message from mar updated umm 5/30/24

HI hello um i just wanted to say thank u to my friends
even if i don't know you all well, you still mean a lot to me.. UHHH im not good with words

thank you mamasaveme
close friend server EVERYONE IN THERE IS AMAZING!!!

thank you spaaace for
being out of this world (ill stop with the puns)

thank you yurination for
my close friend groupchat I LOVE YOU

special words to peolpe :thumbsup: (not by importance btw)

HI we dont talk a lot anymore because we're both busy but u mean so much to me so thank you love you /p ARGRHHRH (pls talk to me abt httyd)

hellaauuuu i loveee the tiktoks you send me and when we sit together in ponytown and all that jazz and i like your voice from what i remember we should call again sometime bffs

bear (al)
care bear hello big brother. i actually used to be terrified of you. like genuinely but youre such a kind person please remember to treat yourself with donuts every now and then. and eat steak.

sssssssnnnaaAAAke psssss ssss i used to be really scared of you too but youre relatable and funny i also like your art ough

candy (molly)
pspsps i bring you cat drawing offerings i love you please remember to take care of yourself and always reach out to me if you need help

hellau ts been a year since we met (?) and im so glad because hanging out w you is fun!!

You are FUNNY sometimes i see a message from you and i just burst out laughing.. also interesting twitch username.

cor (dion)
salutations sir im so glad i tamed your horse you were like a christmas present LOL good friend, good good friend that henryk drawing will be remade

waves i used to be a little intimidated by you but once i found out you were stupid (joke) you earned my respect also good good friend, you're funny

we should talk.. i am not si scared of you. maybe just socially awkward.

second friendship that made it past the obsession phase i love you please go outside and make friends (lightheartedly)

dont be scared of me. we should talk more i really like your naibeli art PLS PLS PLS

we should talk more as well... i dont message you much but im always looking out to see if something is wrong.. im here for u!!

my son.. my child.. my kpop idol. simon cowell. Thank you for being with me through the good and bad.. and the.. um odd phases HAHA i will always be your loving julie brett mother, I will always be your mother kyae. almost 2 years since we met!!! Also u dont suck at fortnite stfu boy.
(august 14th 2022??)

Pub: 25 Feb 2024 19:31 UTC
Edit: 30 May 2024 17:11 UTC
Views: 310