Go to Bed: Part 2

It was all over for me. Wooper had been knocked out, all of my items were gone, and a Cryogonal and Kyurem were bearing down on me! I had failed in my quest for the treasure, and things couldn't possibly feel any more helpless. As they inhaled to shoot their Ice Beams at me, I could do nothing but brace myself for the inevitable, knowing the end was here. I let out one final scream as the beams strike me, chilling to the bone. “AAAAHHHHHHHHH!”

I shoot up in my makeshift bed, still screaming. It was just a nightmare, a bad memory from our adventure a few days ago. It is the middle of the night, the moon the only source of light in the dark room. Even though it's summer, a cold breeze blows through the windows, making me shiver despite the cotton. As I try to calm myself down despite my heart racing, Wooper picks his head up, clearly startled.
“Chespin! What's happening?!”
“It's nothing...Just an awful nightmare. Taking a shaky breath, I say, “Aren't you cold? Even with the cotton that breeze is still getting to me.”
“I'm not that cold, no. I know Grass types don't handle it as well, though.”
“I wish I had a blanket.” Just then, inspiration strikes me. We have cotton now! All we need is someone that's good at sewing to make it a blanket! “You'd better get back to sleep, Wooper. Tomorrow, we're going on another little adventure.”
“Yay! G'night, Chespin!”
I curl up in the cotton, trying to keep warm as I drift off to sleep once more. I pray that wherever tomorrow takes us, we see anything but Ice types.

The next morning, I'm awakened by a knock at my door. “Psst, Chespin! C'mon out, that little thing I've got planned for the guildmaster's ready.” That's right, the Frism I let that Charmander keep! Eager to see what she's got planned, I head out and follow her to the main hall.
I duck behind a corner as I watch her walk over to a Frism she's hidden near the guildmaster's room. With a quick tap of her flaming tail to warm the object up, she runs over to join me while giggling like a schoolgirl. Moments later, the Frism's recording echoes throughout the halls.
It isn't long before the door is thrust open, a panicked Meowstic running out. “Slept in? Why didn't my alarm go off?! Where are my keys, where is...” Quickly realizing where he is, he returns to his normal reserved self. “Just some prank, huh? I wonder who coulda done that~?” The Charmander lets out a small giggle, causing the guildmaster's head to whip around in our direction. “I knew it!”
The Charmander can't keep herself from bursting into a fit of laughter, falling to the floor. I decide to cut my losses and run back to my room, grabbing Wooper out of bed with my vines. Maybe I can sneak past him and get started on today's adventure without him noticing?

Just as I'm creeping towards the stairs outside, I hear the guildmaster speak. “Oh, Chespin? You wouldn't care to explain how one of your little Frisms came to be placed outside of my door as part of some prank, would you?
“Uhh, I had a ton of the things? I had nothing to do with any kind of recording, honest!”
“Really then? Surely you've got enough for everybody.”
I let out an exasperated sigh. “Do you really want to give a bunch of voice recorders to THESE guild members? No, I'm gonna keep hanging onto them for now. Anyways, do we have any blankets here? It's too cold at night. Seriously, first the hay 'beds' and now this?”
“We're fresh out of them, Chespin! Besides, it doesn't get all that cold at night. By the way...just one Frism could really help us get recognized as a guild, just saying...”
I don't have time for this, I'm burning daylight blabbering to this guy about this. “I don't have time for this, I've gotta hurry up and get a blanket for once!” Realizing I just yelled at my guildmaster, I run out of the guild, trying to put a little distance between the two of us. I'll worry about the consequences of my actions later. I need to get this taken care of. I'll take any kind of punishment if it means I have something that'll let me sleep better.

Setting Wooper down, I walk into town with one goal on my mind. I stop at the first shop stall I see, a Kecleon working behind it.
“Welcome, welcome, dear customer. What are you looking for today? We've got berries, seeds, orbs, all manner of helpful ite-”
I cut him off, wanting to be spared the upselling. “I need a blanket, and I need one as soon as possible. Do you sell blankets?”
“Blankets? Why, I've never stocked such a thing in my life” Frustrated, I begin to walk away before the Kecleon speaks up again. “Oh, wait! There is a seamstress not too far to the north! Her name is Leavanny, and she'll be more than happy to supply you with a blanket! She lives in a small hut near a river.”
I let out a sigh of relief, at least this should be an easy trip. Racking up the guildmaster's tab once more, I stock up with a little bit of everything. I grab a few extra berries for Wooper and I to share for breakfast. I hesitate a little before leaving town, recalling the Cryogonal I had to fight. Please, don't let today turn out like that day!

The walk is uneventful, and it isn't long before we find the river. The water looks clean and cool, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to set my things down and take a little swim...no, I'm on a mission, I can worry about that later! Continuing my hike, I spot a small hut overlooking the river, leafy décor coating the exterior.
I give the door three quick knocks. “Hello? Is Leavanny here?”
A small voice responds from the other end. “No. Mom's gone into the forest and hasn't come back! I think something might have happened!”
Before I can respond, Wooper announces his intentions. “We'll save her! C'mon Chespin, we have a mother to find!” As Wooper dashes into the woods, I run to catch up to him, cursing my luck. What should have been an easy trip just turned into a rescue mission.

The path into the forest twists and turns, impassable rows of bushes and trees surrounding us. Was this one of those dungeons I've heard so much about? Part of me felt a little excited at the idea, but the rest of me was getting nervous. What if things go badly? We can't just turn tail and run in a place like this!
Wooper and I are greeted by all manner of foes on our journey. Rattata, Poliwag, and Sentret were our main foes. To my great relief, most of them went down without much of a fight. Even with my lack of experience, a Vine Whip/Water Gun combo from us was more than enough to take them out. Had I really gotten stronger over the past couple of weeks, or were these just very weak foes to begin with?

Before long, we come to a small clearing. Looking around, it's clear that this is a dead end. “Well, now what?” I ask Wooper. “We've come all this way and there's nothing here.”
“Oh, I've heard of this sorta thing! We gotta fight a boss! Y'know, like the leader of the woods?”
My heart skips a beat at Wooper's words. I'm not ready to fight something like that! Looking around once more, I see nothing of the sort. “If that's true, where are they?”

My question is answered by a voice from above. “Right here! Come after our honey, have you? I'll make you pay for that!” Looking towards the voice, I feel my body freeze up as I spot the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my life!
A Beedrill begins flying down towards us, its lance-like arms pointed right at me! I had a huge phobia of bees back when I was human, but this? Beedrill's several times my size, and closing in fast! This was a living nightmare! Screw this, no blanket on earth was worth THIS! I let out a loud scream, absolutely horrified!
“Chespin, it's not that bad, we can do thi-”
“But what about the missing Leava-”
I'm not even listening to him, the only thing I care about is getting out of here! I yank Wooper close with a vine and shatter the first Orb I can get my shaking hands on, instantly recognizing it as an Escape Orb. A bright blue light envelopes the two of us and in the blink of an eye, I find myself outside of the hut once more.

Relieved to be out of danger, I collapse to the ground, still shaking from fear. “Th-that was too close, Wooper! I guess we'll need to get that blanket from somewhere el-”
For the first time in my life, I hear Wooper get angry. “What's gotten into you?! We're supposed to be heroes, not cowards that run away!”
“I-I can't fight something like that!”
“Why NOT? We fought that Talonflame just fine, and you even took care of that Cryogonal the other day! Compared to those, a Beedrill's gotta be way weaker, but THAT is what you run away from?!”
“I've got a crippling fear of bugs, especially bees! Even when I was human and the bees were these tiny little things. That Beedrill's so much bigger than me, its stingers are gigantic, it could poison me, it cou-”
“We have a duty to save those in need! Leavanny needs us! Her child needs us! If you're going to be a coward, I'll have to be the hero this time. I'm not afraid of a thug like that!” In a huff, Wooper runs back into the forest, leaving me sitting there.
“Fine, go be a hero!”

Angry at Wooper, I set my bag down, stuffing my scarf into it before wading into the river in an attempt to calm myself down. Why can't he see that not everybody is as fearless or as good at fighting as him? Why does he always have this obsession over being a hero? Well, if he wants to go be a hero, he can go be a hero without me for once!

Despite my swimming, I'm still fuming over it all. Looking up to the sky, I realize Wooper's been gone for a couple of hours. That's odd, it didn't take us that long to get to the clearing, maybe he...My eyes go wide at the realization. Wooper might be in trouble! For the first time since becoming a Chespin, I feel well and truly alone.
Wooper's my best friend, I can't just leave him! We've done practically everything together since we've met! I've taught him about the human world, he's taught me about this world. I've helped him out in fights, even having gone so far as to use myself as a living shield for him once! If something happened to him, I'd never be able to forgive myself for it. Climbing out of the river, I tie my scarf back on tightly, more angry with myself than anything else.
As I approach the path towards the inner forest, I pause. If I go in, I'll be going through a dungeon all by myself. I still don't think I can fight very well. Not only that, but I don't think I have enough items to compensate for my lack of skill. I could go back to the guild for help, but that'll take too long! No, I have to be brave. Or at least ignore my crippling fear long enough to get to Wooper. Taking a deep breath, I charge into the forest. Even if I'm terrified, I have to save my friend!

The enemies we fought during our first trip are back, but this time I can't rely on Wooper's support to battle. Knowing how to do little else, I keep my vines extended the entire trek, tossing to the side whatever Poliwags or Rattata try to block my way. I run as fast as I can until I reach the clearing. Walking forward, my heart drops as I see Wooper laying on the ground. I'm too late! “No!” Fearing the worst, I rush over, thankful to find him still breathing.

“The coward has come back to join his friend! It's a good thing too, it'll be much easier to fight both of you one at a time. One down, one to go!”
I look behind me, the Beedrill level with me. I freeze up once again as I get another reminder of just how huge my enemy is! “I-I'm not a c-coward!”
The Beedrill lets out a cruel laugh. “Not a coward? You're trembling! Oh yeah, you're super brave, huh? Admit it, the very sight of me terrifies you.”
I wince at his words. “...You're right. But...You hurt my friend! I don't care how big you are, I'm not going to let you get away with it!”
“Aww, how touching. At least you can be happy you went down fighting!”

The Beedrill charges straight for me, lances out! I dive to the side, just barely dodging in time. I smack my enemy with my vines, but am frustrated to find that it doesn't seem to do anything! Wishing I had become something that could breathe fire, I look inside of my bag for help. None of the seeds I have with me are the same kind that saved me from Cryogonal, so fire was out of the question. None of my orbs seemed to be of any help, either. C'mon, I gotta think of something quick!
I spot one interesting seed, a reddish-pink one covered in small star patterns. Lacking options, I chomp down on it. The instant I hear the crunch, my mind is filled with angry and violent thoughts as power flows through my body. No, it's not enough to win anymore. I need to crush this stupid insect!
Before I can follow through with an attack however, the Beedrill points its lances towards me, shooting out a stream of tiny needles! Unable to react in time, I feel the sting of hundreds of bees all at once as the bombardment slams into me.
Screaming from the pain, I lash out at him with my vines once more. It still doesn't seem to hurt Beedrill much, but my attacks definitely have more impact now.
“Still putting up a fight? You have to realize there's no point.”

Beedrill swoops down towards me, jabbing with his lances. Unable to get away, I can only curl up and endure the assault as I try to hold back my cries. Suddenly, one of the lances glows purple just as it hits! A wave of nausea washes over me and fear fills my mind once again. I've been poisoned!
I have to stop this, I have to get this thing off me! Grabbing at any part of Beedrill I can reach with my vines, I manage to throw him to the other end of the clearing as I get to my feet, starting to grow lightheaded. I can't last much longer...

“Won't be long now. I think I'll let the poison do its work, just as it had on your friend back there.”
“YOU...YOU HAVEN'T WON YET!” I can't let him win like this! Furious, I look in my bag, spotting a dark, crescent-shaped seed. Gripping it in my vine, I launch it into my foe's stupid face! As the seed shatters on Beedrill, he stops moving, falling to the ground. I can tell he's still conscious, but the violent thoughts from that seed still fill my head. Stunning him isn't good enough, I want him to pay! Looking at my vines, I notice them glowing green. Is this some kind of last-ditch power up?
Shooting them forward, I take hold of Beedrill, slamming him stinger-first into the ground with an impact I didn't think I was capable of. Beedrill somehow breaks out of the stun, but can't get himself unstuck from the ground, only managing to wiggle around helplessly! Wanting to make sure he can't escape, I grab his lance-like arms and plunge those into the dirt as well. With my foe left utterly defenseless, I close in and begin to smash my vines into Beedrill's face over and over.
Even after Beedrill is knocked out, it isn't enough for me. Yanking him out of the dirt, I use my vines to swing him around in a circle as fast as I can before launching him out of the clearing. “And don't come back, you stupid insect!”

Having bested the scariest creature I've ever met in my life, the violent thoughts fade from my mind as I'm met with another wave of pain from the poison. I reach for my bag, searching for a Pecha Berry and...Oh no! I forgot to pack any! Is this really how it ends? Even though I win, I've lost? As I grow dizzier, I look up at the sun, wishing I had been more careful...Wait, the sun! Sun is good for me! Focusing all of my willpower on the sun, I hold my arms skyward. A soft glow surrounds my body as I feel my injuries from the battle begin to fade, energy returning to my body.
I let out a sigh of relief, finally out of danger. I still feel nauseous, but at least I can walk out of here and find some kind of help for us...wait, that's right!

Once more, I run over to Wooper, who seems to have woken back up recently. “Wooper! I'm sorry, I'm so stupid! This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't such a coward!”
Wooper's voice sounds pained, his usual cheerfulness absent. “But...you came back for me, even after that argument we had.”
“I'd never forgive myself if you never came back!” I give him a quick hug, but get embarrassed and lean back once again. Why do I keep doing that? “Ah...so how did you lose?”
“He pinned me down and started stabbing at me with those lances, and I couldn't get away.”
I wince once again, the poison causing another wave of pain to course through me. “Same thing happened to me. I got lucky, I don't know what I would have done otherwise.”
Wooper stands up, still looking pretty beat up. “I saw the whole thing...you were amazing! The way you got him stuck into the ground and pummeled him, the way you launched him out of the forest, it was so cool! See, you really can fight!”
Despite the pain from my poisoning, I can't help but smile. “We must look like a mess. Let's rescue Leavanny, get that blanket, and go back home!

We walk down a short path through the forest until we come upon a Leavanny, who looks around nervously. “Oh dear, I'm lost. My poor son must be worried sick...”
This time, it's me who steps forward. “Have no fear, Team Cozy is here!”
Leavanny turns towards us, a smile on her face. “Goodness, a rescue! Thank you! But my, look at the two of you. Both of you look pretty beat up!”
“You don't know the half of it.” Sifting through my bag, I find one more Escape Orb. “Let's get out of here already. Smashing it to the ground, the bright blue light warps the three of us out of the forest.

Once again, I find myself outside of Leavanny's hut. She beckons for us to enter her home, and we follow her. The interior has all manner of things made from leaves. Carpets, tablecloths, and...could it be? A blanket! Yes!
Leavanny cheerfully announces herself. “I'm home, son!”
A small Sewaddle crawls out from the corner. “Mom! You're back!”
“I am, and it's all thanks to these two!” Leavanny beckons towards us.
I nod in response, saying, “It was rough, but we did it...ugh...” Another sickening wave of pain streaks through me.
“Goodness, you're poisoned! Quick, eat this!” Leavanny holds out a Pecha Berry, which I quickly snatch and shove into my mouth.
Within seconds, I feel the nausea and pain fade from my body, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. If only medicine worked this quickly back in the human world! “Thanks a ton!”
“No, thank YOU! Without you two, I'd still be lost in the forest! How can I ever repay you?”
I point towards the blanket I see laying nearby. “The Clover Guild has no blankets. I need one so I can quit waking up in the middle of the night shivering.”
A frown appears on Leavanny's face. “I'm sorry, this is the only blanket I have.”
“What?! But we need a blanket! If I can bring back cotton for you, will you make us one?” I probably sounded desperate, but I didn't want to go to bed tonight empty-handed!
“Of course, dear! I won't be able to make all of them today, but I'll have enough for the both of you. Is that okay?”
“You bet!”

I waste no time as I run back to the guild, grabbing up as many bags of cotton as I can carry. It hadn't occurred to me until today to simply hang all of the bags off of a vine as opposed to running them two at a time, making things move much faster this time. Supplied with the cotton, Leavanny tells us it'll take her some time and to wait outside. Not wanting to have to go on a third life-threatening adventure for bedding, I tell her to make some pillows as well.
I sit at the riverside, Wooper opting to leap into the water instead. Wooper quickly perks up after just a few minutes of swimming.
“Looks like you're gonna get that blanket after all, Chespin!”
“And a pillow, too!” I lean back, soaking up the sun. Despite everything that happened earlier, I'm feeling pretty good! Not only did I save Leavanny and fight off an enormous Beedrill, I saved Wooper as well! I feel like a real hero!
“Oh yeah, what's Team Cozy, anyways?”
“That's us, Wooper! I got the name idea because every adventure we've been on was just so we could get something comfortable for the guild. First the cotton, now blankets and pillows. So, what do you think?”
“I like it!”
“So um...about earlier...I'm sorry I chickened out like that. Humans can have very strong fears that they have a very hard time getting over. For me, it's bees.”
“Don't worry about it, you came back to save me! Let's enjoy our victory!”
Nodding, I lie back, watching the clouds until Leavanny finishes her work. After the ordeals I've had to endure just for a single blanket, it better be the best blanket I've ever seen.

Once sunset arrives, Leavanny walks out holding a couple of pillows and blankets. “This was all I was able to make today, but if you come back tomorrow I'll have the rest of it.
Excited, I rush over, checking out the bedding. At first glance they don't look very comfortable, but my opinion changes fast once I give the blanket a feel, the leaves feeling much softer than one would think. “Oh yeah, these are perfect!”
“Great! Don't forget to collect the rest of them tomorrow, you hear?” Thanking Leavanny once more, we trek back to the guild just before night falls, my hard-fought prizes in hand.

As I return to the guild hall, I see the guildmaster waiting for me. “Look who's back! And with some blankets as well!”
I start to feel nervous as I remember earlier, but I shake those thoughts out of my mind. After Beedrill, this shouldn't be a problem! “Hey uh, sorry about yelling earlier. Sleeping's hard enough without a proper bed and blanket.”
“It IS true that a good night's sleep is important. Sorry about the lack of blankets, Chespin. I know things are pretty disorganized for now, but that'll change!”
Relieved that that's behind me, I deliver my blankets and pillows to my room. I grab a stray Frism, whispering a little something into it before I return to the guildmaster. “By the way, I figure I can part with one of these.”
The guildmaster holds the Frism up in front of him. “Nice! I used to have one of these a long time ago, y'know.”
Trying not to laugh, I say, “Don't forget, if you rub it it'll play something for you. Anyways, I gotta go to bed, g'night!” I walk away the moment I see him give the Frism a rub. Just as I round the corner, I hear the guildmaster mutter “...18 whats in the showers?”

I climb into my bed of cotton, pulling up the leafy blanket and pillow. Oh yeah, this was the way to go for sure! First hay, then cotton, and now a pillow and blanket. I'm really moving up in the world now! No more waking up in the middle of the night from a cold breeze. But I couldn't help but wonder what my next adventure would involve. Would I be trying to track down a couch next? Some kind of fancier scarf? Maybe some manner of hot tub? As I drift off to sleep, I just have one wish in my mind.

Please don't let the next adventure involve bugs or ice.

Pub: 23 Mar 2023 04:04 UTC
Edit: 24 Mar 2023 02:57 UTC
Views: 668