The Husband's Hideaway: Charlotte, The Arachne

Once she's gone, you get up and make your way to your bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror and sigh.
You have to admit, Snow is certainly nice to look at. You run your hand along your jawline and wince as you feel a patch of dried blood flake off. That encounter wasn't without some wear and tear...
You step into the shower and let the hot water roll down your back. Your mind races as you think about the events that just transpired. You're a whore, and you're damn good at it. You have a certain charm that makes your clients come back for more.
But Snow was different. You've never been put through such a wild combination of sadism and masochism. You've never been able to push your limits that hard either. It's as you continue to rinse the various bodily fluids off of you that you realize you're getting stronger.
A lot stronger. About two weeks ago you were barely able to handle a single high-demand client in the space of a day. Now you've just put down your third high-performance client down, with a fourth presumably on the way. You're getting good at this.
At some point, you think to yourself, maybe it'll be the girls walking away from you exhausted, and not the other way around.

You finish showering and step out. You dry yourself off and get dressed, ready to see what job Relk is talking about.
You exit your room feeling fresh, if a little spent, and head towards the lobby to find Relkomaz.
You see him sitting behind the counter, fiddling with a lock and looking frustrated. "Damn thing," he grumbles.
You chuckle. "Having trouble?"
"Sonofabitch won't open," he replies, giving it one last try before throwing his hands up in defeat. "Anyway, there's someone here to see you."
You raise an eyebrow. "Someone to see me? I don't have any appointments scheduled."
Relk shrugs. "She didn't give a name. Just said she wanted to see the best man for the job."
You frown a bit, then sigh. "Well, I guess I'll be finding out soon enough."
"Yep," he replies. "She's in Zal's office, taking with her."
"Gotcha." you say as you start to walk away.
"Hey, wait!" he says, stopping you. "Did you see the size of the payment Snow left you?"
You smirk. "No. But I bet it was big."

"Damn right it was," he replies, grabbing the usual pouch of coins. "Three plat! D'ya know how long I've been working here? Fuck, if I'd just become a whore like you I could buy my own brothel!"
He chuckles as he tosses the pouch to you. You catch it and open it up to reveal three glimmering platinum coins inside.
"Thanks, Relk," you say.
"No problem, kid," he replies. "Now go get 'er done."
You nod and head down the hall to Zal's office. You knock on the door and hear a muffled "Come in!" from Zal.
You step inside, and the first thing that strikes you is the woman sitting across from Zal at her desk. She's very clearly an Arachne, and a mature one at that. The second thing that strikes you is how beautiful she is. The third thing that strikes you is that she's staring right at you, her eyes tilting upwards in a warm smile.

"My, my. Is this the Ryan I've heard so much about?" She says in a sweet voice. Her eyes shimmer slightly as she moves them up and down to observe you in the doorway. "You certainly seem to live up to expectations." She remarks with a small chuckle.
Zal clears her throat to snap you out of your initial shock. "Ryan, this is Charlotte."
You walk forward and extend a hand to her. "Pleased to meet you, Charlotte."
Charlotte simply regards you with a coy grin, folding her arms and licking the corner of her lips as she looks you over again. "The pleasure is all mine, Ryan."
She gives you another smile, and you can see her impressive fangs poking out above the rest of her teeth.
"Please, take a seat."
You sit down in the chair opposite her, and Zal sits in her own chair.
"So, you're here about the job," Zal says. "Tell us all about what you have in mind."
"Well, I'd like to establish a long-term relationship with your establishment," she says. "I'd like to become a regular... customer."
Zal smiles. "Okay. So you want to fuck him a lot. We get a lot of that, you know."
"No, no," Charlotte says, raising a palm. "It's not going to be just fucking. I want... more than that."

"Like?" Zal asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I want him to be my boyfriend," she says, nodding at you.
Zal looks at you for a moment, then shrugs.
"We've never done a boyfriend experience service here, but if you're willing to pay extra I'm sure we could work something out." Zal says as she leans back in her chair, staring at you with a slight smirk. "Why do you want to pay for a boyfriend experience, though? I thought that sort of thing was common among humans."
"It's... complicated," Charlotte says, sighing.
Zal nods. "Well, we're not going to get deep into it right now. I'm sure you and Ryan will have plenty of time to get to know each other. So, the boyfriend experience: that's twenty thousand gold per week. You can pay upfront, or pay in installments."
"I'll pay in installments," she says.
Zal nods. "Good choice. It's a lot of money to drop all at once. How many times would you like to see him?"
"As many as possible."
Zal looks over at you. “Any complaints?”
You shake your head.

"Perfect," Charlotte says, smiling at you. "I'll come here every night I can."
"Great," Zal says. "Well, that's everything. Do you want to start right away?"
"Yes, please," she says.
Zal looks at you. "That's that then. Get on out and have some fun with the nice lady, won't you?" Her smirk is almost unbearable at this point.
You get to your feet, and Charlotte stands up as well.
"Let's go back to your room for a bit," she says.
"Sounds good to me."
Zal calls after you as you leave. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
You roll your eyes and keep walking, and Charlotte leads you out of the office and into the hallway. You lead the way for a moment, heading up the stairs, until you finally arrive at your room.
"Welcome to my room," you say, opening the door.
"Oh my," she says, looking around. "It's not very big."
You shrug. "It's pretty spacious for a tiny human like me," you say with a smile.
"It is rather cozy," she admits.

You sit on the bed, and she sits beside you. For a moment, the two of you just look at each other.
"So..." she asks. "Is there anything you'd like to do?"
"Well, tell me a little bit about what you have in mind for this 'boyfriend experience'. I've never been asked to do something like this." You reply.
You're not quite sure what she has in mind. It could be anything.
"Well, we'll be spending a lot of time together," she says. "We'll do lots of fun things together."
"That's... pretty open-ended," you say.
She nods. "I know it is."
You pause, wondering what she's expecting from all of this. Is she expecting you to just plan lots of fun dates, or is she expecting you to also fulfill her sexual desires? You're not exactly sure how balanced she wants the two to be.
"So... do you have any ideas for things we could do?" you ask.
"Well... there is one thing I was thinking about..."
"Oh?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
She takes a deep breath, working up her courage. "Would... would you mind if I took you out for some food?"

"Food?" you ask, surprised.
She looks down at her hands. "I'm not very good at this, as you might imagine."
"Do you really want to go get food, or are you trying to avoid the other thing?" you ask.
"I... I want to do both," she says softly.
You chuckle, staring at her with a smile. "Sounds like a fine plan. Let's go eat. Do you have a place in mind?"
"There's this one juice place I like to visit at night."
"Perfect," you say. "Show me the way."
She smiles, leading you out of the room. You follow her, and soon you're walking down the street next to her.
"So... why the juice?" you ask.
"We Arachne prefer to get our nutrients from liquids when we can. It's healthier that way," she explains.
"Interesting," you say.
You walk along, Charlotte leading you to the juice bar. Soon, you find yourself in front of a small juice bar that has a few lights on inside. The sign on the door says "Open!" and you can see a woman wiping off tables and putting bottles of juice into a refrigerated display case.

"Well, here we are!" Charlotte says cheerfully.
You step into the juice bar, following her in. A woman behind the counter looks up and smiles, waving at you.
"Hello, Charlotte," she says.
"Hello, Mindy," Charlotte says. "I'd like a Strawberry Sunrise and he'd like..."
"Surprise me," you say, smiling.
"Sure thing!" Mindy says. "I'll have that out in just a moment."
You look at the menu as Mindy begins making your order, pondering what kind of juice you'll receive.
"So, how do you like it here so far?" Charlotte asks.
"It's great," you say. "I love it."
"Glad to hear it. I was a little worried you wouldn't like it here, but from what I've seen you're pretty happy."
"Oh, definitely! It's nice to finally have a client that gives you room to breathe. I've been through the paces today."
"What do you mean?"
"I've had to deal with three incredibly demanding clients today. Thank goodness I just got back from sick leave, or I think I'd be toast!"

"Oh, did you have an injury or something?"
"Quite a few!" you say dramatically. "I was run through the gauntlet for nearly three days straight, felt like my pelvis was gonna give out! Breeding season is a hell of a time to be in the business of pleasure," you remark with a chuckle.
"Sounds rough," she says.
Charlotte leads you to a table just outside, where you both sit down. You naturally use a chair, but Charlotte just moves it aside and seems to sort of rest on her haunches.
Soon, Mindy arrives at your table with two glasses of juice. Charlotte's drink is a vibrant pink and orange mixture, befitting of the name "Strawberry Sunrise". Yours is a sort of dark blue.
You look up at Mindy with a questioning glance as she hands you your glass.
"Blueberry Vortex!" Mindy replies with the name of your drink.
You admire the drink with a satisfied smile, and Charlotte almost seems a little jealous.
"Oooh... That one's good!" Charlotte says with a smile. "I think you'll really enjoy it."
After sliding a few straws and napkins across the table, Mindy leaves the two of you to your drinks.

"So, what do you think?"
"It's great!" you say. "I really like it."
"You seem to really like everything," she says with a smirk.
You blush and smile, taking a long sip of your drink as you savor the strong and sweet flavor.
Charlotte unwraps a straw and tucks in to her own drink, sucking up a frightening amount of it in one pull. She lets out a small sigh of satisfaction, before returning her attention to you.
"Mmmh. Nothing beats a good glass of juice at this hour," she says.
"Yeah. I'm a little envious I didn't try this out sooner," you say, as you hold up your half-drank glass for a toast.
"To the boyfriend experience!"
"Oh my, I don't think I've ever had that one before," she says with a smirk.
The two of you clink glasses and drink deeply from your glasses, you in particular downing the last bit in one gulp.
A long sigh of satisfaction comes from you as you place the empty glass down on the table.
"That was delicious," you say with a smile.
"I have to say, I'm glad I got paired up with you."
"Oh?" you ask.

"Yeah. I was a little concerned at first, because of the rumors about how intense you can be," she says.
"Well, I'm just enthusiastic about my work," you reply with a shrug.
"I can tell. So... This may sound a little forward, but I was wondering if you wanted to go back to my apartment."
"Sure!" you say with a bit of surprise, "Let's just stop back by the brothel before that, I need to make sure my affairs are in order before we head to your place."
"Oooh! Are you in charge of the whole company?"
"I wish," you say, smiling.
You take the long way back to the brothel, taking a leisurely stroll through the town with your new monstergirl girlfriend. She takes your hand as you walk along.
"So tell me more about your job," she says.
"Oh, man. It's fun, but... It can be really exhausting sometimes. Monstergirls don't go easy, as I'm sure you know," you say with a laugh.
You see Charlotte's eyes shift a little bit, but her warm smile remains. "Hmmm, I can relate," she says playfully. "You seem to keep up with them just fine."
"I try," you chuckle, "But even I have to take time off every now and again to make sure my bones don't break! Especially with some of my regulars, they're seriously energetic."

"Yeah! I actually just saw one of my regulars today. Her name's Cherry, she's a scylla. An insanely pent-up one, too."
"A scylla? Oh! That monstergirl with the tentacles on their lower body?"
"Yep, that's the one," you say. "She's super kinky. She was my first scylla."
"What's it like?" she asks, her voice taking on a serious tone.
"It's... A lot," you say. "I mean, I'm experienced. But it was still overwhelming. I remember feeling like my body was out of my control. It was all fun and games, though. She was really sweet. Cherry's just a big softie on the inside."
"That's good," she says.
"What about you? You seem plenty mature," you say as you look her up and down. "I can't imagine you having a hard time with any monsterboys."
She laughs, and you join in. "I'm sure you're right. I've never had issues with boys liking me. Or girls, or anything really."
"Anything?" you ask.
She smiles. "I like your confidence."
You approach the front door of the brothel. "Well, we're here," you say.
"Oh! Already?" she says disappointedly.
You look up at Charlotte with a smile. "Aw, don't worry. I'll be right back out."
"Can I wait here?" she asks.
You nod, and head into the brothel. You walk through the lobby and a few hallways, before making it Zal's office. You knock on the door to announce your presence.

"Come in!" Zal yells.
You open the door and see Zal, sitting in her desk chair. Zal looks up from some papers and smiles when she sees you.
"Hey, stud," she says. "Back so soon?"
"You wish." You say with a snort. "I'm here because Charlotte wants to take me back to her place. Are we allowing that?"
"Of course," Zal says. "She gets pretty much whatever she wants, as long as you're good with it."
"Alright, I'm fine with it. But I do need some kind of protection. If she decides to get frisky at her place, I could be in big trouble without contraceptives. What are we doing about that?" You ask Zal.
Zal leans back in her chair for a moment, thinking to herself. After about a minute she leans forward and opens her eyes. "I've got a good idea, but you might not like it."
You let out a sigh. "Hit me, boss."
"Us Succubi have an old trick that we use for protection."
"That being...?"
"Runic marks. I can slap a tattoo on your shoulder that'll make you sterile for as long as my magic keeps it there," Zal explains. "Got a coin?"
You squint at her, before rummaging through your pockets and producing a silver piece. "Sure. What for?"
"Make a contract with me over the coin. That's how I can activate a mark." Zal says.

"Alright," you say. You need to think this over carefully, contracts of any sort are no joke.
You take a minute to think, before speaking up. "With this coin as proof of our bargain," you say as you flip it out of your hand and into Zal's grip, "I agree to have a runic mark of contraception on my shoulder for as long as I am a willing employee of the Husband's Hideaway."
Zal looks at you with a smirk. "Well chosen words."
In a blaze of shadowflame, the coin in Zal's hand melts away, and you feel a slight pain in your left arm.
You look at your shoulder, and sure enough, a silver marking has appeared on your flesh. It looks like several triangles in a spiral pattern, woven together with a vine of thorns.
"There you go." Zal says. "Now you're scot free from baby-related danger. Go forth and conquer, Ryan."
You take a moment to run your fingers over the tattoo, before looking up at Zal with a satisfied smile. "You got it, boss."
You leave the office, and head back outside the brothel to find Charlotte waiting for you. She perks up as you step outside, greeting you with a warm smile.
"Hey, you." She says.
"Hey, yourself." You respond. "So... off to your place, right? I've got all my affairs in order, so we're good to go."
"Yep, we're heading off."

You begin the walk to her apartment, and for a while, silence takes over. You find yourself wondering if it's awkward, before dismissing such thoughts from your head. This is just how it is.
"So..." you begin, trying to think of something to say. "You seem a little big, even for a female Arachne. How'd you get that sexy?" You say with playful chuckle.
She smiles back at you, and her smile is infectious. "Well, I've been through a few partners. Arachne tend to get a little bigger once they've had a couple of mates."
"Ah." You respond.
The rest of the walk is similarly awkward small talk. Eventually, you arrive at her apartment. While you're not especially small or anything, you feel strangely out of place in her home. It's definitely been adapted with her larger body in mind.
The other thing you notice is that it's almost exclusively lit with candles, each one with different aromas wafting off of them.
"Ah, sorry about the lighting." She says, noticing your gaze. "I just really like candles. They're a nice hobby."

"Really? How do you see in here?" You ask, squinting a bit.
"Oh! Well, my vision works fine in near perfect darkness, so lighting isn't an issue." Charlotte says. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to guide you around so you don't bump into anything." Charlotte giggles a bit, before taking your hand and leading you over to what looks like a living room.
It's adorned with a large, fluffy rug, and several silk cushions of impressive size.
Charlotte sits down on one of the cushions, and pats another one next to her, indication you should sit there. You do so, and she moves closer to you.
"So... now that we're alone..." She says, looking into your eyes a bit. "What do you want to do?"
You think about it for a moment.
"How about a bath?" You ask.
"Mmm... Well..." Charlotte rubs an idle finger along her chin in thought. "I don't take baths the way most creatures do."
"What do you mean?" you ask, curious.
"I breathe through book lungs in my abdomen," Charlotte says as she wiggles her abdomen slightly. "So I can't fully submerge myself in water. I usually just do sponge baths under a bit of running water."
Your lips curl in a mischievous smile. "Even better then. Can I wash your back?"

Charlotte seems slightly taken aback at your enthusiasm, before looking down at you with a playful glimmer in her eye. "Sure. Follow me."
She gets up and leads you to the bathroom, which is as dimly lit as the rest of her home.
You follow her into the bathroom, which is decorated in a similar style to the rest of the home. Large silk cushions and candles are everywhere, and a large sort of tiled platform bath sits in the center, sunken down into the floor slightly to allow for some standing water.
"Wow... these silk cushions are really nice!" You remark as you flop down on one of them next to the bath.
"Thank you, I made them myself. Spinning silk is another hobby of mine. I just like craftwork, really." She says with a smile.
"I hear Arachne really enjoy silk spinning. Are these made of your own silk?" You ask, running your hand along the smooth woven fabric.
"Yes, they are. That's another reason why I like craftwork, it helps me express my silk." She says, smiling.

You lean back on the cushion and watch as she turns on the taps of the bath. The sound of running water soon fills the room as a light mist fills the air.
Once there's a small layer of water in the basin, Charlotte turns her attention back to you.
"Why don't we work on getting these clothes off?" She says, smiling.
"Sure thing!" You reply as you set to work on the buttons of your shirt.
You can't help but take a sideways glance at Charlotte as she undresses, and the view is impressive. Her curves have remained contained all night long by a soft white ribbed sweater, which she's currently pulling up off her torso. Her breasts bounce free, and you can't help but stare for a moment.
"My, my. Like what you see?" She asks with a smirk, catching you red handed.
"Definitely." You admit, blushing a little.
"Well, you'll get more than a look soon enough." She says, chuckling.
You stand up and finish undoing your shirt, before tossing it aside and undoing your trousers.

You notice she's staring at your exposed upper body with a sort of lewd hunger. You've definitely been put through some tests of strength in the last few weeks, and it shows on your body in terms of muscle definition.
"You're quite fit." She says, licking her lips.
"Thanks. I try to keep in shape." You say, a little nervously.
She stands up and moves over to you at frightening speed, her breasts pushing into your chest as she wraps her arms around you.
You happily return the favor, holding her by the waist as she pulls you closer, your barely-clothed pelvises lightly grazing each other.
"Come on, let's get into the bath." She whispers in your ear, nibbling it gently as she pulls away.
In one quick motion, Charlotte uses her prehensile frontal legs to slide off your trousers and underwear.
She turns around to face the bath, and gently sets you down in the shallow water before taking off the ornate waistcloth she's been wearing.

As it falls to the floor, Charlotte quickly catches it with her hand and tosses it aside, landing near her sweater. She crawls into the bath with a playful smile on her lips, quickly sliding over to you.
"Mmm... the water's perfect." She purrs as she rubs up against you.
"It's a little hot." You admit.
"I'll cool you down." She says, nibbling on your ear.
You let out a yelp of surprise as she spins you around, taking your right hand and placing it on her left breast. You give it a gentle squeeze, to which she responds with a moan.
"You like that?" She asks.
"I do." You say, before leaning upwards to kiss her on the lips.
She eagerly responds to you, as you start to squeeze her breast a little harder. You slide your other hand down her stomach and towards her crotch, but she catches your wrist.
"Not yet." She says with a naughty smile.
She slowly moves your hand away from her, and places a sponge in your open palm. "You still have to wash my back."
"But of course." You say.

You're about to ask her how you're supposed to even reach her back, when you feel a few cords of silk sling themselves across your body. You let out a yelp of surprise as you're suddenly hoisted into the air, and gently placed onto Charlotte's midsection. You find yourself straddling where her upper half meets her lower half, perfectly positioned to scrub the smooth skin of her back. Charlotte turns her head to get a look at you, seemingly savoring your mild moment of panic.
"Be gentle, it's my weak spot." She says with a wink.
You gently start to rub the sponge on her back, starting at her neck and working down. As you do this, she makes little noises of pleasure, and after a few minutes she grabs your wrist and moves it down to between her front legs. You blush as your hand makes contact with her genitals.
"You can... go a little harder." She says, biting her lip.
As you start to scrub, she lets out a low moan, and you can feel yourself getting a little hard as well.
"Oh? Someone seems to be enjoying themselves." She says.
You realize she can feel your dick pressing against her back as you lean forward to scrub her, and you flush with embarrassment. She doesn't seem to mind, though. If anything, how flustered you are seems to be entertaining her.

"I can't help it!" You say. "This is just so weird and new to me."
"Don't worry, baby. I'll make it feel good." She says.
You feel a few threads tighten around your arms and legs again. Before you know it, she's whisked you off her back and into the bath once again. Where she put you down seems to have been carefully calculated though, as you're sitting up against the tiled wall of the tub. Charlotte quickly slides forward, putting you in a very compromising position. You're sitting between her legs, backed up against the wall, at face level with her.
"I thought you were going to make it feel good." You say.
"I am." She says, and before you can even comprehend what she means to do, she's grabbed the back of your head and pulled it into her chest.
You let out a noise somewhere between a yelp and a moan as her breasts press into your face. It's wet, warm, and soft, and you can't help but put your arms around her body and hug her tightly. You feel her lean back and draping her legs over yours.
"Just relax, baby." She says.
You do as you're told, and just let yourself get comfortable in her embrace. You can feel her slowly rocking you back and forth, almost as if she's trying to soothe you to sleep, or keep you from crying. It's a very maternal motion, and you feel perfectly safe in her arms.
You don't know how long you spend there, as time seems to just pass by unnoticed. You feel her start to lean back a bit, and then you feel the tip of her tongue start to trace your ear, before moving down your cheek, and ending at your lips.

"Just keep your mouth closed, and don't move." She says.
You open your mouth to ask a question, and she quickly pops it in her own, kissing you deeply. Her long, thick tongue wraps itself around yours, and you feel her other hand push against the back of your head. You let out a moan as she pushes her fingers through your hair, before she releases you from the kiss.
"I warned you." She says, and you feel her lean back in again.
This time, you feel her thick tongue press into your cheek, before sliding across your lips and pushing into your mouth. You let out a yelp, which is quickly muffled by her mouth, as she continues to slide her tongue around your own. You can feel her slithering around, exploring the inside of your cheeks and gums, pushing and probing as if trying to find something. You reach your own hands up to her head, and start to explore her hair, before running your fingers down her back.
"Oh?" She asks, breaking the kiss for a moment.
"I-I'm just trying to reciprocate a little..." You stammer, still very flustered at her advance.
"Well, that's alright. But I'm the one doing the servicing today, okay?"
You reluctantly nod in agreement, and she leans back in to continue kissing you. You can feel her lengthy tongue wrap around yours, and her lips rubbing against your own. Your hands rub up and down her back as you feel the weight of her breasts against your chest. She lets out a little moan as you work your fingers along the sides of her breasts, before she leans back again.

"I'm so glad we did this." She says, a big grin on her face.
"Me too." You say, with a big grin of your own.
You lean in to continue, but she pushes you away playfully.
"No, no. Let me work." She says, before leaning in to kiss your neck.
She starts to kiss and nibble at your neck as her hands move lower down your back. You let out a pleasured sigh as you feel her tongue move across your neck, before she bites down softly. You let out a yelp as you feel her fangs pierce your flesh, and a light pressure enter your neck.
"Shhh. It's okay." She whispers, as you feel the pain slowly subside and a pleasurable feeling take over.
She continues to suck from your neck, and you can feel a pleasurable feeling overcome your entire body. You let out a moan as you feel her suck some more, before she releases her bite. You can feel your breathing starting to grow heavier as your body begins to relax slightly.
"Wh-What did you do...?" You ask weakly.
"Oh, just a little venom to help you enjoy yourself more." She says with a smile. "It'll help you relax and feel good. My treat."
You feel your body growing heavy as she leans back in for another kiss. Her hands rub across your chest and groping at your body as her tongue enters your mouth once again. You can taste faint coppery flavor of your own blood as her saliva mixes with yours. She continues to kiss you as you can feel your body growing heavy. Her hands rub against your chest and torso, before moving down towards your crotch.

"Ch-Charlotte...?" You say, before you're interrupted by another kiss.
"Mm-hmm..." She replies, not breaking the kiss.
"Please... Be gentle..." You say, struggling to word your request.
"Don't worry about it baby." She says with a smile.
She begins to kiss down your body, as her hands rub against your crotch. She slides down your body, using her fangs to leave gentle bites on your body. The pain is sharp and pleasurable at the same time, kept manageable by some strange sort of numbing effect induced by her saliva. Your erection pokes up into the air as she takes it in both hands. Her tongue licks from the base to the tip before she envelops your head in her mouth.
"Ah!" You yelp as she begins to suck, using one hand to gently cup and squeeze your balls.
Her head bobs up and down as she sucks, before changing to a hand job. She looks up at you with a smile, licking her lips and sliding her tongue over her fangs. She slides back, resting her head on your pelvis and sliding her tongue over your balls. She gently sucks on one, then the other, before kissing up your shaft and taking your member into her hand and kissing the tip.

"You taste nice." She smiles.
"Th-thanks..." You manage to sputter. Your entire body feels hot and heavy, the effects of her venom keeping you both pliable and sensitive.
She begins to gently slide her tongue up and down your shaft, keeping her eyes locked on yours. She smiles as she moves her head towards your pelvis, gently kissing the base of your shaft before moving further up. She kisses the base of your stomach before moving up further, kissing and licking every inch of your stomach before reaching your chest.
You feel her fangs gently graze your nipples, sending a shuddering thrill through your body.
As she rests on your chest with a satisfied sigh, you feel her interlace your fingers with her own. She rubs her fingertips along yours for a moment, before her playful smile returns.
"Mmmm... Looks like you're pruning a bit. I think we've spent enough time in the bath anyway." She says as she lifts herself up, taking you with her in a tight embrace. You slide down in her grip just a little bit, so that your head tilts back against her hands, leaving you staring up at her face.
"Why don't we get you dried off?" She says in a sweet voice.
She sits you down on the side of the tub, gently patting your head. She grabs a towel and then reaches out a hand into what's seemingly thin air. The space proves to be occupied however, when two of her outstretched fingers meet a thin line of thread.
Using her fingers to pull on it, your slack body is hoisted into the air, kept aloft by silk cords that have manifested across your body. It occurs to your foggy mind that she's probably been spinning these threads for a while, but the low lighting has kept it out of your sight.

Charlotte approaches your suspended body, towel in hand, with a warm smile on her face.
"You look so cute all wrapped up." She says with a giggle.
She leans over you, pressing her breasts into your chest and wrapping the towel around your body. She rubs your body down with the towel, getting rid of all the moisture, before letting go and gently resting you atop one of her silk cushions.
"Let me get dried off, and we'll get back to the fun." She says with a wink.
You watch as she dries herself off, before wrapping herself in a robe. She sits down on the cushion next to you, leaning in to kiss you on the lips. You close your eyes as you feel her hands rub your chest, her tongue finding it's way into your mouth.
You feel yourself being lifted into the air again, and Charlotte's lips part from yours.
"Let's take this to my room." You hear her whisper as you're pulled away.
You are guided out of the bathroom in Charlotte's arms and threads before you arrive at her bedroom. Charlotte fiddles with a few more strings, and you're soon lowered down onto a comfortable expanse of silk webbing. You watch as Charlotte unties her robe, letting it fall off her shoulders to the floor. She straddles you, and you feel your body react in instinctive arousal.
"You're so cute when you blush." She says with a giggle, before leaning in to kiss you again.

You feel her hand wrap around your cock as she begins to rhythmically move her hand back and forth. You let out a moan, which Charlotte immediately shushes you.
"Shhhh... Just let me take care of you," she coos as she returns to kissing you.
You feel her free hand slide under your back, raising your chest off the bed. Her other hand continues to work your cock as you're left suspended in the air by her manipulation of your body.
"I'm going to take care of all your needs."
You feel something warm and wet wrap around the head of your cock, and you let out a gasp.
"Shhhh..." Charlotte says again, before beginning to move her mouth up and down your cock.
Her tongue wraps around it as she moves, creating a tight sensation that is enhanced by the wet warmth of her mouth. She bobs her head up and down, moving faster and faster as you begin to moan in pleasure.
You feel one of her slender hands wrap around your balls, while the other gently caresses your back. You let out a moan, which she immediately muffles by pulling your body downwards and pressing her mouth against yours.
"Mmmm... I have lots in store for you." She says with a wink.
She then slides your body back up so that her face is level with your groin, and returns to work. You feel a tingling sensation as fangs gently prick into your skin, and you let out a gasp.
"Shhhh..." She says again, returning to her work.

You let out a moan despite her shushing, and she giggles in response.
"You're so cute."
She begins to suck with increasing intensity, sending you towards a mind-numbing orgasm. You writhe and shake as you release into her mouth with a groan of pleasure.
This time Charlotte is the one moaning as she swirls her tongue around your spasming cock, hungrily cleaning up every drop of your climax with intense slurping and kissing noises.
"Ooh... So tasty." She says as she looks up at you. "That's my favorite kind of juice."
She begins to kiss her way up your body, stopping briefly to suck and nibble on your nipples. She then continues up, stopping to lick and suck your neck as she fondles one of your hands.
"You're doing so well." She whispers in your ear, before pressing her fangs into your neck again.
You let out a pleasured groan as she sucks on your neck, and you can feel a bit of blood running.
"Mmmm... I want more of you..." She moans, releasing your neck and kissing you deeply.
You can taste the metallic flavor of your own blood mixing with her saliva, and you can't help but continue to moan. Her hands continue to roam over your body, lingering on your ass as she grinds her crotch against yours.
You feel the tip of your cock press against her slick, wet pussy as she takes your hand.
Charlotte breaks the kiss and stares deeply into your eyes. "It's time." She says.

You slowly and gently slide your cock into her tight pussy. You let out a moan as you enter her, and she wraps her front legs around your waist as you slowly push deeper and deeper into her.
"Mmmm... So good..." She says, kissing you passionately.
Using the grip of her legs around you, Charlotte eases you into her deeper than you ever thought possible. You're putty in her hands, and she knows it.
"You're mine." She whispers in your ear as she holds you close.
You can't think of anything else but her. You can't do anything else but please her. You are hers.
"Harder..." She says, and you obey.
You begin thrusting into her with increasing speed, and she lets out a pleasured moan.
"Yes... Yes!" She says.
Against the soft orange candlelight, you notice Charlotte twisting more threads between her fingers. Soon enough you feel the silk netting she has you resting on slowly wrapping around your bodies, drawing you even closer together.
"I've got you." She whispers, gently kissing you.
You continue to thrust, and the feeling is overwhelming.

The candlelight flickers, casting shadows on the wall. You watch as the shadows of your bodies on the wall twist and squirm in time with your motions. Soft silk cords begin to wrap around your legs, holding you in place.
"I've got you..." She whispers in your ear as you're squished against her even closer.
The room is filled with the sounds of your moans and her soft whispers. You feel the tight grip of her legs around your waist, holding you deep within her.
Your pulse is almost palpable through your flesh, as is Charlotte's. Her skin slides against yours with a texture even smoother than her bindings, the sensations of her embracing you inside and out slowly melting away any feeling other than complete bliss.
"Mine." She says, kissing you passionately.
You can't do anything but obey. You are hers. Her legs squeeze you again, and she wraps her arms around you, holding you close as you continue to thrust into her.
"I want... I want to tell you something." She says.
"Yes..." You groan.
"I love you." She says, kissing you again and again.
You feel the tightness in your stomach begin to rise, and you know you're close.
"I love you..." She says again, kissing you deeply.
You feel a wave of pleasure hit you, and you thrust as deep as you can into her as it washes over you. The silk around your legs tighten, and the shadow on the wall shows her holding you deep inside her as you both climax together.

You feel her tongue tightly wrap around yours as she doubles down on her kiss, your moans mixing inside each other's mouths as you feel yourself totally let go.
The tightness in your chest, the tension in your muscles, the racing of your heart and the feeling of confusion and slight fear all melt away as you feel yourself totally give into bliss.
You rest your head against her shoulder as you both climax together, her legs, arms, and threads holding you inside her as you both heave as one, your breaths in unison.
"I love you..." She whispers, resting her head on your shoulder as well. You feel her run her tongue along the bite mark along your neck, the taste of your blood deepening her climax.
"I love you too..." You whisper back.
You feel the tightness in her legs release as they fall limp, and she squeezes her arms around you, holding you close as you both sink to the floor, still intimately connected.
Charlotte slowly runs her hands up your back until she's caressing your hair between her fingers. Your head held against her shoulder and your back against her other arm, Charlotte begins to slowly rock you back and forth like she did before. It's soothing, gentle, and incredibly peaceful. You feel the warmth of your bodies mixing together from the closeness of your connection as she softly coos in your ear.
"I... I love you..." She says, over and over.
You can do little else except offer a weak moan in reply. A slight tingle in your stomach signals the beginnings of another orgasm building, and it seems like Charlotte can feel it.

"I want... I want all of you..." She says.
You feel her legs tighten around your waist and her arms pull you in closer. You follow along in a haze as she forces her hips against yours.
You gasp as you feel yourself being pulled into her, deeper and deeper, faster and faster, until your bodies are joined so closely that they're practically one. It's like your souls are starting to interlock with one another as Charlotte brings you against her in a way you never thought possible.
"More... I want more..." She whispers.
You grip her shoulders and hold on for dear life as she begins to buck her hips against yours. You feel an incredible sensation building inside of you, like a fire that's been lit and needs to be put out. The feeling builds and builds until it spills over the edge, and you gasp as you climax inside of her.
"Yes! Yes!" She hisses through clenched teeth, continuing to thrust against you as you pour yourself into her.
You feel your body go weak and your arms fail you. You collapse against her, unable to support yourself any longer. You feel the tight embrace of her legs around your waist as she holds you up, continuing to thrust against you as her own orgasm tears through her body.
"Yes! Yes! So good! So good!" She hisses over and over again.
She pulls your head off of her shoulder and brings you in for a frenzied kiss. You can taste the raw arousal on her lips as she holds your head in place and thrusts her tongue into your mouth.

You can barely keep up, but you try your best as she pushes as much of her tongue inside your mouth as she can.
You feel a tingling sensation in your stomach and realize that she's turning you on all over again. You let out another weak moan, but with Charlotte's tongue this deep in your mouth it does little else except vibrate against her as she continues to work inside and outside your slack body.
"Mmmn..." She moans as she pulls away from your lips.
You finally manage to summon the strength to speak. "Ch-Charlotte... I don't think I can... don't..." You can barely form a coherent sentence at this point.
"Shhh...." Charlotte says, pressing a finger against your lips. "It's okay. I'll take care of everything. We're going to keep making each other feel good... So good..."
You feel her hands wrap around your back as she lifts you up. As light as a feather, she picks you up off the ground and lays you down on her webbing again.
"Now... Let's get you ready again."
Charlotte quickly slides up to your neck, taking a moment to run her lengthy tongue along your neck's bite marks again. With a little bit of sucking, she draws out a few fresh pearls of blood, and laps at them eagerly.
"Mmmn... I love the taste of your blood. So rich..."

You feel a tingling in your chest as she continues to suck at your neck, and she pulls away with a wet pop. You look up at her as she presses her large bust against your face, smothering you between her massive bosom. You take in a deep breath, smelling her body's scent as she wraps it around you. You weakly reach up to grope one of her breasts, and she lets out a pleasured sigh as you squeeze it.
"Mmmm... I can tell you're ready."
You don't even have time to respond as she forces your head between her massive breasts, smothering you completely. You gasp for breath, but before long you've stopped fighting and given into the pleasure.
You feel a tingle in your chest as your arms wrap around her body, hugging her against you. You look up to see her smiling down at you, and you smile back.
"Ooohh... That's good... Very good... Let's just make sure you're going to feel even better, yes? Yes..." Charlotte purrs as she pulls you out of her chest and slides your neck back up to her mouth.
You feel her lips wrap around your neck, and a small prick of pain as she slides her fangs back into the bite marks on your neck. The pain quickly gives way to pleasure, as you groan in bliss as she sucks on your neck and begins to push herself against you.

"Yes... You're going to make me feel so good... Just relax..." She whispers as she slides one of her legs against your crotch, rubbing against it gently.
You let out a small sigh of satisfaction as she slowly slides herself against you. Charlotte presses her lips against yours, sliding her tongue in your mouth as you moan slightly. She wraps one of her legs around your waist, pulling you in tight against her body again as you feel your member being rubbed by her thigh.
"Yes... I can tell you like this..." She says, smiling as she looks into your eyes.
Your arms wrap around her body, holding her tightly against you as the pressure and pleasure slowly builds.
"Mmmh... I need you close to me too..." She says with a small moan as she tightens the webbing around your bodies again.
"I can feel you... You're ready..." She says, looking into your eyes as she grinds against you.
You let out a weak moan as you struggle to nod your head, the pleasure building within you.
"I need you... All of you..." She whispers into your ear, pressing her lips against it as she wraps her other leg around your waist. "Inside and out..."
Your breathing grows heavier as you thrust your hips forward, sliding your member into her waiting folds.

"Ohh... Yes... I needed this so much..." She whispers, looking deep into your eyes as she squeezes her legs around your waist and presses her lips against yours.
You moan into her mouth as you embrace each other tightly, and the two of you begin to move together as one.
You rock your hips back and forth as you slide in and out of her, and the two of you embrace tightly as the pleasure overtakes both of you.
You can feel her long legs wrapped around your waist, her thick thighs squeezing against your body as you thrust in and out of her. Her arms are wrapped tightly around you, holding you close against her massive bosom. The heat is overwhelming, and you can't get enough of her. You feel her shift the webbing to bind you even closer against her, as her lower half takes your legs and begins spinning silk bindings around them.
"I need you so much... I don't want to let you go..." She whispers into your ear as she holds the embrace, her thick tongue wrapping around yours.
"I'm yours... I'm yours forever..." You pant, looking into her eyes as you see your reflection in her many eyes.
You thrust harder and harder, the two of you moving in sync as you feel yourself getting closer and closer.

"I'm so close... I need you... I need you to cum inside me..." She whispers into your ear.
You manage to find the strength for small smirk, knowing that your new mark has you covered.
"I trust you... I trust you... I love you..." She moans, kissing you deeply as you begin to thrust harder and faster, before you finally release yourself deep inside her.
"Aaah! Yes! I feel it! I feel your love!" She moans, her legs squeezing around your waist as her embrace reaches its peak. Your legs are completely tied together with silk, the rest of her web ensuring you're snuggled tight against her.
"I need... I need you... Just hold me... Aaah!" She moans, her many eyes rolling back into her head as she climaxes against you.
You hold her tightly, trying to keep yourself together as her entire body begins to shudder. You can feel every inch of her body ripple and convulse against you, and the heat is almost too much to take. You manage to hold on for dear life, and soon the waves of pleasure begin to subside.
Charlotte squeezes you tightly as her hands wander up and down your torso in post-climax bliss. "So good... So good... All of you... So good..." she pants.
"You're amazing..." You whisper.
"Thank you... Mmmm..." She says, cuddling up against you. "Just stay here with me... Forget the world... Just you and me..."
You manage to nod your head in agreement, as the two of you fall asleep together, with her many legs wrapped around you.

Pub: 04 Oct 2020 17:55 UTC
Views: 264