She knew she was getting smashed, but didn’t know just how smashed. She loved dancing and she really liked Stacey. She was so turned on she just couldn’t stop. Suddenly she was not dancing with Stacey, that guy had popped back up. Okay she thought he seemed nice enough, so with a wink to Stacey who had found a partner also, she allowed him to dance away with her.
Now was the time to make his move he thought. She was looking pretty drunk and seemed to want more than dancing since she had practically made love to her friend on the dance floor just a minute ago. He began to touch her more, first on the outside of her clothing.
Silk allowed him to dance with her and touch her since they was what Master had ordered them to do. She even liked it a little because she was so buzzed. She allowed him to rub his leg between hers and to grab her behind and press her up against him. She was really turned on at this point and didn’t notice that he had crossed the line until it was too late. She then tried to pull away from him.
"Not so fast, baby. Where ya going," he whispered in her ear then he kissed her neck.
She froze as he backed her up against a wall and began to suck on her neck. She realized he had her skirt up and his pants undone. He meant to take her right there on the dance floor. She glanced up to see Michael charging down the stairs towards them. He looked pissed.
Michael tapped the guy on the shoulder. "I think that’s mine," he said pointing at Silk once he got the guys attention.
"You think so. Looks like she mine now," he said in a cocky tone.
Michael reached out and lifted Silk’s chin, then brushed her shirt collar aside to reveal her collar. He then reached in his pocket with his other hand and pulled out a leash and clipped it to the D-ring on her collar. "I do think so. What do you say, slave," He told the guy with a sneer.
Silk swallowed hard as Michael pulled the leash. He jerked her up against his chest. "Yes Master," She said as he put his arm around her and pulled her away from the guy.
Michael turned and pressed her back towards the rest of the dancers. Somewhere along the way, he began to dance with her. He kept a hold of the leash, but he also moved his body against hers in time with the music. Damn, she could move, he thought.
Silk was in heaven as Michael danced with her. She matched him move for move and did her best to tease him. She knew he was mad so she tried her best to distract him from what had just happened.
He turned her around and pressed her up against his chest then leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You know you’re in trouble right?"
"Yes Master," she said and ground her backside into him as she reached up and swept her braid aside to offer him her neck.
Thinking it was time for a lesson, Michael motioned the other two to the table. He then bent his head and bit Silk on the neck. She groaned and broke free of him to pull away only to find that he still held her leash. He gave it a jerk as she backed away from him.
"Let’s go," He said and turned to walk away. She followed.
Once back at the table, the waitress brought more drinks. Michael whispered something to Baron who only nodded; he pushed Silk toward her chair and then left the table.
"Drink up slaves," Baron, ordered them.
The other two had seen what happened and wondered what was going happen to Silk. She had broken Michael’s rule. They knew that this meant punishment. Stacey smiled to Silk. She wondered if she should warn her sister but knew that this could bring punishment on her also so decided to keep quiet. She gave her a sad look the turned away.
Silk’s mind was hazed. What now. She knew she had broken a rule but it wasn’t her fault. She was drunk. She tried to be good, but she knew she had failed. She wondered where Michael had gone. She drank a little of the drink in front of her, but only to obey Baron. She didn’t really want it, as she was pretty drunk at this point. Finally Michael came back.
Michael leaned down to talk to Baron who nodded and smiled, and then got up and left the table. Next Michael spoke to Syndee and Stacey who also nodded. Last Michael turned to her; he didn’t say anything as he reached out and picked up the end of her leash. He gave it a tug as he turned and left. She had no choice other than to follow, which she did obediently. The other two fell into line just behind her.
Silk followed Michael as he led her to what looked like a private room. It had tables in it and over looked the dance floor, but when Syndee closed the door the music was silenced. Silk dropped her gaze to the floor and noticed a couch in the corner of the room.
Michael dropped Silk’s leash and went and took a seat on the couch. "Come over here and kneel next to me slaves. Silk, kneel right in front of me." He ordered.
They all did as asked. Silk kept her eyes downcast as she waited to see what was next. Finally she heard the door open and people file in.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Silk heard a male voice ask.
Then Michael’s voice, "I wanted to prove to you that she was mine. Since you helped her to break my rules I thought I could prove that to you by allowing you to see her punishment."
Silk now knew whom the voice belonged too. She wondered if this was normal. She didn’t have much time to wonder as Michael then jerked on the lease.
"Get over my lap slave," He ordered.
She did as he requested and lay over his lap like a child awaiting a spanking from her father. She wondered what next.
"So what are you going to do to her?" The guy asked.
"I am going to spank her for breaking my rules," Michael put simply.
"Why because you’re jealous that she was dancing with me?"
"No because she is my slave and I told her not to allow anyone to put their hands under her clothes. She broke that rule when you touched what’s mine, "Michael told him.
"Wait, I don’t get it. How do you own her? She looks American to me. I thought slavery was illegal," the guy asked clearly not understanding.
"This isn’t that kind of slavery, my friend," Baron said, "Ever heard of B & D?"
Michael knew what this guy needed to hear, "Slave, explain to him why I own you."
Silk hated to have to do this. She was a bit embarrassed and knew she would have to say something. Finally, "I serve Master Michael because I choose too. Therefore I am his property to do with as he sees fit."
"Now do you get it," Michael asked as he swept her skirt up over bottom to bare it.
"Wait, wait. So she can leave if she wanted to?" The guy asked still a bit confused.
Michael lifted his hands off of Silk, "Yes she could if she wanted too."
"How do you know she doesn’t want too?"
Knowing this was coming, Michael said, "Silk if you want to end this now and leave, get up off my lap and walk out of this room. I am sure this guy will take you home if you want him too. Remember, it’s your choice, choose now."
Silk’s only answer was to place her hands behind her back as though they were cuffed and await her punishment.
"Does that satisfy you?" Michael asked. The guy shrugged so Michael took that as okay and proceeded. "Why are you being punished slave?" He asked of Silk.
"Because I allowed that guy…" She began.
"The name’s Marc." He interrupted.
"To touch what was yours by putting his hands under my clothing and because I let it get out of control." Silk finished ignoring his words.
Michael’s only response to say count them then to spank her behind. He gave her six stinging swats on her ass and timed each one with her count. Once he was done, he looked up and saw that the guy was more interested than disgusted. Michael smiled at this.
"Okay you can go now Marc. Thank Marc for watching you get your ass spanked slave," Michel said.
Silk knew not to question this even though her mind was, "Thank you Marc for watching me get punished."
"Yeah whatever, freaks," He said as he left the room.
To Baron, Michael said, "Take these two back to the table and wait for me there. You two can have another drink while you wait."
The girls stood up and left the room. Baron closed the door behind them as he left also. Once they were all gone, Michael pushed her off his lap and ordered her to stand up. He then stood up himself. He noted that she kept her eyes down. Finally he grabbed her by her braid and pushed her towards the table. Once she was standing in front of it, he pushed her down over the top of it with a hand in the middle of her back.
She trusted Michael completely, so she was not scared when he pressed her down on the table. She did wonder what he was going to do next but knew she should not speak unless he asked her too. She was still feeling really drunk, almost out of control and wondered why. Then she felt Michael slip his hand under her skirt and into her panties.
She was wet, he knew she would be, he stuck a finger in her and played with her a till he heard her pant. He grabbed her braid and pulled her head up to speak to her.
"You so wet slave, and so out of control," he hissed in her ear, "Why is that?"
"I don’t know Master. I didn’t drink any Tequila and yet I feel like I did," she panted.
He grabbed her whole pussy and squeezed it. This brought her so close, "You didn’t? Really and just what do you think is in a margarita?" He hissed.
Oh my god, Silk thought. Oh no had she ordered the wrong thing. Michael saw shock cross her face and then she said, "I thought it was rum."
"That is a daiquiri slave. See you can drink tequila," he told her and at her head shake he added, "Yes you can, because I will control you or you will suffer my wrath."
"No please Master…" she began.
He squeezed her pussy again and growled in her ear, ‘Yes you will and you will not argue with me. Remember what happened Friday when you argued?" She nodded yes, "I will double that if you do it again."
He slipped a finger in her again and brought her to the brink. Then he pulled his hand out and tasted her. Damn she tasted good. The only taste he had of her was on Friday after she was freshly washed. The thought crossed his mind that he hadn’t really tasted her yet so he ordered her to turn around and then pushed her back onto the table till she was sitting on it. He then bent over and pulled her panties aside and placed his mouth were his hand had been. Heaven thought Michael as he devoured her.
Within minutes, she was close, "Please Master, I need to cum," she begged.
"How bad do you need it?"
Silk responded, "Very bad Master. I can’t control it."
"You may," he said into her and she lost it. Michael held onto her as she climaxed and bucked her body all the while still licking and sucking on her. Finally when she calmed, he stopped and stood up, she met him with her mouth and Michael allowed her to kiss him.
They kissed with reckless abandon for what seemed like eternity to her. She felt like she was falling, so she reached up and wrapped her arms around Michael’s neck. At this he groaned and pressed into her.
Damn he thought his body was betraying him. He was the one out of control now; she had that affect on him. He could take her right her on this table but no he thought, that wouldn’t be fair to the other two. They had obeyed and he had already given her something she hadn’t earned. No he told himself, as he pulled away from her, not this time. She had to learn.
She pouted a little when he pulled away. She didn’t totally understand this game yet. Was she always to be left wanting and confused?
"Straighten your clothes and let’s go back to the table," He told her as he wiped his face on a towel from a cart. He then threw the towel on the table and opened the door for her. Once she was ready, they left.
Once they were back at the table, everyone acted like nothing had happened. Some girl was there next to Baron. Michael introduced her to the others as Dyna, Baron’s head slave. She turned and greeted everyone saving Silk for last.
"Wow, you are every bit as divine as my Master said you were. You have beautiful eyes," Dyna said to Silk.
"Thank you," Silk murmured not really knowing what to say.
"I just bet that hair is really beautiful too," Dyna told her.
"Yes it is imp," Michael said to her, "But you’ll have to wait to see it till next Friday."
Dyna pouted and Michael laughed. Baron told her to behave as she had been put in her place. Everyone laughed at this and chatted above the music. The waitress came up and Michael leaned over and asked Baron something. Baron nodded in return and Michael whispered something to the waitress. She nodded and left.
Silk watched Michael knowing he was up to something. He caught her gaze and winked at her. She smiled back and watched as the waitress brought a bunch of shot glasses and a bottle of tequila on a tray. When she sat the tray down Silk saw there was salt and limes also. She watched as Michael passed out a shot glass to everyone and then poured a shot into each glass. He then passed out the limes. So this was his game, well she’d show him.
She watched as he licked his hand and put salt on it. He then took the shot and licked the salt and slammed the shot. Next he took a lime and bit it. "This is how it’s done girls," he told them as he refilled his shot glass.
Everyone licked his or her hand and put salt on it, finally the shaker came to Silk. She put it back in the middle of the table without using it. "Training wheels are for pussies," she told him and picked up her shot, slammed it straight down then sat the glass in the middle of the table and smiled at him.
They were all impressed; she drank it straight and made no face. She didn’t even have to chase it with anything. They all looked to Michael.
"You think I am a pussy slave," he asked her dragging out the last word?
Baron patted her arm; "Me thinks you have done it now, little one."
"Ignoring Baron, she only had eyes for Michael, "Prove you’re not Master," she then grabbed her shot glass from the table and got up. She came around the table to stand next to him and grabbed the bottle to refill her shot glass. When he turned to her and went to pick up the glass she waved him away.
"Not yet," she said to him in a sultry voice. She then reached up and ripped her blouse open to reveal her breasts encased in a tight black bra. Next she picked up the glass and placed it between her tits in the ample cleavage she had there. She leaned her head back and issued the challenge again, "Prove you’re not Master."
Everyone held his or her breath waiting to see what Michael would do. Finally he grabbed her around the waist and jerked her to him. This caused the shot to slouch onto her breasts. This did not daunt Michael in the least. He bent his head and licked the drops off her breasts before grabbing the glass with his lips. Once he had it firmly him his mouth he tipped his head back and downed the shot, never letting her go. Once the glass was empty; he turned his head and dropped the glass on the table. He then turned back to her and pulled her to him for a kiss. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Michael kept kissing her until she responded. He wondered why she had challenged him like this. Then it dawned on him; tequila. She was losing control. He stopped kissing her and moved to her ear. "Very cute slave, you can win this one, but don’t ever try something like that again. I will not play with you next time, I will punish you," and with the he reached under her skirt and grabbed her panties and pulled then up tight against her sex till they slipped between her puffy lips. "Now go sit down."
She went back to her seat and once there eased her panties back into place. Everyone took their shot and Michael offered everyone more. Silk declined, as she was very drunk at this point. Everyone then began to talk and joke. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was going on one. She was getting tired and very drunk. It was time to go home but she didn’t know how to ask Michael.
He solved the problem for her when he saw her look at her watch. She looked tired and he knew she was blitzed. He glanced at his watch and saw it was almost one also, time to take his slaves home, screw them senseless and put them to bed. He informed everyone of this and then got up to leave. His three slaves followed suit after some good-byes.
He led them to the truck and opened the doors for them, "Silk and Stacey in the back seat and Syndee up front next to me," he said as he walked around to his side. Once inside he turned to Syndee after he started the truck and kissed her as he slid his hand up her leg and under her skirt.
Silk leaned around them and turned up the radio, which was on country. She then began to sing to it as she sat back in her seat. After a bit she turned to Stacey and ran her hand up Stacey’s leg. "I have to agree with Master, girls dressed like this are so sexy, but I have to say redheads are the sexiest things I have ever seen," she told her, "Too bad I’m not a redhead."
Stacey answered her with a kiss and the two began to make out in the back seat. They were totally unaware as they kissed and caressed each other.
Michael was kissing and playing with Syndee in the front seat but his eyes and thoughts were on the scene in the back seat. He watched Silk play with the redhead and wished he were helping, time to get home. He pulled away from Syndee and put the truck in gear. He left the parking lot and checked to be sure there were no cops around. He wasn’t even buzzed but he knew that they like to pull people over from the club on a regular basis and the two shots may still be on his breath. DUI for sure if he was stopped.
As he drove, he watched the two kiss and play with each other in the backseat. They even looked up a few times to catch him watching. To his delight, they blew kisses and teased him by showing off each other’s bodies while he watched in the mirror. One time he looked and Silk pulled Stacey’s shirt and bra aside and showed him Stacey’s nipple as she licked it provocatively. Vixen, he thought, she was losing control. Michael tried hard not to speed but pushed the limit to get home. As he watched them and the road, he used his hand and gave Syndee an orgasm.
Finally they pulled in to his drive way. He got out and went around to help them out. Syndee got out and took his keys to open the door as he helped the other two. They were busy so Michael just watched for a minute.
Silk was playing with Stacey’s pretty red muff and Stacey was thrashing around the back seat in a state of bliss. Silk’s words broke his thoughts, "Master, I think slave Stacey wants to cum by my hand."
Michael grinned and asked, "Do you slave?"
"Please Master," was all Stacey asked.
"Okay Silk make her cum," he said as he watched.
Silk increased her tempo and Stacey exploded in seconds. Silk finished the job and the pulled her hand away. She then leaned over to Michael and offered him her fingers, then pulled it away before he could capture it his mouth to suck them herself.
"Minx, get in the house," he said with a laugh and walked away.
They came in the house and Michael was sitting on the couch in the living room. Syndee was just coming from the bathroom. Silk noticed the Michael looked tired.
"Kneel," he told them indicating the spot in front of him.
They did as ordered and waiting his next command with eyes lowered to the floor.
Michael watched them for a few minutes before he spoke, finally, "You all did pretty well tonight, except for your little mishap Silk. Next time you will do better or the punishment will be worse."
"Yes Master," she said.
"As for how you all dance, I am proud. You looked perfect and I am proud to call you mine. Now I’d like all you to strip and shower. You stink like smoke and sweat. Stacey and Silk will use the shower down here and Syndee will shower with me upstairs."
The three of them jumped up to strip. Silk put her dirty clothes in the basket that Michael had given her and joined Stacey in the shower. They washed each other all over and then washed each other’s hair. Finally they were done, so Silk shut the water off and turned the little hose on. She tapped Stacey on the thigh and pushed the hose inside of her to wash her out. This seemed to turn Stacey on as much as it turned Silk on and soon they were kissing and making out in the shower.
Stacey was close to cumming so she took the hose from Silk and pointed it between Silk’s legs. Silk parted her legs and allowed Stacey to clean her out. Once she was clean, Stacey decided to be naughty and pointed the hose at Silk’s clit. Stacey held her in place when she tried to escape and as she was thrashing about trying not to cum, Michael opened the door.
"Master, please make her stop," Silk begged him panting.
"Syndee come here. See what your naughty sisters are up to," was all he said.
Syndee came to see and Michael leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She then ran upstairs and grabbed something then came back and handed something to Michael. She entered the shower and dropped to her knees and then Silk saw what she had gone to get. It was her dildo, which Syndee shoved up her wet slit. This caused Silk to groan out loud.
"Please Master," she panted.
"Please what?"
She knew he was no hope. Syndee was stroking the dildo in and out of her rapidly and Stacey was holding the stream of water right on her clit. She couldn’t take it anymore and let go. Stacey held her up as her climax racked her body.
Michael sat back on the edge of the hot tub to watch the show. He liked when slaves attacked each other. Stacey was proving to be very dominating and he wondered if she controlled Syndee at home. He liked the way she held Silk against the wall and made her cum. Silk didn’t stand a chance against both girls and finally she let go. Finally when her climax subsided she gave Stacey an evil look and hip blocked her so that Stacey was on the floor. Syndee scrambled to pull the dildo from Silk and get herself out of the way. Silk followed Stacey down and grabbed the hose from her, attacking her with it. Syndee looked back at Michael who handed her another dildo. Then at his nod, Syndee helped Silk attack Stacey. They repeated the action on Stacey till she squealed in climax.
Once Stacey recovered, she and Silk looked each other. With a giggle, they attacked Syndee. No one except Silk noticed that Michael had got up and brought Syndee’s dildo, which he now threw in the shower. Stacey grabbed it and attacked Syndee. As they were playing with Syndee, the phone rang. Michael went to answer it.
While he was gone they made Syndee scream. She came really quickly; Master must have teased her in the shower. Silk knew that it was his favorite thing. Finally they all three lay there on the floor sharing a kiss and caressing each other.
Michael came back to find them this way. "Sorry slaves," He said, "But I have to leave, something’s happened at the station." He had a pair of jeans and a shirt in his hands.
Silk knew that part of Michael’s job as assistant program director was that he was the one to run when something was wrong so she asked, "Are we off air?" Knowing this was the worst thing for a station.
"No the cart machine is eating carts and won’t play. Sean is having a terrible time. Bet he wished he hadn’t signed up for nights now," Michael told her liking the fact that he could actually tell her what was wrong and have her understand and sympathize. He went back upstairs and grabbed his shoes and a pair of socks.
"Can you fix it?"
"I think so, this happened last year with the old one," he told her as he dressed.
"So what do you want us to do Master," Stacey asked?
He had sat down to put on his socks and shoes, once done he grabbed his jacket off the chair next to the door, "Since I might be a while you might as well go to bed. All three of you will fit in my bed, lay with your heads at the foot. I’ll be back by morning."
"Yes Master," they all chimed in unison.
He turned to leave fishing in his pocket for his keys then turned back, "Come give me a kiss good-bye my pets."
Syndee met his kiss first, he gave her a deep kiss and then whispered in her ear, "Behave yourself, no more fooling around tonight, go straight to sleep," and swatted her on the ass, dismissing her.
Stacey was next in line and after another full mouth kiss, he told her in her ear, "Keep them in line, no fooling around. It’s off the sleep with all of you. You’re in charge so to speak," knowing that she was the most dominating of the three. He slapped her ass also.
Finally it was Silk’s turn. The kiss he gave her left her so breathless that she almost didn’t realized he was speaking to her. "You did well tonight little one now get some sleep and I’ll see you later. Be good," he whispered in her ear and kissed it. As she pulled away, he gave her a swat also then turned and walked out the door.
"Good-bye Master," followed him out.
After he left, the three girls did as they were told. Silk went and got herself a clean thong and then went to the bedroom to find her top from last night, which she dressed in for bed and then braided her hair. Stacey came into the bedroom in similar attire and got into bed. Silk went and shut out all the lights, leaving only the porch light on for Michael. Once back in the bedroom she found Syndee arranging the bed as to follow Michael’s ordered Syndee was clad in only a thong. Once the bed was ready, Silk shut off the bedroom light and climbed in on the other side of Stacey. They all three fell right to sleep. It was a little past two in the morning.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: