Shinji’s fate part 2
The weightgain drive

Shinji woke up laying on his side, he was being spooned by Kaworu whom had his hands on shinji’s belly. He had grown softer after sleeping off today's breakfast, now he weighed 175 pounds with some of that padding distributed all over. His butt and belly got most of it, no wonder Haworu fell asleep holding it. Shinji's stomach growled causing Kaworu to stir in his sleep, shinji found himself wanting to eat but didn't want to wake his boyfriend. Alas his stomach would continue rumbling as Kaworu had been overfeeding him and training his body to be hungry whenever he wasn't fed. The grubbling would eventually wake Kaworu.
“Mmm yawn Shinji, are you hungry?” Shinji would grumble before answering “mmhm I.. I'm hungry Kaworu kun, could you make lunch?” Kaworu would smirk “No …actually I want to take you out to a restaurant today, you deserve a nice night on the town.” Shinji rolled over and hugged Kaworu. “Thank you kaworu, I love you so much!” he’d kiss Kaworu on the lips, Kaworu chuckled “Oh I love you too shinji, now let's get dressed so we can go out.” The two would get out of bed and get themselves ready for the day. Shinji would put on a crop top and some pants, the pants didn't used to feel so small on him. Shinji's belly pudge is clearly visible with his midriff exposed. Kaworu would dress as usual, his yellow crop top underneath casual clothes, black pants and a short sleeve button up shirt.
Kaworu would lead Shinji out to the car, open the passenger door for him and then get into the driver's seat and take off for a buffet he quite liked. “Hope you're hungry, shinji, because we're going to a buffet I think you'll love.” Shinji touched his own belly fat and squirmed in his seat knowing Kaworu was going to make him stuff himself till he was sore. “Thanks Kaworu, you're always so sweet to me.” the car would come to a stop as they arrived. It was an international buffet specializing in American food. Shinji got out of the car with Kaworu and walked to the entrance. Kaworu would squeeze Shinji's plump butt through his pants as they walked in, forcing Shinji to blush.
Kaworu would lead him in and pay up front for their meal. He’d pick a table in the corner before leading Shinji around, practically picking out his food for him. “Oh Shinji, I think you should try a few of those burgers… and maybe some fried chicken with couple fresh corn dogs.'' Shinji would take everything Kaworu pointed out filling his plate with a greasy pile of food. Kaworu would end up filling his own plate but not nearly as much as Shinji's plate. The two would sit down, Kaworu down with Shinji in the same booth. Shinji himself would immediately begin eating as hungry as he was. He took a big bite, about a quarter of his first burger. Kaworu would encouragely rub Shinji's stomach and Shinji would speed up and down his burgers within a few minutes.
Kaworu would give Shinji's gut a forceful pat, causing him to burp. “BWOOORP uh-e excuse me!” kaworu gave a little smirk and another pat on the gut before lifting a bite of boneless fried chicken to his lips. Shinji would hesitate before biting down, chewing and swallowing, Shinji would speed up practically devouring everything fed to him by Kaworu. His belly swelling, kaworu would give it a firm rub causing shinji to release a rather stinky BBBRaaAPPPp. “Ah sorry!” Shinji looked around as kaworu laughed still feeding him “Haha its alright shinji, your here to enjoy yourself,”
Truthfully Shinji was getting really full but he wouldn't say it, his belly would however look bloated, his stomach stuck out touching his lap as Kaworu's hand stroked it. It didn't help that people were now starting to stare at them, judging Shinji as a gluttonous slob and Kaworu as his enabler. Shinji would blush in response to the embarrassment now trying to focus on Kaworu and his food to avoid the shame of his swollen gut sticking out of his croptop resting on his lap.”ready for the corndogs Shinji?” Shinji would let out a little whine before nodding. Kaworu would proceed to put the tip of the foodstuff to shinji's lips in a sensual manner before shinji would take a bite with his lips wrapped around the foodstuff. Shinji finished the corndog and relaxed, causing him to let out another shameful BBBRApppAPPPp. “Kaworu kun, can we go home? I've finished my plate, it was delicious.” Kaworu smiled and helped him up.
“We can go home Shinji, you did wonderful, how about we go relax together.” Kaworu stood up letting Shinji out of the booth, it seemed that he was a little bloated too. He had been eating the whole time he fed Shinji. Kaworu would lead Shinji back out to the car and drive them home. Arriving Kaworu opened the door for Shinji who would sit down on the couch exhausted from his stuffing session, with Kaworu sitting next to him he’d fall asleep leaning on Kaworu’s shoulder.

Pub: 08 Jan 2023 20:43 UTC
Views: 592