Be Anon

Trudging through the Siberian mountains

Your weak legs carry you through the thick layer of snow

Your face feels numb from the bitter cold

You’re struggling to carry your heavy backpack

Worse yet, your clothes have gotten wet, adding onto your already bad predicament

Your shivering only grows more intense as you power through the rough terrain

As you’re walking, your foot catches onto something underneath the snow, causing you to fall into the snow face first
You try to get up, but you find yourself unable to move your arms or legs

You’re completely out of energy

You lie there shivering in the snow, with no one else around for miles

That’s when it hits you, you’re about to freeze to death

You think about your friends, your family as you begin to feel lightheaded

It isn’t long before your world goes dark, and you pass out

You wake up, but you’re not on the snowy mountains anymore

You take a moment to look around and gather your surroundings

You’re in a cave, stalactites hang from the ceiling

A fire sits in front of you, and you’re covered in something soft and furry

That’s when you notice you don’t have any clothes on

”Oh, you’re awake~!” a sweet feminine voice says

You turn your head to the right to face your newfound host, and your jaw drops open

A tall and large tiger stands next to you, her body is white wreathed in black stripes

She’s completely naked, her large breasts resemble hanging fruits

Her wide hips are out in full display, with her lower lips in between her legs

You quickly cover your manhood to hide your growing erection

”You’re lucky I found you, you would’ve frozen to death out there!” The tiger chides as she makes her way towards you

You grab the blanket and instinctively back away from the approaching tiger

”Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you.” She brushes off your anxiety with a smile as she looms over you, she’s at least ten feet tall

She takes a seat next to you, bringing a hand to your head and slowly stroking your hair

Her touch makes you shiver

”Aww, poor human. Are you still cold?” Her muzzle forms a frown. “Here, let me warm you up.”

The tiger lays on her side and wraps her paw around your back, pulling you in for a hug

You try backing away, but she keeps a firm grip on you, bringing your face into the valley in between her breasts

Her paw slowly rubs the back of your head

“What’s your name?”


Your response is muffled, it’s hard to speak with chest fluff in your mouth

”I’m Mila.” The big tiger purrs as she continues rubbing your head

You have to admit, this feels very nice

Her breasts are very soft, they lightly squeeze in on your head

And Mila’s touch is very relaxing

She keeps you there for a while before finally letting go

Her paw comes to rest on your cheek, and she hums

”Your face is cold. Would you like me to warm it up for you?”

You don’t think your face is cold, but you nod anyway

”Okay, just lie back for me.” Mila backs away and gets on her feet

You’re taken aback when Mila turns around, showing off her massive rump to you

You stay completely still, not because you’re following her command, but because you’re taking in every detail of her ass

It grows ever closer to you as she gets on her knees, her ass now inches away from your face

”Tap twice when you need air, okay?” Mila wiggles her butt side to side, making those cheeks wobble and clap against each other

You raise a hand and touch one of her cheeks, letting it sink into the furry flab

”Eager, aren’t we?” Mila chuckles when she feels you groping her

Then, without further warning, Mila drops her ass on your face, smothering you in darkness

Her ass feels incredible, it’s like two warm fluffy pillows mashing against your head

Mila grinds and shifts on top of you in an effort to get comfortable

You move your head around to get lost further in her butt, but not before planting a kiss on one of her cheeks

You wanted to show your appreciation to your newfound savior

The tiger happily hums at your gratitude, and she softly bounces on top of you

Time becomes meaningless as you bask in her warmth

Maybe you’ll stay with her

Pub: 04 Jan 2025 23:36 UTC
Views: 133