eyes shut as she does so. She sets the glass back down, returning her intense gaze to your body. "You're a damn sight better than them..."
You can feel her stare probing beneath your robe, carefully observing every muscle and contour to determine your fitness. She seems to be pleased with what she sees, licking her lips as her eyes dart around your body.
"You," she says, leaning forward and grabbing your hand, "would make strong children."

You almost choke on your drink.
"What?" You ask, surprised.
"You heard me," she says, tracing her finger up your arm, leaving a tingling sensation in her wake. "I think we'd make good children together."
"Khima, you know I can't do that." you say.
"What a pity. Guess I'll just have to settle for the experience of it then." She says, tracing her finger up and down your arm once again.
You take a deep breath, trying not to let the smell of her perfume and alcohol throw you off your game. You open your mouth to speak, but you're cut off as Khima yanks you to your feet.
She takes one last shot of alcohol, before setting the glass down on the bar top and dragging you over to one of the lounge's sofas. She sets down on it with a heavy flop, enough to make the wooden feet of the couch to release a sharp crack.
Khima doesn't seem to mind very much at all though, resting lengthwise so that her legs are hanging off one arm of the couch while her head rests on the other. She wastes no time pulling you on top of her, using her solid grip on your arm to easily toss you onto her torso.

The other patrons in the lounge watch this spectacle with amusement, trying their best not to stare. You can feel your face flush as you lay on top of her, but she doesn't seem to care.
"You're cute when you're embarrassed." She says with a smile.
"I'm not embarrassed, I'm just not used to this..." You say.
"Then let me help you get used to it." She says with a smirk, laying an arm across your waist.
It's a simple and light gesture, but with how large and strong Khima is, you're practically pinned against her now. You can feel yourself rise and fall with her breathing as she reaches her free hand to pet your head.
Given her gigantic size and stature, her hands are similarly large, enough to fit most of your head in her palm. She seems to take extreme pleasure in softly petting you, letting out small noises of enjoyment as she runs her fingers along your skull.
You can feel your face burning now, but it isn't out of embarrassment this time. It's more of an intense tickling sensation that's starting at your scalp and slowly crawling its way down your entire body, a mixture of the alcohol hitting your system and the feeling of her touch.

"You're really cute." She repeats, tightening her grip on you.
You try to say something back, but find that nothing comes out. You just lay there, trying not to move as she gently pets you. It feels good, really good.
With the nudge of her arm laid across you, Khima shuffles your body further up on her. This has the consequence of bringing your head dangerously close to the underside of her breasts, a fact she seems to relish as her free hand starts to caress your torso.
"You like that?" She giggles, gently poking at your chest.
"I..." You start to say, before she interrupts you again.
"Shhh, don't talk." She says softly, slowly sliding her hand up to your lips.
You open your mouth slightly and gently bite down on her finger. She doesn't protest, and instead just lets out a small moan as she slides her hand back down to your stomach. She gives it a gentle poke, causing you to reflexively tense your abs. Khima lets out a purr of satisfaction as she runs her hand along your abdominal muscles, carefully brushing her fingers along each of them.
"You like that?" She asks once more, poking at your side.

"Mmmh." You moan in response, pressing your body against her own.
"Tell me what you want." She says, slowly moving her hand back up to your chest.
"I want..." You start to say, before she interrupts you again.
"Shhh..." She says softly, petting your head once more.
The sensation of her fingers through your hair and against your skull is very different from anything you've felt before. It's firm, but delicate. Strong, but with careful regard for sensitivity.
"What's your room number?" She asks in the same gentle voice.
"Eleven C..." You stammer, drunk on both liquor and cuddles.
She shifts her body sideways, pulling you up so she can rest her head on yours. You can feel her breath against your cheek as she whispers into your ear.
"We're going to go there now." Her tone is demanding, but still soft and warm.
"That sounds nice." You say.
"Do you want me to carry you?" She asks.
"No, I can walk." You protest, as she picks you up bridal style.
She stands up, and carries you towards the lounge's exit. You rest your head against her chest as she carries you effortlessly out of the bar and down the hall. She stops in front of a door marked "11C".

Khima gently sets you down on your feet, allowing you to unlock your door and swing it open. She wastes no time scooping you back up in her arms, ducking through the doorway and shutting it closed with a foot.
"How big is your bed?" She asks.
"Big enough." You answer.
She carries you over to the foot of the bed, gently setting you down on your back. She climbs on top of you, keeping herself suspended above your body on all fours as she kisses you. The feeling of her lips pressing into yours is strange and foreign, but very much enjoyable.
You feel her working at your clothing, pulling away your robe and jewelry while you're still a little hazy from the drinks. You soon feel the crisp air of the room against your skin, a shiver running through you as your entire body tingles.
She shifts her body to the side, working at her own clothing while keeping herself propped up with one hand. She slides out of her top, revealing massive breasts that sag only a little. They bounce slightly as she throws her shirt off to the side, her long hair briefly getting caught in it. Khima shifts her weight, rolling off to your left so that she can whisk off the already minimalist clothing on her lower half without difficulty.

You roll to face her, but are interrupted when her hands take firm hold of your shoulders and hoist you back up onto her torso. She's fully spread out on the bed, laid on her back with your body pressed on top of her by a binding arm. It's very similar to how she had you on the couch in the lounge, but much more intimate now that her naked body is up against yours.
Your hands start to wander slightly, brushing against Khima's sides as she gets comfortable. This doesn't last long though, as she quickly pins them under her arm.
"No." She says in a strong voice. "You're the one being worked on."
You are utterly trapped, with no chance of escape. You can't even move your legs, as her right leg is wedged between both of yours and her left leg is crossed over, locking at the ankle. If you really tried to get loose, you could probably break free, but you realize this is probably a test of hers. She wants to see if you'll submit.
You decide to put up a bit of a fight, squirming and straining against her grip with everything your softened-up body can muster. You groan and moan, making the most dramatic show of it that you can.

"Better... not... resist..." she says between heavy breaths, her grip tightening against your waist and legs.
You continue to struggle for another moment before stopping. You feel the grip on your waist relax slightly, as Khima lets out a small moan.
"Mmmmhh... That's good... You've got strength in you..." She says as her body starts to grow warmer.
Khima's free hand finally makes an appearance, massaging the muscles of your torso with her impressively large and strengthened fingers as she presses you against her. You let out a pleasured sigh, as she continues to softly moan.
"Good... good..." She coos as she squeezes you.
You feel the grip on your waist getting looser and looser as you hear the heavy breathing of Khima's pleasure. The hand on your chest starts to move to your back, and then your lower back, before finally resting on your upper thigh.
She starts to pant as her face turns a deep shade of red, and she closes her eyes.
"Hah... hah... hahh..." She pants.
You feel her hand grip your upper thigh with a surprising amount of force, before she quickly slides your body up in a single swift motion.

The sudden upward shift of your body has left your head planted in her cleavage, which Khima seems to enjoy quite a bit.
"Mmmm... You're a strong one..." She says, her voice heavy with lust.
She starts to grind her hips into yours, as you feel her thick muscles rubbing against your body. Her hand moves from your thigh, returning to your back as she pulls you in closer, holding you in place as she continues to grind.
"You like that?" She asks, a smile on her face.
You're speechless as you moan in response.
"Mmmh, I thought so." She giggles, continuing to grind into you.
Using the sides of her arms, Khima squishes her breasts against the sides of your head, sandwiching you between them as she continues to grind into you.
"I can't wait to feel what else you can do." She says, a grin forming on her face.
"Me neither." You say with a smile. "Do you want me to...?"

"Yes. Now." She commands.
You comply, as you slide your hands up her legs and slowly up her torso. Her skin is surprisingly soft despite its rough appearance. You slowly move your hands towards her breasts, but she grabs your wrists and stops you.
"What did I say?" She asks, her smile now a toothy grin.
"You said now." You reply, confused.
"Exactly. Now." She says, thrusting her hips forward and grinding faster and faster.
You move your hands to her breasts as she desires, squeezing them gently as she begins to moan in ecstasy.
"That's a good human... That's a good human..." She says, her voice a low growl.
Her breasts are huge and firm, but their size is only enhanced by her overall tone and musculature. You've never felt anything quite like it.
She lets out a pained growl, as her face contorts into an expression of ecstasy.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" She moans.
You continue to knead her breasts as she begins to quicken the pace of her grinding.

Khima's body breaks out into a light sweat as her grinding against you reaches a feverish peak. She squeezes you against her with almost crushing force as she growls and huffs with pleasure, before her entire body goes still with a series of orgasmic shudders.
"Oh... Ohhh..." She says, leaning her head back and taking a deep breath.
You move your hands from her breasts to her hips as she slows her pace, pulling her against you and rolling over so that she's on top of you, straddling your hips.
She lets out a contented sigh, moving her body slowly so that she doesn't crush you.
"Mmm... You're a very good human." She says, shifting her weight to one arm so she can run a hand along your chest.
"So... Good..." You say, barely able to speak.
You feel like you're falling into a trance as her hand moves lower, reaching your erect cock. She wraps her fingers around it, gently working it from side to side in her hand.
She leans in close to you, bringing her mouth to your ear.
"I want you to fill me up." She whispers.
Her words send a chill down your spine, and you can feel your arousal quickly rising even higher.

You feel absolutely minuscule beneath Khima like this, the size and strength of her body towering over yours. Her hand alone makes your impressive dick feel tiny, as she can easily fit your entire length in her grip.
"Holy shit..." You moan.
You feel the tip of your dick push against her folds, and with a sudden surge, you're inside her. She's so wet, and so tight, that you don't think you'll last very long.
She begins to slide up and down your length slowly, with long, slow strokes. She leans her head back and lets out a moan as she picks up speed, before stopping suddenly.
"I want you to grab my horns." She says, bring her head back up and leaning forward.
You reach up for her horns, and as soon as your hands close around them she begins slamming her hips into yours with wild abandon. You helplessly flail your legs in response, before again she stops.
"Let's go again." She says, a sadistic grin on her face.
You feel yourself beginning to reach your limit.
"I'm going to..." You start to say.
"No, you're not. Not until I say so." She says, arousal and power mixing in her voice. "Now beg."

"What?" You ask, confused.
"You heard me. Beg me to let you cum." She says with a dark smile.
"Please..." You moan, desperately.
"Please!" You shout with all your might, gripping her horns with a surge of strength and yanking her head down into the crook of your neck.
"Hmm... Maybe you deserve to cum." She says, slowly drawing the words out.
You feel her release your dick from her grasp, and slowly slide it back inside her. You push your hands against her shoulders and begin frantically slamming your hips into hers, as she lets out a moan.
"Don't you dare stop." She says, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around you.

You continue thrusting for another few moments, before she stops you again. You feel her fingers dig into your back as she pulls you into another kiss, her tongue punching past your lips and forcefully frisking every inch of your mouth.
She holds you there for what feels like an eternity, until she's tasted her fill. Khima finally breaks the kiss with a loud, wet sucking noise, her breath almost as hot as her skin.
"I want you to fill me up." She says, her voice a low purr.
You feel her release your hips from her lock-tight grip, and you begin thrusting into her slowly. You wrap your hands around her horns again and begin to thrust in time with her. You stare deeply into her eyes, and hers gaze longingly into yours.
"Don't stop. Don't even think about it." She says, her voice barely above a whisper.
You continue your thrusting, and she leans forward and begins sucking on your neck. You feel a twinge of pain as her teeth dig into your neck, and then that pain is quickly drowned out by the pleasure of her body slamming into your own. Her sweat-slicked muscles grind against yours with a level of force that's almost dangerous, her desire inching ever closer to the breaking point.
"Oh fuck!" You moan out, feeling yourself quickly reaching your limit.

"Not yet." She says, leaning back and smiling at you. Her legs close against the sides of your hips again with insane strength, stopping you dead in your tracks once more.
"I want to make this good. I want you to fill me up with everything you have." She says, a bit of an edge entering her voice.
Khima is doing a remarkable job of keeping herself composed and commanding, but she's starting to slip. Her body language betrays her, muscles twitching and body shivering as her breathing grows more ragged by the second. She's quivering with desire, but her pride won't let her break. Despite what she might be trying to achieve, carnal instinct seems to be creeping up on her, unavoidable as she continues to indulge in the pleasure of toying with you.
You decide it's time for a little exploitation of your own. With all the strength you can manage, you guide her torso up and off your upper body and lean your head into her chest. Your mouth sets upon on her right nipple, while you move your left hand to the other and gently roll it between your fingers. You take your time, carefully playing with her tits while keeping your hips still. Her breathing begins to deepen, and she lets out a pleasured growl. You guessed correctly. Her tits are a powerful weak spot.

"More...more..." She says, her voice wavering.
You ignore her request, instead taking your time to gently nibble and suck on her nipples. She tries to force you into a more aggressive stance by leaning into you with the weight of her body, but you resist. You continue to focus on her tits for quite some time, until you feel her body shudder. With a final breathless moan, she climaxes, her entire body quaking in ecstasy.
Your moment has arrived.
You slam your hips upward and drive your dick into her with everything you've got, thrusting into her with wild abandon. She cries out in ecstasy as you continue to pummel her. She tries to regain some control, but you're having none of it. She's already too far gone into the depths of her orgasm to lock up your hips. You keep up the pressure, maintaining a brutal pace that she has no hope of matching in her state of climax. Her muscles tighten around your shaft, sending you into your own explosive climax as you erupt inside her with violent excess.
"Do it! Don't hold anything back! Fill me up with all of it! Everything! Fuck! FUCK! Give me your strength! Your children! Give me EVERYTHING!" She screams out as she grips every inch of your body with enough force that you can feel your joints popping.
"Ah...fuck!" You grunt, thrusting into her with everything you've got.

"That's it! That's it! Don't you fucking stop! Give me everything! MORE! I NEED MORE!" She screams, as her moaning and growling mix together in equal measure with her ragged panting.
You continue to thrust into her as she writhes and convulses, screaming in ecstasy. It feels like her fingers are curling tight enough into your back that they're going to break your ribs.
You don't care.
You're going to fuck the life out of Khima, if it's the last thing you ever do.
You slam your hips into her as hard as you can, summoning forth an even deeper orgasm from the depths of Khima's body. You feel the muscles in her vagina clamp down on your dick as she nearly folds you in half with the force of her orgasm. The noise between the two of you is almost beyond description, a hellish blend of agony and pleasure at a volume that borders on deafening.
You feel the muscles in her vaginal walls convulsing and releasing, massaging your dick with the most intense pressure you've ever felt. You can't take it anymore, and you fall into the second wave of your release. You continue thrusting into her as your dick twitches uncontrollably, unleashing a seemingly endless amount of cum into her body.

Khima is so far gone in the throes of orgasmic pleasure that she can't even form words, simply vocalizing her pleasure as loudly as possible while she pushes your body to the limit. As she reaches the peak of her climax, you're crushed against her with reckless abandon, face smothered by her chest as her sweat-drenched hair swishes around you. She leans her head to rest on top of yours as she pulls you as deep inside herself as she can, releasing a final and primal moan as she rocks back and forth with you in her grip.
You feel her hands caressing your body again, one running through your hair and around your head while the other rubs circles along your back. She's massaging you with a gentleness you thought was long dead, still taking care to keep you against and inside her. She nuzzles her chin against the top of your head, before tilting it so that she can rest her cheek on your skull. You can feel yourself rise and fall in her arms, a pace dicated by the heave of her breathing, which is slowly drifting back to normal in the warmth of the afterglow.
Your bodies are both covered in sweat, absolutely spent from the intensity of your passion. Khima doesn't seem to care at all though, softly purring as she continues to rub her hands along your body in broad, soothing motions. You can feel her heartbeat begin to slow as the last remnants of pleasure give way to a gentle warmth, and her grip on your body loosens just enough for you to turn your head and place a kiss on her palm.

She pulls you closer against her chest, still keeping you inside herself as she tenderly kisses the top of your head.
"Good human... Very good human..." You hear her whisper as she kisses you.
"I can't move." You laugh.
You lay there for some time, your body still firmly locked in place as the two of you bask in the intimacy and warmth of your afterglow. After a blissful amount of time passes, Khima's breathing and heartbeat finally settle down, and her grip on you loosens as she lets you pull yourself free.
Once you're out of her arms, Khima flops backwards with a heavy exhale, before breaking out into uproarious laughter.
You sit there, confused, before her laughter finally dies down and she sits up a bit to look at you.
"Holy SHIT! I haven't been fucked that properly by a human in YEARS! Fuck!" Khima roars as she giggles to herself with a drunk smile.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." You say, a little bewildered.
"Enjoyed it? Fuck, I'd call that addictive!" She says, still smiling.
"Well... I suppose we could do it again sometime." You say.

"Fuck yeah! This place is perfect. I can come here, we can drink, and then fuck like beasts!" She rolls across the bed with another contented sigh, bringing herself up next to you as she lays on her side. "I haven't felt this content in a long time."
"I'm glad I could help." You say, smiling.
"We should do this more often!" She says.
"Well, I'm here every night. As long as you get everything in order with the front desk, you can have me as much as you'd like." You say.
"Perfect. I'll have to remember that." She says, smiling at you as she moves closer and snuggles your head against her chest.
You wrap your arm around her, and the two of you simply lie there for a moment. It feels nice to know you've satisfied someone so deeply. Eventually, she breaks the warm silence.
"Hey." She says.
"Yeah?" You ask.
"I have to go soon. But, thank you. You're a very strong human. The finest I've met in a long time." She says as she runs her hand along the back of your head.

Khima's amber eyes stare into your own with a gentle passion that seems almost out of place in a woman as large and warrior-like as her. With one last kiss on your forehead, she rolls off the bed and stands up to put her clothes back on.
"I'll definitely be seeing you again." She says with a chuckle, twisting her torso to the side with a loud pop. "Ooh! I haven't felt exertion from breeding like this in forever. Feels great..."
With those last words, she walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Pub: 04 Oct 2020 18:10 UTC
Views: 245